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TLINGIT INGENUITY & TECHNOLOGY. GOLDBELT HERITAGE FOUNDATION INVESTIGATING TLINGIT ECOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE. What does it take to thrive in Southeast Alaska?. Focused observation over generations Trust for inherited wisdom from ancestors Qualitative oral record Life-encompassing moral code

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  2. What does it take to thrive in Southeast Alaska? • Focused observation over generations • Trust for inherited wisdom from ancestors • Qualitative oral record • Life-encompassing moral code • Respect for the interconnectedness of everything (awareness of the metaphysical)

  3. What else? • Deep understanding of ecological conditions • bedrock geology • surficial geology & soils • climate • marine ecology & oceanography • vegetation • fish & marine invertebrates • wildlife • human relations • Ability to move great distances for trade, safety, and defense (navigation, transportation) • Fishing technology & gear • Food preservation

  4. Transportation • Southeast Alaska requires inter-coastal waterway travel in difficult conditions (low visibility, wave and wind variability) • Knowledge of the Interior navigation • Good relationships for trade, design of canoes came from Haida

  5. Understanding Boat Technology • PLANING BOATS • Bottom is a flat line to stern • At rest, uses hydrostatic lift (buoyancy) • At speed, uses hydrodynamic lift • Hull comes almost entirely out of water at high speeds • DRAFT AS SPEED • Powerboats need high power engine to overcome gravity to plane • DISPLACING BOATS • Hull below water, at high speed “appears trapped” behind a bow wave • Speed limited by waterline and displacement weight • Relies more on hydrostatic lift • Speed determined by distance between bow and stern waves • DRAFT AS SPEED • Higher resistance because bow is trying to climb waves while stern is being sucked back down by dynamic forces

  6. Are Tlingit canoes planing or displacing boats? • In this picture, huge amount of the hull is below the waterline (not able to be seen) • Displacing hull speed video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lffCqqluYI • Planing boat demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyME1EDreNg

  7. Specialized Features of Boat Hulls • Rocker • Forward flotation/extended forward floatation • Wave blocking devices • Bulbous bows and bow wave dispersion devices • C-shaped double ender

  8. Rockers • Flat bottom boats do not have rockers • In Southeast Alaska, the design is necessary to withstand the waves and wind

  9. Does the Chief Shake canoe have a rocker?

  10. In addition to rockers, many of these early engineering devices are seen in most boats today • Extended forward flotation devices • Wave dispersion devices • Large bulbous bows to draw boat up onto the wave

  11. Elsewhere in Alaska….

  12. Based on the shape, what are these boats used for? • Water-line length? • Rocker? • Forward bow flotation? • Bulbous bow structure?

  13. More influences on today’s technology • Tools • Adze • Halibut hooks • Food Preservation techniques: • Drying • Smoking • Oils • Fermentation

  14. Food Preservation • SMOKING: • Region-dependent wood use • Cottonwood in Chilkat region (Klukwan) • Alder throughout Southeast • Alder contains toxins that help eliminate bad bacteria during smoking process • Smoking also evaporates water (preventing growth of bacteria) • Aas Kwaani-the Tree People communicate with one another (evidence in oral narratives) • chemical communication between root systems • one alder will alert the grove to raise levels of toxins when deer are grazing nearby

  15. Food Preservation • DRYING: • Water removal inhibits growth of microorganisms (evaporation through sun or wind drying) • OIL AS A PRESERVATIVE: • Hooligan and seal oils were used to preserve fats and meat • Prevents oxygen from reaching the meat, depriving bacteria of basic needs

  16. Food Preservation • FERMENTATION: • Occurs in oxygen-deprived environments • Metabolic process that converts sugars into acids, alcohols, or gases • Wine and beer fermentation is relatively safe and controllable because adding yeast means that the yeast outcompetes other microorganisms • Fermentation of meat is more high-risk and can be fatal if done wrong

  17. Fermentation Continued • Bio-preservation adds lactic acid • When the fish muscle drops below a pH of 4.5 it greatly inhibits microbial growth • Traditionally, fish pits were dug and plant material and sticks were added into the pit • Today, plastic gallon jugs and bags are used • Increased risk of Botulism caused by the Botulinum bacteria which thrives in anaerobic environments

  18. Images & References • Slideshow modified from Henry Hopkins, Helen Watkins, and Fred White’s presentation during pilot class • Wikimedia Commons Images: • Albacore Dinghy-Dabbler 2005 • Imperial War Museums A-724-Royal Navy Officer Tomlin 1940 • Archimedes; Principle-Finot 2006 • Carving adze-Waldo Brown 1910 • Walrus meat-Ansgar Walk 1999 • Tlingit canoe-SMU Central University Library 1887 • Chief Shake’s canoe-University of Washington Libraries 1916 • Halibut Hook-FishEx Alaska Seafood

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