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Bruxelles, 26/06/2013

Bruxelles, 26/06/2013. SMART SPECIALISATION STRATEGY Il nuovo quadro della Politica di Coesione per il rafforzamento della competitivitè delle Regioni. Marco Canton Marco Canton ERRIN. JOINING FORCES FOR REGIONAL INNOVATION. June 2013.

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Bruxelles, 26/06/2013

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  1. Bruxelles, 26/06/2013 SMART SPECIALISATION STRATEGY Il nuovoquadrodellaPolitica di Coesione per il rafforzamentodellacompetitivitè delle Regioni Marco Canton Marco Canton ERRIN


  3. ERRIN is aBrussels-based platform of regions strengthening regionalresearch and innovation capacities by exchanging information, sharing best practice, supporting project development, policy shaping and profile raising.

  4. ERRINhelps regions get their voice heard in Brussels and supports the implementation of the Europe2020 Strategy,the Innovation Union flagship initiative and Smart Specialisation.

  5. THE ERRIN JOURNEY 2012 90 Regions POLICY & PROJECTS PHASE 3 COMMS HUB,REGIONAL VOICEAND CONTACTPOINT 2008 60 Regions PHASE 2 2006 Oct. – Relaunch with Management Board, Subscription fee SHARINGINFORMATION 2004 FP6 Regions of Knowledge PHASE 1 2001 Informal network

  6. 5 5 5 102 regions 1 5 4 7 4 3 5 1 12 1 4 1 12 13 1 1 1 1

  7. 4 PRIORITIES Policy working group 13 thematic working groups 2 ERRIN events per week in 2012

  8. ERRIN considers that the regional dimension of research and innovation is key to the future competitiveness of the EU and works with its members and other networks to strengthen regional research and innovation capacities.To promote these objectives ERRIN is involved in the Regional Innovation Monitor project (RIM) and is a member of the Smart Specialisation Mirror Group, the EEN Consultative Forum, The EIP on Water Task Force and has agreed Memorandum of Understanding with the AER, EUREKA and NECSTouR.

  9. • La Politica di Coesione si rifocalizza sulla promozione di una crescita intelligente, sostenibile ed inclusiva • Shift dalla filosofia della quantità della spesa alla filosofia degli impatti delle spesa • ESI funds rappresentano un una meccanismo chiave per la Strategia Europa 2020, cofinanziando investimenti per la crescita Europa 2020 e Politica di Coesione rappresentano gli strumenti chiave per uscire dalla crisi

  10. FondidiPoliticadiCoesioneallocatisu R&I dal 1989 al 2013 • Cohesion Policy innovation support over total aid: • 4% in 89’-93’ • 7% in 94’-99’ • 11% in 00’-06’ • 25% in 07’-13’

  11. Gli Stati Membri che hanno investito in R&I stanno affrontando meglio la crisi

  12. COHESION and related funds COHESION POLICY Regional Policy (DG REGIO: Regional Policy) - ERDF: European Regional Development Fund (→ activities) - CF: Cohesion Fund (→ “basic” infrastructures, not for R&I) Social Policy (DG EMPL: Employment and Social Affairs) - ESF: European Social Fund (→ people / workers) OTHER POLICIES RELATED TO COHESION Common Agricultural Policy (DG AGRI: Agriculture and Rural Development) - EAFRD: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development Common Fisheries Policy (DG MARE: Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) - EMFF: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund

  13. Current programming period 2007-2013 Contributes to unlocking growth potential by promoting research and innovation in all regions 2007-2013 - € 86 billion for research and innovation, over 25% of total cohesion policy budget: - Focus on capacity-building but also on infrastructure in less developed regions - For less developed regions, ERDF is the most important source of funding for research and innovation October 2011 – latest figures show that about € 50 % billion of € 86 billion has been committed to projects in Research and Innovation

  14. Facendoci i conti in tasca…

  15. Budget UE per ilperiodo 2014-2020: tra€1,025 miliardi di Euro (1.05% PIL EU) e 972.2 miliardi di Euro (1% PIL EU) Fondi di Coesione: circa 340/380 miliardi in 7 anni (40 % del Budget totale UE) Fondi per il Veneto dallaPolitica di Coesione: 700 milioni (circa) in 7 anni. Facendoci i conti in tasca…

  16. Cohesion policy 2014-2020 & EU 2020 Commission adopted its proposals 6 October 2011: - Cohesion policy (ERDF, CF & ESF) will focus on Europe 2020 objectives for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, along with rural development policy (EAFRD) and maritime and fisheries policy (EMFF), - List of thematic objectives developed around the Europe 2020 headline targets and flagship initiatives • Thematic concentration for maximising impact: minimum shares for research and innovation through ERDF • Ex-ante conditionality, e.g. existence of a Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation (RIS3). Commission has adopted “Elements for a Common Strategic Framework 2014 to 2020” for cohesion. Linkages have been clarified with Horizon 2020.

  17. Cohesion Policy 2014-2020

  18. 11 Thematic Objectives to Deliver EU 2020 - Strengthening research, technological development and innovation - Enhancing access to, and use and quality of, information and communication technologies - Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, the agricultural sector (for the EAFRD) and the fisheries and aquaculture sector (for the EMFF) - Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors - Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management - Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency - Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures - Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility (mainly ESF) - Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty (mainly ESF) - Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning (mainly ESF) - Institutional capacity and efficient public administration (mainly ESF)

  19. R&I Investment priorities for ERDF Strengthening research, technological development and innovation: - Enhancing research and innovation infrastructure (R&I) and capacities to develop R&I excellence and promoting centres of competence, in particular those of European interest - Promoting business R&I investment, product and service development, technology transfer, social innovation and public service application, demand simulation, networking, clusters and open innovation through smart specialisation - Supporting technological and applied research, pilot lines, early product validation actions, advanced manufacturing capabilities and first production in Key Enabling Technologies and diffusion of general purpose technologies

  20. The Smart Specialisation Platform The RIS³-Platform has been launched in June for assisting Member States and regions in developing RIS³. It is: • hosted at the JRC-IPTS Institute in Sevilla • run by a steering team gathering representatives of several Commission Services: REGIO, EMPL, RTD, ENTR, EAC, INFSO, SANCO, CLIMA, AGRI and the JRC • assisted by a mirror group of EU high-level experts and networks representatives The RIS³-Platform will offer a range of services, including: • a website for sharing information and knowledge • a main guide and thematic guides for developing RIS³ • support in peer-reviewing national / regional strategies • organisation of conferences, working groups and training 20

  21. Smart Specialisation (RIS3) helpsregions to become more innovative 1. (Tough) Choices: selectlimitednumber of priorities on the basis of ownstrengths and internationalspecialisation, concentrate funding and focus effort on these 2. Competitive Advantage: take into account your relative position to otherregionsdifferentiateyourselfothers, diversifyyourunique, localised know-how into new combinations and innovations 3. (Critical Mass) Clusters and Connectivity: develop world class clusters and providearenas for cross-sectoriallinks and knowledge-spilloversinternally in the region and externally with otherregions 4. Collaborative Leadership: engage in an open, participatoryprocess, involve business and innovationactors from the start «Innovationcannot be dictatedbutit can be cultivated » (The Federal Government and the growth of RegionalInnovation Clusters, J. Sallet et Al, 2009)

  22. Passaggi-chiave (“step”) per lo sviluppodiuna RIS3 Step 1 – Analisi del contesto e del potenzialeregionale Step 2 – Governance Step 3 – Visione del futuro Step 4 – Selezionedellepriorità Step 5 – Policy mix Step 6 – Monitoraggio e valutazione 22

  23. Step 1 – Analisi del contestoregionale e del potenzialeinnovativo (I) • Unadefinizionepiùampiadiinnovazione, non solo focalizzatasuR&D • Valutaregli “asset” regionaliesistenti • Identificareivantaggicompetitivi • Rilevare le nicchieemergenti per la “smart specialisation” • Combinaremetodologie (es. analisidiposizionamento, analisi SWOT, benchmarking, foresight, indagini ad hoc, ecc.)

  24. Step 1 – Analisi del contestoregionale –guardare al difuori – e del potenzialeinnovativo (II) Analisiorientataall’esterno: • ValutareilposizionamentodellaRegionenelcontestoglobale • Attenzionealle “impreseglobali” e allecatenedivalore • Flussidiconoscenza e abilità • Evitareduplicazioni “allacieca”, scoprireopportunitàdicollaborazione

  25. Step 1 – Analisi del contestoregionale e del potenzialeinnovativo (III) Analisidelledinamicheimprenditoriali e identificazionedi future opportunità: • Varietàdiattori • Spiritoimprenditoriale • Coinvolgimentodegliattoriimprenditorialinell’economiaregionale(Imprese, ma ancheUniversità, Parchi/CentriTecnologici, Venture Capitalist, AgenziediSviluppo…) • Identificare le potenzialitàdidifferenziazioneeconomica (“related variety”)

  26. Step 2 – Governance: Garantirepartecipazione e “ownership” Coinvolgimento e impegnodegli stakeholder: • Includere la visualedallatodelladomanda Quadruple Helix • “Collaborative leadership” • Rompere le barrieresettoriali e concettuali • Strumentidedicati: Steering Group/ Knowledge Leadership Group, Management Team, Working group

  27. Step 3 – Visione del futuro Visionecondivisadellepotenzialitàregionali e principaliindicazioni per ilposizionamentonelcontestointernazionale: • Formularescenaridifferenti e discuteresu “dove la tuaregionevuoleandare” • Generareunatensionepositiva verso ilfuturo • Garantirel’impegno a lungoterminedeglistakeholder • Mobilitare le energie

  28. Step 4 – Identificazionedellepriorità Prenderedecisioni: dove il “top-down” incontrail “bottom-up” • Focus su un numerolimitatodiaree/attività con potenzialitàdi “smart specialisation” come emersodalprocessodiscopertaimprenditoriale(“entrepreneurial discovery”) • Aree dove la regionepensadieccellere • Attenzionealleprioritàorizzontali(tecnologieabilitanti, innovazionesociale, ecc.) • Evitareilricattodeigruppidiinteressecostituiti!

  29. Step 5 – Policy mix, agenda dilavoro, piano d’azione Fissare le regole e organizzareglistrumenti: • L’agendadilavoro include: • Piano d’azione gruppiobiettivo, target, tempistica, indicatori, fontidifinanziamento • Progettipilota spazio a sperimentazione, inputs per revisione/aggiornamento • dellestrategie

  30. Step 6 – Meccanismidimonitoraggio e valutazione I meccanismi vanno integrati nelle strategie: • Monitoraggio verifical’attuazionecorrettaedefficientedelleattività • Valutazione Verifica se e come sonostatiraggiuntigliobiettivistrategici Importanzacruciale - indicatori: - livellodipartenza (baseline) - valoreobiettivo (target)

  31. Peer-Review come strumentodiconfronto e (auto-)valutazionediuna RIS3 Un circolo virtuoso: • E’ semprenecessarioadattare e aggiornareunastrategia • Le informazioniraccoltenellafasediattuazionesono incorporate in una RIS3 aggiornata • Peer-review nell’ambitodellaPiattaforma S3

  32. La Piattaforma S3 a sostegnodelleregioni e degliStatiMembrinellapreparazionedelleloro RIS3 7. Agenda di ricerca • La guida metodologica sulle RIS3 6. Sito web con informazioni e strumenti interattivi 2. Peer Review workshops & trans-national learning 3. Outreach & Country Events (Seminari negli Stati Membri & Macro-regioni UE) 5. Workshop tematici & gruppi di lavoro 4. Valutazione delle RIS3 e sostegno ai desk geografici della DG REGIO

  33. Metodologia di Peer-Review • Presentazionedellastrategiabasatasuuno schema modellato sui 6 step dellaGuida RIS3; • Distribuitaai ‘critical friends’ e agliesperti e accompagnata da documentidi supporto • Discussionenel workshop • Rapporto di feedback preparatodallaPiattaforma S3: ‘feedback da parte del workshop’; • Follow-upsuccessivo (3 e 6 mesi). Permette: • - una molteciplità di ruoli (una regione può essere sottoposta a peer-review e può anche rivedere la strategia di altre regioni nel corso del medesimo workshop); • - la concentrazione delle dinamiche di apprendimento/trasferimento nello spazio e nel tempo, grazie a un’interazione più informale e aperta; • - l’integrazione delle fonti di conoscenza: a fianco dei contributi da parte dei ‘peers’, l’intervento di esperti e dei servizi della Commissione europea. The SECI Model (Nonaka and Takeuchi)

  34. Schema di (auto-)valutazionedellavostra RIS3 Rappresentazione grafica sintetica ispirato dai 6 step della Guida RIS3 Elaborato sulla base della proposta originale di C.Saublens, EURADA

  35. http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu JRC-IPTS-S3PLATFORM@ec.europa.eu

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