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MINDJOG 9/8. Foil: 1) (3+2x)(2x+3) 2) (3 – 2x) 2. MINDJOG 9/9. Simplify: √-72/180 Find f and g so that (2f + 3g) + (5f – 2g)i = 13 + 4i. OBJECTIVE. Students will learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers. TERMS. Imaginary unit: negative number inside a radical

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MINDJOG 9/8 Foil: 1) (3+2x)(2x+3) 2) (3 – 2x)2

  2. MINDJOG 9/9 Simplify: √-72/180 Find f and g so that (2f + 3g) + (5f – 2g)i = 13 + 4i

  3. OBJECTIVE • Students will learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers

  4. TERMS • Imaginary unit: negative number inside a radical • Complex Number: a + bi, a is the real part, b is the imaginary part

  5. NOTES • i = √-1 • i2 = -1 • i3 = -i • i4 = 1

  6. ADDITION/SUBTRACTION • Add real #’s, add imaginary #’s • (3+4i)+(6-7i) • (3+4i)-(6-7i)

  7. MULTIPLICATION • FOIL • (3+4i)(6-7i) • (3+4i)2

  8. DIVISION • No i’s in denominator • Multiply by conjugate • (3+4i) (6-7i)

  9. Simplify: (6 + 5i) + (-3 – 7i) (6 + 5i) - (-3 – 7i) (6 + 5i)(-3 – 7i) (6 + 5i)/(-3 – 7i)

  10. CLASSWORK Complex #’s Ditto

  11. HOMEWORK • Finish Ditto

  12. CLASSWORK (9/9) • Game Time (2nd sheet of Comp #’s Packet)

  13. SIMPLIFY (12 – 11i) + (4 – 9i)

  14. SIMPLIFY (4 + 11i)(-3 – i)

  15. SIMPLIFY (12 +6i) – (6 + 3i)

  16. SIMPLIFY (8 – 3i)2

  17. SIMPLIFY 3(4 + 5i) – 2(1 – i)


  19. SIMPLIFY -3i(3 – 2i)

  20. SIMPLIFY (16 + 23i) + (-16 + 29i) – (25 – i)



  23. SIMPLIFY (5 + 2i)3

  24. SIMPLIFY Find p and q so that (5p – q) + (2q + 4p)i = 36 + 26i


  26. HOMEWORK (9/9) • p. 109 #’s 38 – 68, 84 – 94, even

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