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Coordination MOA. Memorandum of Agreement signed by eight State Government AgenciesBudget and Control BoardCommerceHealth and Environmental ControlForestryNatural ResourcesProbation, Parole and Pardon ServicesRevenueTransportation. . Coordination MOA. Additional Voting MemberChairman, Stat
1. Update on State GIS Coordination S.C. Arc Users Conference,
Charleston, South Carolina
January 22, 2007
James D. Scurry
S.C. Department of Natural Resources
2. Coordination MOA Memorandum of Agreement signed by eight State Government Agencies
Budget and Control Board
Health and Environmental Control
Natural Resources
Probation, Parole and Pardon Services
3. Coordination MOA Additional Voting Member
Chairman, State Mapping Advisory Committee
Ex-officio members (non-voting)
State Chief Information Office
U.S. Geological Survey State Liaison
4. Coordination MOA Responsibilities of GIS Coordination Council
Establish a shared vision for GIS implementation in South Carolina.
Coordinate enterprise-level planning and implementation of strategic GIS initiatives where it does not conflict with the mandated mission of the member agencies.
Identify data custodianship and management and work to resolve associated issues.
Identify redundant data and establish the process to eliminate the generation and storage of redundant data.
5. Coordination MOA Responsibilities of GIS Coordination Council
Establish standards and acceptance criteria for data collection, modification and use that do not conflict with mandated member agency missions.
Establish standards for the capture and documentation of metadata.
Facilitate public access to data through a state GIS portal.
Establish a mechanism for funding the activities of the Council.
6. Coordination MOA Responsibilities of GIS Coordination Council
Establish, fund and supervise a GIS Coordinator position for the State.
Promote legislative, congressional, grant and other initiatives to fund critical GIS activities in South Carolina.
7. Coordination MOA Liability
No party shall be liable for any claims, demands, expenses, liabilities and losses (including reasonable attorneys fees) which may arise out of any acts or failures to act by any party, its employee or agents, in connection with the performance of services pursuant to this agreement.
Subject to the provisions contained below, this agreement may be terminated by any party providing written notice of that intent to the Council thirty (30) days in advance.
8. Coordination MOA Limitations on Sharing and Disclosing Information
The member agencies acknowledge and agree that certain types of data and information collected and utilized by the agencies may be protected from disclosure or subject to restrictions on disclosure, pursuant to state and federal law. To the extent required by law, this data and information shall be exempt from the provisions of this MOA regarding sharing between member agencies, or disclosure to other state, federal and local governments and to the public. The member agencies also acknowledge and agree that certain data and information sharing is controlled by specific contractual relationships between the member agencies, not by provisions of this MOA.
Data and information that may compromise the security, identity, or privacy of citizens of South Carolina is exempt from disclosure under this MOA. The S. C. Freedom of Information Act protects information of a personal nature such that public disclosure would constitute an unreasonable invasion of privacy. The Family Privacy Protection Act places additional limitations on the disclosure of personal information. Protected Health Information that identifies an individual generally cannot be disclosed unless properly authorized by the client or his/her legal representative, or pursuant to a specific exception under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Privacy Rule, 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164.)
9. Coordination Council Composition Voting Members
Agency Directors, Commissioners or Chiefs of Staff
Assisted by designated GIS Technical Staff
Chairman of State Mapping Advisory Committee
Composition - Ex Officio (non-voting)
Deputy Director of Chief Information Office
U.S. Geological Survey State Liaison
Other federal agency liaisons (as appropriate)
10. Coordination Council First meeting convened on October 30, 2006 at Dept. of Health & Environmental Control
Presentation on National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) Fifty States Initiative
Presentation on GIS Coordination experiences in North Carolina
Discussion of goals and objectives
Agreed to establish and fund a GIS Coordinator Position
11. GIS Coordinator Supervised by Coordination Council
Housed at the Department of Natural Resources
Funding provided by eight MOA agencies
Salary & fringe ($70,000 - $80,000 hiring range)
Operating expenses (Supplies, travel, memberships)
Office space, vehicle, telephone, technology, web and administrative/secretarial support provided by the Department of Natural Resources
12. GIS Coordinator Job Duties & Responsibilities
Direct and facilitate the coordination of GIS activities among state agencies. Recruit other state agencies to the statewide GIS coordination efforts. Work jointly with state agencies and Geographic Information Council to seek funding for Statewide GIS efforts from both the State and Federal levels. Be an advocate and an expert for GIS.
Develop relationships with state, federal, county, municipal and other entities in order to establish statewide GIS network. Establish and promote data sharing agreements among state, federal, county, municipal and other government entities. Lead and facilitate data standards and best management practices in the GIS arena.
13. GIS Coordinator Job Duties & Responsibilities
Develop and establish strategic directions/initiatives for enterprise geographic information systems. Develop a comprehensive statewide GIS Strategic Plan.
Develop a comprehensive public relations campaign for promoting the statewide GIS iniatives to include web site, outreach materials, attending trade shows and presentations about GIS at all levels of government. Develop reports and presentations documenting the status of GIS initiatives in SC. Develop an annual GIS report on the accomplishments and status of the statewide GIS initiative.
14. GIS Coordinator Job Duties & Responsibilities
Direct activities of various technical advisory subcommittees of the Coordination Council. Ensure subcommittees have clear direction and understanding of the mission of the GIS statewide initiative. Provide leadership and technical advice to subcommittees.
Direct and facilitate coordination of GIS activities between the State of South Carolina, the federal government and other relevant organizations. Maintain comprehensive knowledge of applicable federal and state laws and regulations regarding GIS in general. Determine availability of funds at all levels of government and apply for funding as appropriate.
15. GIS Coordinator
Advertised 12/16/2006 on state jobs page www.dnr.sc.gov as Program Manager II (sub-titled GIS Coordinator). Vacancy #: P000048422.
Will be advertised on Jobs in GIS and other on-line job services web sites by February 1.
Will remain open until filled.
16. Questions?