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Akal Drug De-Addiction Center giving treating patients with high success rate from more than 14 years. Affordable and highly effective treatment. The services of qualified and experienced staff comprising of Psychiatrists, Doctors, Psychologists, Counselorsu2019, Nurses, Pharmacists, Health Workers etc. are at all available here.
REGD.OFFICE THE KALGIDHAR TRUST/SOCIETY - BARUSAHIB, Via Rajgarh. Distt. Sirmore, Himachal Pradesh-173101, India Tel: 91-1799 - 276031, 09816033303 Fax: 91-1799 -276041 NEW DELHI OFFICE: F-3, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027 Ph.: 91-11-42434243 (M)09810092292 U.S.A.: P.O. Box 2424, Poquoson, VA 23662-0424 U.S.A. Tel.:001-804-639-6507 E-mail: akalacademy@aol.com,sekhon@barusahib.org 581 Talia Circle, Fairview, Tx75069 Tel.: 972-908-2517 (R), 469-233-0170(M) E-mail:anjuchawla12@yahoo.com ENGLAND: 162 Great West Road, Hounslow, Middx. TW5 9WR (U.K.) Tel.: 0208-570-4424 Mob:07711-382621 CANADA: # 204 , 12639-80 AVE, SURREY, BC CANADA V3W 3A6 Tel.: 604 -780 - 7200 Fax: 1800-518-0740 E-mail:info@akalacademy.ca Enshrine. Educate.Empower The KalgidharTrust/Society www.barusahib.orginfo@barusahib.org
Aimtobeanenablerforthecreationof'highcaliber', globallydiversifiedstudentbase,nurturingall-round excellence, beyond academic dimension to produce tomorrow's value-based global citizens from the under-privilegedclasses To establish permanent peace in the world through value-based education and spiritual rejuvenation, creatinggoodglobalcitizens
History Sant Teja Singh Ji (1877-1965) MA, LLB, AM(Harvard) Sant Attar Singh Ji(1866-1927) Niranjan Singh Mehta, who came to be known as Sant Teja Singh Ji later on, was born on 14 May, 1877, in village Balowali ,Gujranwala, now in Pakistan. His father, Bhai Ralla Singh, was a doctor employedinCentralJail,Lahore. SantAttarSinghJi,themostwidelyknownandrespectedSaintinmoderntimes,wasborninvillage Cheema,oftheerstwhileJindState(nowindistrictSangrur,Punjab,India),on28March,1866. Sant Teja Singh Ji passed out with distinction in Post Graduate studies and followed it up with a degreeinlaw,andwenttoHarvardUniversity,USAforfurtherstudies. SantAttarSinghJi’svisioninadvocatingeducationofgirl-childandblendingworldlyeducationwith spirituality shows his foresightedness. Even a century back, he envisioned that mere scientific education would lead to destruction; and that an educated girl would result in the whole family beingeducated.Forthispurpose,hefirstsetupaschoolforgirlsin1906priortoaschool forboys andthenaDegreeCollegeatMastuana,Punjab. Atthecentreofhisworldwasanabidingrespectforhismentor,SantAttarSinghjianda beliefthat education has to holistically blend science with spiritual upliftment, in order to make the world a betterplacetolivein. Sant Teja Singh Ji founded The Kalgidhar Trust in 1963 in order to spread the message of universal brotherhoodbycombiningspiritualitywithmodernscientificeducation. He established a chain of schools and colleges and invariably participated in several educational conferencesmotivatingtheestablishmentofmanyschoolsandcolleges.Suchwashisgoodwilland popularity,asamessengerofUniversalBrotherhoodandOneness,thathewaspersonallyinvitedby Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya to lay the foundation-stone of the Banaras Hindu University on 24December, 1914. "Webelieveitispossibletoimpartqualityeducationtothestudentsofruralareas.Wewishtosee theirmindsinformed,disciplined,strengthened-infact,trainedinsomewhatthesamewayasper theteachingsofSriGuruNanakDevJiMaharaj,”declaredSantTejaSinghJi. 3 4
REACHING OUTTO THE UNDER PRIVILEGED ExecutiveSummary Way to establish permanentpeace TheKalgidharTrust/Society(TKT/S)isamultifaceted,notforprofitcharitableorganizationworkingfor the cause of promoting quality Education, Healthcare, Women empowerment, Social welfare,Rural economic uplift and Disaster response & rehabilitation to the deprived, in far-flung rural areas of North India. It has been instrumental in bringing about silent but sure reforms to uplift the socio- economic status of the rural poor in the areas covered. The rural areas of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, backward hilly areas of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab are being covered with 111 outstanding Schools affiliated or proposed to be affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Govt. of India, New Delhi. These Schools provide modern education to around 60,000studentsmostlyfromdeprivedsectionsoftheruralsociety. A growing need for higher education for women was felt, and Eternal University for Women was started in 2008 with Teachers Training, Nursing (State’s first), Engineering and Post-Graduation courses.Alsothefoundationstoneofit'ssecondUniversitywaslaidon14December2011atTalwandi Sabo,Punjab.AkalUniversitywouldestablishanInternationalcenterofcomparativeReligiousstudies asanintegralpartofit'scurriculum. ManyotherprogramslikeDe-addictionCenters(on animprovedpatternofAlcoholicsAnonymous), fullyequippedCharitableHospital,Orphanage,WomenCareCentreandSeniorCitizenCentrearealso run by the TKT/S. Training and employment of rural youth especially focused on Women Empowerment, through Teachers Training, Embroidery, Stitching and Office management with computersisthelatestadditiontotheseprograms. Themassurbanizationistakingatollontheruralmassesandthescaryresultsarealreadyshowingup inthewideninggapamongsttherichandpoor.Ignoranceandilliteracyintheruralfolks,compounded bythelackofhealth-careneeds,bringsabouthelplessnessintheirlives.TKT/S,havingidentifiedthese root causes, is methodically planning to take up the challenge of providing these services to the ruralpoor. The strategy is simple yet effective - 'Move away from urbanization', 'Provide value-based scientific education&spiritualuplift'-'Reachouttotheunderprivileged'withhealth-careneedsandcreatean industrialbasefortheireconomicdevelopment. Havingfelttheneedtoexpandthescopeofthisnoblecause,TKT/S planstoexpand and branchout into far-flung rural areas to set-up 100 more Schools within the next 3 years with assistance from worthydonorsandCharitableInstitutions. Remarkably, session 2008-11saw theadditionof89new schools. It is expected that a silent socio-economic uplift reform will result out of this sure-footed grass-rooteffort.The footprintsof'Eradicationofilliteracy&socialevils'wouldkeepongrowingand positivelytouchthelivesandfulfillneedsoftheruralpoorandthedeprived. 5 6
The Need Way to establish permanentpeace EDUCATION FOR THE RURALPOOR The situation in rural North India is alarming considering the followingfacts: From being at No. 1 amongst all states of India in terms of per capita income, Punjab has dropped to being the economically slowest growing state ofIndia. From being a front-runner, Punjab has dropped to No. 16 in terms of Literacy Rate amongst all states ofIndia. The school drop out rate is an alarming 48.10% up to Highschool. The per capita public spending on education by the state government is Rs. 525, while the per capita earning from sale of liquoralone is Rs. 820 and the per capita spending on liquor isRs. 2200. Punjab, the most prosperous sate in India, has been rated as BACKWARD in terms of value, indicating the current level of development in Literacy parameters by the PlanningCommission. An obvious impact is reflected in the fact that 1 out of 3 adults and 7 out of 10 college going students are now takingdrugs. An all time high of 1.47 million youth are unemployed inPunjab. The completely skewed sex ratio currently stands at 793 girls for every 1000 boys in thestate. Punjab has now become the No. 1 transit point foropium. There is a growing disparity in the education levels amongst the urban and rural masses and also the maleandfemalechildren.Unlessdrasticmeasuresaretakentoarrestthistrend,asocialcatastropheis intheoffing.ThefocusofTheKalgidharTrust/Societyistoreachouttothedeprivedmasses,whoare cocoonedinfar-flungruralareas,wheremoderneducationisatpremium.TKT/Sintendstointervene andmakeavailablevalue-basededucationinitsownsilentandhumbleway. Inancienttimes,IndiawasaleadingnationineducationwithInternationalUniversitieslikeNalanda& Texlaleadingtheway.Butdespitethis,Indiaishometotheworld'slargestilliterates.Indiaaccountsfor 20%oftheworld'sout-of-schoolchildrenandfor20%ofthegender-gapinelementaryeducation. Biasagainstwomenisreflectedinthedemographicratioofbelow800femalesper1000malesdueto rampant female infanticide. From childhood, girls suffer from active discrimination, resulting in malnutrition, lack of educational opportunity, low self-esteem and cyclical ill-health, which is compounded by early marriage and excessive child-bearing. Poverty, lack of awareness about health- care,combinedwithignoranceandsuperstition,resultinahighinfantandmaternalmortalityrate. Rural female children are being neglected by their own parents, as far as spending on education and nutrition is concerned. The very notion that the spending on education of girl will go waste because thegirlhastogotootherhomeaftermarriageandthuscannotbeassetoftheparentfamily,isstrongly embedded in the minds of the parents. The female child is always looked down as a liability by the parents and this is reflected in the last census figures of the gender ratio. In the absence of recent figures,itisestimatedthatthesituationhasworsenedtoadisappointingfigureof700girlsto1000boys inPunjab. 7 8
TheSolution Welcome to 'The Valley of DivinePeace' “Just as a tiny banyan seed grows into a huge tree, in the same way, this place will develop into a great center of spiritual education, where high quality scientific education will also be imparted.” Sant Teja Singh Ji's vision for BaruSahib AconcertedeffortneedstobeoperationalizedtoEducate,EnshrineandEmpowerruralIndia.Theruralyouth needstobebroughtbacktothemainstreamsothattheybecomeusefulcontributorstothegrowingeconomy andsocietyatlarge.AbankofgoodhumanmaterialthroughValue-basedEducationwouldsufficetoachieve thesegoalssilently.Urbansocietyneedstobesensitizedtotherequirementsoftheirruralbrethren.Alarge networkofAkalAcademywouldserveasafountain-headofa'RuralEducationRevolution'. Besides giving modern scientific education in its Academies (CBSE Schools), TKT/S lays more emphasis on value-basededucationofthechildren.Itisachievedbycombiningmoralvalueswithliteracy.Mereliteracyin anyfieldofeducationgivesbirthtoegoisticforceswhichcreatesselfishness,hatredandacomplexofpseudo superiority and intelligence, which leads to conflicts and wars thus robbing the wealth and values of the citizensandnations.Whilewalkingthepathofselflessnessanduniversalbrotherhoodbyrenderingselfless helptotheneedy,irrespectiveofcaste,creedandreligion,onereceivestheblessingsoftheAlmightyLordfor attainingDivinewisdomandsalvation.TheultimateaimofTKT/Sistoproducevirtuouspersons,whoareable toreachthelevelof'spiritualenlightenment'toestablishpermanentpeaceanduniversalbrotherhoodinthis world.Thestudents,havingimbibedthesevirtues,canbecometheleaders&torch-bearersforothersaswell; therebyhelpingeradicatesocialevilsamongsttheircontacts.Experiencetellsthat,onemorallyenlightened childcaninfluence30-35membersofthesociety. 9 10
TheImpact Way to establish permanentpeace Value-basedEducation Healthcare SocialWelfare WomenEmpowerment DisasterRelief 12
Value basedEducation AkalAcademy: The Kalgidhar Trust/Society has established 111 English Medium Schools named Akal Academy in remote, rural areas of North India.These schools were started with a strength of just 5 students in 1986, which now has grown to around 60,000 students. It is worth mentioning that these studentsbelongtotheneedysectionsofsocietyandtheservicesarespread outsothatthesechildrendonothavetotravellongdistancesforschooling. AkalCollegeofDivineMusic: AkalCollegeofDivineMusichasbeenset-upatBaruSahib,wherein500 underprivileged girls from rural background are provided education, spiritual & vocational training in music and other fields to ensure that whiletreadingthepathofspirituality,theycanindependentlyearntheir livelihood upon graduating. Their educational, medical, physical and dietary needs including board/lodging and clothing etc. are provided freeofcostbyTKT/S. • EternalUniversity: • ThefirstprivateUniversityintheinteriorHimalayanregionatBaruSahibwas established in April 2008, presently imparting value-based education in 24 streams, viz. Arts, Divine Music, Spiritual Sciences, Nursing, Engineeringand other fields of higher education. Emphasis has also been on Institutes of Naturopathy&Alternatemedicines,whicharetheneedoftheday.Graduates ofthisuniqueeducationalsystemwillnotonlybeexcellentinacademicsbut alsocarryhighmoralvalues.Theywillhaveloveforhumanity,compassionfor the weak and commitment for selfless service for mankind. In a way, the graduatesofEUwillworktowardsestablishingpermanentpeace&universal brotherhoodintheworldasenvisagedbythefoundingfathers. • AkalCollegeofEngineering&Technology: • Moving ahead in the field of higher education, ACETpromises to create ‘Better Engineers for Better Future’ with emphasis on academic excellence, communication skills and high moral Values. The performance has shown thatthestudents areachievingtoppositionsintheirstudies.Thefirstbatch (2007-2011) of graduating B. Tech. students secured 14 positions out of the top 20 in Himachal Pradesh. The students appeared in the specialties of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE), Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), Information Technology (IT) and Electronics & Communication Engineering(ECE). • AlltheGoldMedalsinthese4streamswerebaggedbythebrilliantstudentsof ACET. • Top8positionsoutof10inEEEwerealsobaggedbythestudentsof ACET. • Top5positions&positions8thand9thintheMeritListalsowenttothestudentsofCSE. • 5studentsfromITand4fromECEalsomadeittothemeritlist. • AkalCollegeofNursing(ACN): • The second centre of higher education under Eternal University started its academic session inOctober2008withB.Sc.Nursing,approvedbytheIndian Nursing Council. ACN stands to be the first Nursing College in the State of Himachal Pradesh. Affiliated to the Eternal University, ACN will train and provide necessary para-medical work-force; including Nurses, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Clinical Laboratory Technologists & Health-CareProfessionalsingeneral. Education&CulturalExchangeCamps: Every year TKT/S holds education and cultural exchange camps for youth from USA, Canada, UK and other European countries as also Australia, during months of July and August for imparting rich Indian cultural values and heritage including the system of value-based education.SimilarlystudentsofAkalAcademyalsovisitthesecountries forimbibingtheirdemocraticvaluesandlawsofdisciplineinletterand spiritandalsootheradvancedlearningtechniques. AkalTeacher’sTrainingInstitute: This unique program for elementary level teachers' training now has 1500ClassXIIgirlsbelongingtothelowerstrataofsocietyfromremote rural areas of Punjab, Haryana, UP and HP. They are given intensive traininginEnglishlanguageandcommunicationskills,modernteaching methodology and computer education. They are uplifted in spiritual concept, moral values and dedicated services to humanity with compassion and love, with a thought that teachers should be role modelsinallaspectsnotonlyforthestudentsbutforthesocietyalso. Everyyear,hundredsofgirlsfrombackwardruralareasareadmittedforimpartingsuchtrainingandemployingthem inschools,toensurethatthegirlchildshouldnotbeaburdenonsocietybutanearninghandnotonlyfortheparents but also for the society. These girls are initiated into higher education up to M.A., M.Sc. in the fields of Arts, MathematicsandvarioussciencesforqualifyingandtobeabsorbedasteachersinAkalAcademies.Thisprogramhas benefitted871ruralgirlstilldatebyemployingthemasteachersinourschools.Entireexpensesfortrainingincluding boarding&lodgingarebornebytheTKT/S. 13 14
15 16
Akal Academy Fatehgarh Ganduan Punjab Akal Academy Jand Sahib Punjab Akal Academy Baru Sahib HimachalPradesh Akal Academy Baru Sahib (Hindi Medium) HimachalPradesh Akal Academy Fatehgarh Channa Punjab Akal Academy Dhindsa Punjab 111Schools 60,000Students 24Streams 2 PrivateUniversities 1Mission Akal Academy Bilga Punjab Akal Academy Gomti (Hindi Medium)Punjab Akal Academy Cheema Punjab Akal Academy Cheema (Punjabi Medium)Punjab Akal Academy Mander Punjab Akal Academy Kauriwara Punjab Akal Academy Bharyal Lahri Punjab Akal Academy Ajitsar Ratia Haryana Akal Academy Muktsar Punjab Akal Academy Kajri UttarPradesh Akal Academy Bhai Desa Punjab Akal Academy Bhadaur Punjab Akal Academy Delhi NewDelhi 17 18
Healthcare Akal CharitableHospital: DrugDe-addiction: Through 3 De-Addiction centers being run at village Cheema, Jharon and Baru Sahib, The Kalgidhar Trust/Society aims to tackle this social malaise which ails our youth, who get addicted to various kinds of drugs, alcohol and narcotics from an early age. The AkalDe-addiction Centers help in eradicating vices among the rural folk and bringing down the crime rate, conflicts, litigations etc. among these sections. The alcohol-free movement being run on an improved pattern of the 'Alcoholics Anonymous-USA' is proving as a savior against marital discordsandexploitationofthewomenfolk. AkalCharitableHospitalisa280-bedfullyfunctionalhospitalwithallstate-of-the- artultra-modernmedicalfacilities.Itprovides medical caretothepoorpatients ofthisremote,farflungruralareasof backward Himalayanregion.Thishospital caters to the medical needs of patients covering an area of a radius of 100 Km. withabout300patientstreateddailyatitsOPD. In addition to the routine medical and surgical services, emergencies of all kinds are also attended. Akal CharitableHospital is the only hospital in the regionattending to the patients of snake-bite for which expensiveAntiveninisgiven. The patients and their attendants travelto AkalCharitableHospitalbybus,horseoron foot, undertaking quite long andarduous journeyondifficultterrainstogetrelieffromdeadly diseases completelyfreeof cost. In addition to the free medical check-ups and treatments; dental care, surgical procedures and post-operative medical care, all patients and their attendants receive free accommodation and meals, regardless of caste, creed, region, religionandsocialstatus. MedicalCamps: Inadditiontoroutineservices,generalmedicalcampsandOphthalmologiccampsareorganized5-6timesayear.These camps see specialists with various medical specializations from USA, Canada, UK, Jalandhar, Chandigarh, Ludhiana, DelhiandMumbaivolunteertheirservicestoprovidemuchneededmedicalinterventionforthedeprived.Morethan 2500 patients benefit from each of these camps, wherein services of super specialists are provided virtually at the doorstepsofthesepoorpeoplelivinginthisremoteHimalayanregion. Morethan100operationsarecarriedoutfreeofcostineachofthesecamps.IntricateSurgerieslikePlasticSurgeries, Hernia, hysterectomy, myringoplasty, cleft lip and cleft palate, skin grafting, contractures following burns, all kinds of generalsurgeriesandorthopedicsurgeriesareperformedinthese camps. Someoftheseoperationswouldcostmore than Rs. 50,000/-to Rs. 1Lakhiftheywereperformedinanyprivatehospitalinacity.NotonlyPatients,buttheirfamily attendantsareprovidedfreeboarding&lodgingduringthecamps. Thefollowingmethodologyisadoptedtotreatthepatientsinthede- addictioncenters: Seminars are conducted from time to time in different villages enlighteningtheyouthagainstdrug-addictionandalcoholism. Patientsareadmittedinthede-addictioncentres,inthebatchesof 45foradurationoftwomonthsormoreifrequired. The treatment is done through yoga sessions and daily meditation with emphasis on the focus towards spirituality. Apart fromearly morningandeveningspiritualsessions,threeadditionalspiritualsessionsareconductedduringthedaywhichgive themtheadditionalwill-poweranddetermination. Through counseling, the patients are enlightened against the evils of drug-addiction. This de-addiction centre is beingrununderthesupervisionofeminentdoctorsandspecialists with adequate para-medics, who volunteer their services for the centre. Totreatnewpatients,assistanceisalsotakenfrompersonsalready treated.Theyactaslivingexamplestonewpatientsinspiringothers torenouncealcoholanddrugs. Theentiretreatmentisdonefreeofchargeandthepatientsarealso providedfreecare,foodandlodging. This unique noble venture has produced remarkable results, having achievedasuccessrateof82%(1yearfollow-up)whichiswayabovethe maximumsuccess rateofabout42%reportedsofarintheinternationalsphere.Thesespectacularresultsaredueto the multidimensional approach at this centre. The patients, in addition to the usual treatment with medicines and psychotherapy,aremadetoparticipateinvoluntaryserviceatthespiritualcentre.Besidesthis,theymeditateonthe divinename.Thisgivesthemadditionalstrengthtofightthewithdrawalsymptomsandalsoconfidenceintheirown abilitiesthatbuildsuptheirselfesteem.
SocialWelfare CampaigntoControlHIV/AIDS HealthEducationCamps:TheKalgidharTrust/SocietyhaspitchedintohelpcontrolofHIV/Aidsinthestates of Punjab,HaryanaandHimachalPradesh.VolunteersoftheSociety alongwithstateDepartmentOfficials have organized AIDS awareness camps of high risk population at places where truck drivers stayovernight gratifyingresults.Attheendofthecamp,allparticipantswerethankfulfortheawarenesscreatedandtook anoathfornotriskingunsafesex. similarly, seminars were organized in all Akal Academies (Grade IX to XII) in which parents ofstudents also participated.AllstudentsandparentsvowedtomakeeffortstofightthemenaceofAIDSandpurgeitfrom thesociety. Book on AIDS: A widely acclaimed book entitled 'AIDS - How, When, Why' has been printed in Hindi and distributed free of cost among the people. This contains information in simple manner on every hidden aspect ofAIDS. SOCIALWELFARE Child WelfareCentre: The Kalgidhar Trust/Society runs an orphanage under the name 'Akal Child Welfare Foundation' at Baru Sahib, which looks after the needs of those unfortunate children, who have lost both their parents at an early age. These orphans, irrespective of their caste, creed, religion or region to which they belong, are provided all the facilities free of cost, enabling them to become responsible, honest,hardworkingcitizensandasourceofstrengthforthecountry. 800childrenbenefitfromthe AkalChildWelfareFoundation.Itlooksafteralltheirbasic needs including boarding, lodging, educational and health needs. These children are provided free education at Baru Sahib and other branches and are given the same facilitiesasotherstudentsoftheAcademy.Theyarewelltreatedbytheorganisation as well as the fellow students so that they don't develop any inferioritycomplex of beingorphans. 21 22
WomenEmpowerment AKAL ROZGAR YOJNA FOR WOMENEMPOWERMENT: TheKalgidharTrust/Societyhasinitiatedauniquesocio-economicempowermentprogramunderAkal RozgarYojna(ARY)forrural/needywomenandwidowsatBaruSahibandvillageCheema,benefitting 2500suchunfortunatewomen,whohavelosttheirhusbandsorhavebeendiscardedbytheirfamilies orareunabletoearn/desiretoearntheirlivelihood.ARYensuresalifeofhonorandtransformationfor thesewomenbyimpartingthemtraininginstitching,embroideryandhandworkskillsongarments. ThesevocationalcoursesareconductedbyskilledinstructorsateightARYcentresatdifferentplaces. Theirin-houserequirementsandmarketproductionsaretiedupwithexportersanddomestictraders togeneraterevenueandprofitsforthemenablingthemtoearnhandsomeincome.Immensechange has been seen in the confidence levels, self-respect and morale of these women, who till nowwere feelingneglectedordoingmenialjobs. PlansaretoreplicatetheARYprogrammanifoldsinalmostalltheruralareasofNorthIndiabyropingin own trained womenfolk as Course instructors on salaries thereby creating new avenues of employmentforthem. Around 2000 young matriculate girls have been picked up to undergo a 4-year graduation course in Teachers Training with all expenses being borne by the TKT/S. They are immediately given job opportunitiesongraduation. 23 24
DisasterRelief • DISASTER RELIEF ANDREHABILITATION • In October 2005, a major earthquake shook South Asia, affecting India in Kashmir. The quake devastatedthispicturesqueregion,andcastadarkshadowonthelivesofpeopleoftheseareas.In theearthquakeaffectedareas,almost95%ofthehouseswerecompletelyreducedtorubble.Scores of people were killed and thousands were rendered homeless and rootless, not knowing howthey wouldbegintheirlivesafresh.Childrenweretheworstaffectedbythedevastation. • The Kalgidhar Trust/Society mobilized its resources immediately, TKT/S volunteers rushed to the affectedareas.TheSocietywascommittedtoprovideallnecessaryhelpbeforetheonsetofwinter.15 villageswereadoptedintheworst-hitremoteareasandabudgetofRs.2.25croreswasearmarkedfor reliefwork. • This gigantic endeavor was spearheaded by TKT/S volunteers. Help in the form of building material, medicinesandfoodwasprovidedtothevillagersthroughthecamps runbytheSociety.IndianArmy alsohelpedTKT/Svolunteersindeliveringgoodstotheaffectedpeople.Relieftoearthquakevictims was provided irrespective of any caste, creed or religion, thus following the philosophy of universal brotherhoodasenunciatedintheSikhfaith.1850 houseswererebuiltbyNovember30,2005,along withseveralplacesofworshipofdifferentfaiths. • The Society's relief and rehabilitation efforts in South Asia earthquake have been acknowledged by Govt. of India's Ministry of Home Affairs in its Annual Report 2005-2006, as also by the media and NGOs. • After earthquake in October 2005, 15 villages were adopted in the worst-hit remote areas ofKashmir. • AbudgetofRs.2.25croreswasearmarkedforreliefwork. • Relieftoearthquakevictimswasprovidedirrespectiveofanycaste,creedorreligion. • 1850houseswererebuiltbyNovember30,2005 25 26
“All the creatures including human beings are children of the Divine Father. The religions follow different paths to strive for reaching the stage of Divinerealisation” - GuruNanak
TheOpportunities Prayer: Faith and prayer is the foundation of TKT/S. We cherish and desire your specific and ferventprayer. FinancialSupport: TKT/S offers numerous opportunities for supporting this strategic and vital mission. Financial partners, worthy benefactors, can support the TKT/S's rural programs with contributionsincashorkind. Service: TKT/S offers a variety of long-term and short-term service/volunteering opportunities. Technicians, Engineers, Doctors, Professsionals in IT, Administration, FinanceandobviouslyEducationareinvitedtocontributetheirtimeandtalents. 29 30
Volunteers EMINENT PERSONALITIES SERVING AS VOLUNTEERS TO THE KALGIDHARTRUST/SOCIETY U.S.A. ¤ Dr. M.S. Atwal, 15305 Riding Court Laure M.D. 20702. Contact: 301-362-5442. Ohio State Univ. : M.Sc. Biochemistry. Univ. of Illinois: Ph.D. (Medical Chemistry). Columbia Univ.: MBA (Exec.). John Hopkins Univ. : M.P.H. (Health Policy). Held senior faculty positions in research & teaching in various universities in theU.S. ¤ Dr. B.S. Sekhon, 12612 Buffalo Nickel Dr. Midlothian VA 23112. Contact:804-639-6507. M.Sc., Ph.D. (Univ. of Wisconsin), Retired as Professor from Jackson StateUniversity. ¤ Mr. Amar Singh Gill, 4 Lake View CT. Princeton Junction New Jersey08550. Contact: 609-799-7918 (R), 609-933-5557. Worked for 15 years with GEC as Electrical Engineer. Presently, a very successful businessman owning 30 GasStations. ¤ Mr. Jaspal Singh Sidhu, 10 Greenside Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89141. Contact: 702-658-4543 (R) 702-396-5114 (O) 702-429-7355 (M) Civil Engineer having successfulpractice. ¤ Mr. Bhupinder Singh, 192 Mohawk Drive, East Hart Ford, CT. Contact:860-233-6458, AeronauticalEngineer. ¤ Mrs. Anju Chawla, 581 Talia Circle, Fairview, Tx 75069 Contact: 469-233-0170 (M), 972-908-2517(R) England ¤ Mr. Rajinder Singh Rai, 37 Moorcroft Rd, Moseley, Birmingham B138LT. Contact: 121-449-3041 (R), 07778605187 (M). Industrialist and successfulbusinessman. ¤ Mr. Harkishan Singh, 36 Landsdowne Rd, Seven Kings IL Ford Essex IG3 8NF. Contact:208-590-9631 ¤ Mr. Ranbir Singh Attwal, Accountant & Regd. Auditor, 76-A, King Street, Southall, Middx. UB2 4DD. Contact:07711382621 Canada ¤ Harpreet Singh, Calgary. Contact:403-404-8000 ¤ Angrej Singh, Edmonton. Contact:780-461-1797 ¤ Chamkaur Singh, Winnipeg. Contact:204-990-4167 ¤ Ajit Singh, Toronto. Contact:416-854-5924 ¤ Surinderjit Singh, Abbotsford. Contact:604-807-5778 ¤ Ramandeep Singh, Vancouver. Contact:604-724-6070 Singapore ¤ Mr. Kartar Singh Thakral, Thakral Group of Companies, 20 Upper Circular Rd # 03-06 The River Walk Singapore 058416. Contact: 65-6337-4292, 65-6538-5000 (Fax). Industrialist and largeRealtor. NewZealand ¤ Mr. Piara Singh, 115 Glenmore Rd, Pakuraga, Auckland, NewZealand. Contact: 006490577-1345.Businessman Australia ¤ Mr. Gian Singh / Rajinder Singh, P.O. Box 85, Gordonvale Qld4865. Contact: 061-740-561245, 061-740-565379 (Fax). Large Plantation Sugarcane Farmer in Australia HongKong ¤ Mr. Kanwaljeet Singh 0795/18 Hongkong Park View 88 - Tai Tam Reservoir RD, Contact: 0852-25404137, 0852-90316148.Businessman. Phillippines ¤ Dr.DarshanSinghBrar,InternationalRiceResearchInstitute, P.O.Box933,Manila. Contact: 00632-8450606, 00632-8181926,00632-8911292. Germany ¤ Mr.JasbirSingh,LehrerKramerStr4,67585DornDurkheim,WestGermany.Businessman. Denmark ¤ Mr. Rashpal Singh Kalsi, 6 Egneborgvej, 2650 Hvidovre, Denmark. Contact:004535834950. Consular Development - Ministry of External Affairs,Denmark Holland ¤ Mr. Iqbal Singh, Rie Crammernof, 6-1321 LK Almere, Holland. Contact: 036 - 8449356, Businessman. 31 32
Achievements Students passed out from Akal Academies are today placed in the highest echelons of society such as IIT, IIM, foreign universities, MNCs,AirForcePilots,NDA(Military),Industrialists,Entrepreneursetc. Bringingruralyouthintothemainstream: While 56,240 students enrolled in professional courses in Punjab during2007-08,only2085werefromruralbackground. Today 368 rural students from Akal Academies are studying in foreignuniversities hemostamazingfactisthat600studentsfromPatialacitycome to T studyinthe3AkalAcademiesestablishedinsurroundingruralareas. All our Senior Secondary schools are toppers among all other SeniorSecondaryschoolsestablishedintheirrespectivedistricts. AkalCollegeofEngineeringandTechnology,BaruSahibisleading the way in Himachal Pradesh and tops among all 19 Engineering Colleges oftheState,havingproduced9GoldMedalists. Akal College of Nursing, Baru Sahib is rated as No. 1 among all NursingCollegesinHimachalPradesh,producingthreeGoldMedalists. Akal College of Divine Music and Spiritualism has produced worldfamous 32 piece all-string instruments orchestra performing onNationalandInternationalTVchannels. AkalHonoursSchoolinEconomicsisbeingdevelopedonthepattern of the world famous London School of Economics with two Gold Medalists. 33 34
Conclusion • OUR COMMITMENTTO THE FUTURE • A new chapter in the endeavor to produce better human resource, Akal Academy was started in 1986,withfivestudentswithgrowingstrengthandlateraffiliatedtoCBSEin1995.Nowthe 10+2 residentialAcademyatBaruSahibimpartsqualityeducationto1538studentsincludingstudents from16countriesoutofwhich200arefromUSA. • Inspired by this performance, the rural folks from Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh compellingly desired to establish similar Academies in under-privileged backward rural areas to provide value-based education in English medium schools besides in other Indian languages, in turn saving their children from the onslaught of alcohol and drug abuse. Accordingly 101 day-boarding (10+2) Akal Academies were established up to high-school level in rural Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh. Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh. In these Academies more than60,000 studentsarebeingimparted'RealEducation'fromLKGtoSeniorSecondarylevel. • Thetotalinfrastructureofalltheseinstitutionsisasbelow: • Coveredareaofaround38.57lakhsqft Landed property of around 730 acres Supportinginfra-structureandassets • DIRECTBENEFICIARIES • 60,000Students • 2,475Teachers/Professionals • 2,18,000Patients • 6450Orphansandotherpoorstudents • 200Senior Citizens • 1200Widowsandneedywomen • 1,740Addictsandtheirfamilies • 9,822EarthquakevictimsaffectedinKashmir • 18,00,000Populationinfluenced. FUTUREREQUIREMENTS 500Schoolsby2020benefitting8LakhStudents. Require800acresoflandandRs.1500Croreasinfrastructureexpenses. APPEAL Each seat for teaching one student in these schools costs Rs. 50,000 to establish, wherein for centuries to come, rural students can benefit immensely by getting value-based education thereby,weaningthemawayfromsocialevilslikedrugsandalcohol. 35 36