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Conventions. What are conventions??? Why do we use conventions???. What are the conventions of the school lunchroom?. Purpose of conventions is to guide the reader through the writing and make the ideas readable. Conventions. Listen With a partner, add punctuation marks - ! ? , .
Conventions What are conventions??? Why do we use conventions???
What are the conventions of the school lunchroom? Purpose of conventions is to guide the reader through the writing and make the ideas readable Conventions
Listen With a partner, add punctuation marks - ! ? , . Listen again Revise if you’d like Read aloud with your partner Listen to this story and…
Conventions Lesson: Yo! Yes? Yo! Yes? Hey! Who? You! Me? Yes, you. Oh. What’s up? Not much. Why? No fun. Oh? No friends. Oh! Yes. Look! Hmmmm? Me! You? Yes, me! You! Well? Well. ? Yes! Yo! Yes! Yow!
5 – I made so few errors, it would be a snap getting this ready to publish! • Spelling to knock your socks off. • Great punctuation guides you through the text. • Capitals are in the rights places. • You won’t be distracted by incorrect grammar or usage. • Paragraphs are indented (or spaced) and in the right places. • This piece is VERY close to being ready to publish.
3 – Some bothersome mistakes show up when I read carefully. • Spelling’s correct on SIMPLE words. • Yeah, you might stumble over my innovative punctuation. • Capitals are mostly there. • I attempted paragraphing, although it may not have been done correctly. • Grammar’s O.K., though not award-winning. • Moderate editing is still needed to get this ready to publish.
1 – Read once to decode, than again for meaning. • Look out for spelling mistakes • Punctuation errors make the going tough. • I’ve forgotten some CAPS – others aren’t needed. • Errors in grammar and usage affect meaning. • This piece needs extensive editing.
The Wheelchair • There is a girl named Sally. She is playing soccer with her friends. There names are Mary, Sue and Shane. Sally tried to kick the soccer ball but she missed the soccer ball. Sally kicked a gigantic rock. Sally had to go to the hospital. Sally got a wheelchair. Two years later Sally got out of the wheelchair. Sally went to go ice skating. Sally went home. Sally got her wheelchair out of the bedroom. Six years later Sally got out of the wheelchair. Sally went to the pet store. She bought a cat. Sally walked home with the cat. When she got home. The cat saw a bird up in a tree. The cat ran up in the tree. Sally climbed the tree. She got the cat. She didn’t fall down. The End
Rainy day • A rainy Day. I say it�s fun when you think of same: games to play. Like I play Hands Down and I play girl talk. Whith my sister. I play Hands Down whith my family it�s fun to play Hands Down. When it�s a raiy Day. A rainy Day. Do not have to be boring. It can be fun. you can play Games and if you can play hide in sink. That�s fun to play on rainy Days. Games like Hands Down and talk. Are games that you can play on a riany Day. Rainy days are so fun sametimes rainy are not fun when it�s a rainy Day. I play games. Games are not boring. Games are fun to play on a rainy Days.
Does Healthy Food Sound Disgusting? • Does healthy foods sound disgusting? Well, they are not. Some fruits and vegatables are very tasty. There are carrots, corn, celery, potatoes, tomatoes, and lettuce, Grapes, apples, oranges, strawberries, peaches, and plums are good too. Yet fruits and vegatables aren’t the only health food. Breads such as muffins, bagels, loaves, rolls, waffles, and pancakes are good for you too. Meats and meat alternatives such as nuts, chicken, eggs, and fish are wholesome for you. Dairy products are immensely healthy for you. It’s still okay to eat ice cream and cake, but don’t eat them so often. Why should you eat healthy food? The problem is that if you eat junk food, you’re eating food you don’t need. Another thing that happens is that you can get very fat, but if you eat healthy food you won’t get fat very easily and get more energy. If you will be less popular, tell your friends that eating right is much better. To make sure you don’t go from cookies to carrot sticks too fast, here is a process to eat right. For breakfast some toast, eggs, fruit, milk, juice, and cereal. Donuts are not a good choice. At school for lunch juice or milk, sandwiches and a dessert is preferable. Candy, cookies, and soda isn’t the best thing. For snacks I recommend crackers, fruit vegatables, toast, maybe even dinner leftovers instead of cookies and milk. And of course at dinner try to eat everything your parents give you. If that doesn’t sound satisfying, I’ll give you a tip. Just because you choose to eat healthy food doesn’t mean you have to be a health nut. I mean I eat healthy food, but I also eat junk food. Just don’t eat so much junk food because if you do, you may have problems, so you may have a hard time making the transition by overdoing it and pushing yourself to be as think as a wire. Yet you can stop becoming a junk food addict and start eating healthy food, so if you want to stop being a junk food addict and eat healthy food then start eating right. The End.
The special people in orgon • I have 3 special people in orgon. One of them is my cuson. He plays huoge water baloon fights with me. His name is Aaron. Aaron and I play terifik games together like tag, hide and go seek, and basketball and he lives in orgon. My Grandma also lives in orgon. She has a supper nintedow that we play together and she has moovies to watch to. My aunt lives in orgon and she takes me plases like Inchanted villig. Her name is Cindy. I love the people in orgon.
Ruder • If I had to choose something I would like to keep forever I would choose my dog Ruder. Ruder is a German Shepherd. His eyes are green and his tail is long. Ruder is a beautifil dog. Ruder is kind of a brown black gray color. Ruder is an excellent watchdog. Ruder plays with me when I’m bored, he’s fun. I like Ruder better than my stuffed animals, my dolls and all that kind of stuff. Ruder can be bad and make mistakes but he’s still the best dog in the world to me. Ruder is fun to play catch and stuff like that. Ruder likes to lay right by your bed at night, sometimes it makes me to go sleep just thinking he’s there. If I didn’t have Ruder I wouldn’t die or anything I’d just be lonely. I have friends but Ruder is better than all of them.
With respect to conventions I need to… • Read both silently & aloud to make sure I caught all my errors. • Hear the punctuation in my head. • Look up any words I do not know how to spell. • Include enough paragraphs to make the copy look good and show the reader how the piece is organized. • Make sure the text is readable – clear fonts, margins, good handwriting • Be sure conventions show the reader how to read the text wide
Conventions • Did you read your paper over? Silently? Aloud? • Did you hold a ruler under each line so you could catch everything? • What do you feel sure about? • Spelling • Capitals • Punctuation • Paragraphing • Grammar
For spelling: Read backwards Spelling cue Vacuum You find a word and a cue to help you remember For capital letters and punctuation Capital letter walk with a partner Read your writing. Both partners stop when there should be a period or end punctuation.. Take a step for capital letter. Editing
Write about… • Write a paragraph about something you did last night. • Remember: • Be sure it’s a seed idea, something small • Be sure you have a variety of sentences. • Organize your writing within each paragraph. • Choose precise words. • Let’s use the conventions rubric to assess.