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Coordination Progress & Plan 18 Months Ahead

Detailed overview of project coordination status, financial management, and upcoming actions for the next 18 months. Includes updates on management activities, financial validations, website improvements, and collaboration plans with stakeholders. The document outlines areas for enhancement in research, innovation, monitoring, and dissemination efforts. It highlights the importance of staying on track and preparing for future meetings and reports.

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Coordination Progress & Plan 18 Months Ahead

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  1. WP0.1 (international coordination) State of progress & Plan (next 18 months) Milan- 6th technical session-27th October 2008 Raphaëlle Gauthier Project coordination, Hespul Email : raphaelle.gauthier@hespul.org

  2. WP0.1 : State of progress (1/2)(27th/Oct/2008) • Management activities • Continuous overall management + updating RENAISSANCE website • Preparation/overview & follow-up of Zaragoza & Milan RENAISSANCE technical & PSG sessions • Work with ConcertoPlus on dissemination activities (updated common brochure-Workshop) • Follow-up/Management of the 2 new local coordinators in Lyon/ZAR • Follow-up of ECODES’ withdrawal • Follow-up UdZ financial transfer and task descriptions • Follow-up of Lombardy “statute” discussion + modification budget • Launch of discussion with DG TREN on the delay issue in Lyon (due to delay in construction work)

  3. WP0.1 : State of progress (2/2)(27th/Oct./2008) • Financial & administrative activities • Follow-up on the Validation process of Year 2 Annual Reports • Technical validation done (Summer 2008) • Validation of Amendment 2 done (waiting for confirmation) • Financial validation still on track (by should be done quickly- Year 2 financial correction doc. sent the 24th Oct. 2008 !) • Management & follow-up of “Control Desk” Year 1 Financial Audit • Preparation of Annual Reports- Year 3 • Production of documentations, on methodology to follow, a calendar of production, guidelines for reporting towards partners & local coord. • Preparation of Amendment III (Annex I) • Launch of technical/financial discussions with DG TREN & UdZ/LOM

  4. WP0.1 : next 18 months (27th/Oct./2008) • Keeping the whole project on track !! …while : • Preparation & finalisation of Amendment n°3 of the contract (Annex I) • Preparation & finalisation of Year 3 Annual Reports • Strengthening the Management activities/ overview/ functioning - with a specific focus on ZAR/LOM • Management & Follow-up of the EC Grant distribution process (with Grand Lyon collaboration) • Updating and improving the RENAISSANCE Website (www.renaissance-project.eu) • Preparation of 7th & 8th RENAISSANCE meetings (Spring -LYON/Autumn-ZAR 2009) • Preparation of YEAR 4 Annual Reports (!) ….with YOU ALL ;-)

  5. RENAISSANCE LYONWP Progress and PlansWP 0.2: National Management Malorie CLERMONT Local coordination & Hespul

  6. WP 0.2: National Management WP 1: Research, Technological and Innovation Development WP 1,1: GL : finished this year WP 1,3: ALE: SRC study, technical and juridical assistance WP 1,4: SPLA WP 1,5: Hespul: ConcertoPlus matrix, Local action plan WP 2: Monitoring and Analysis WP 2,1: Hespul : impact of the PV on the electrical distribution networks WP 2,2: Enertech: detailed monitoring WP 2,3: INSA-CETHIL: localised monitoring WP 3: Demonstration WP 3,2,1 & 3,2,2 : SPLA WP 4: Dissemination and Promotion WP 4,1 & 4,2: GL WP 5: Training WP 5,1 & 5,2: ALE 5

  7. WP 0.2: National Management State of progress year 3: 6 last months - CSG 11/09/2008 • WP 1.5: step 1 • WP 5: training sessions - Delay in demonstration site / Concerto contract - WP 4: dissemination protocole • Transversal meetings: • socio-economic activities • monitoring • training + site visits - Progress report Year 3: should be finalized in time 6

  8. WP 0.2: National Management Analysis of progress • only 1 CSG since the last PSG => 3 for Year 3. 4 CSG/year: good deal • transversal meetings : • less meetings with developers (compared with Year1) • Delays of construction (WP 3) => impact on others WP such as WP2 and WP 1.5, WP4, WP5 7

  9. WP 0.2: National Management Plans for the next 18 months • Transversal meetings • Dissemination (WP 4) • Socio-economic activities • CSG: 4? • Next PSG in Lyon 8

  10. WP 0.2: National Management WP 1: Research, Technological and Innovation Development WP 1,3: ALE: work on ESCo (Hespul) WP 1,4: SPLA: study on the impacts of the Concerto programme in social housing WP 1,5: Hespul: to finish step 2, to begin step 3 WP 2: Monitoring and Analysis WP 2,1: Hespul : impact of the PV on the electrical distribution networks WP 2,2: Enertech: detailed monitoring WP 2,3: INSA-CETHIL: localised monitoring WP 3: Demonstration WP 3,2,1 & 3,2,2 : SPLA WP 4: Dissemination and Promotion WP 4,1 & 4,2: GL WP 5: Training WP 5,2: ALE 9

  11. ENERTECH Contact Malorie CLERMONT Tel: +33 (0)4 37 47 80 90 malorie.clermont@hespul.org 10

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