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I-BIRD PROGRAMME. IN INDONESIA. DR.Ing. Ilhamy Elias, SE. Chairman Environment Compartment, ICCI. 1. Followed by several meetings with Mr. Viravaidya in Johannesburg / WSSD 2002, T-BIRD Study Tour In Thailand and at the ADB Headquarters, Manila on October 2002. 3.

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  1. I-BIRD PROGRAMME IN INDONESIA DR.Ing. Ilhamy Elias, SE Chairman Environment Compartment, ICCI 1

  2. Followed by several meetings with Mr. Viravaidya in Johannesburg / WSSD 2002, T-BIRD Study Tour In Thailand and at the ADB Headquarters, Manila on October 2002 3

  3. The ADB and PDA Thailand recommended ICCI to socialize T-BIRD to Indonesian Local Governments, Companies and NGO’s by organizing a short training course on T-BIRD in Thailand. PDA Thailand will subsidize the training arrangement in Thailand 4

  4. ICCI Proposed the CTCT ( CBIRD Training Course Thailand ) programmed and agreed by PDA Thailand Until now, 3 groups have participated in the CTCT with 55 delegates from local governments, companies and NGO’s and received approved Certificate by PDA Thailand and ICCI 5

  5. After participating in the CTCT, the delegates are expected to have the capabilities to set up an I-BIRD proposal to ADB or other funding Institutions. 6

  6. A CTCT Networks has been organized by ICCI on 11 & 12 June 2003, in Bogor city, with the objective to change information and setting up further programmers among the Alumni of CTCT 7

  7. Public Private Partnershipthe I-BIRD Scheme COMPANIES POOR VILLAGE NGO’s LOCAL GOVERNMENTS 8

  8. ICCI Socialized CSR to the business communities through single Presentation, Seminars, Workshop, Roundtables, etc and already accepted by 577 companies, followed by introducing I-BIRD Scheme and Modules. 9

  9. While the Indonesian Government promoted through CIRDAP (Center on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific ) which until now, ICCI has no information on the activities. 10

  10. ICCI ( CSR ) and Government (CIRDAP ) will looks for joint efforts to minimize the poor villages 11

  11. The Indonesian Village Entrepreneurs Association ( AWDI ) will mobilize the local NGOs to participate in the I-BIRD projects. 12

  12. I-BIRD's STAKEHOLDER ROLES Government Roles : 1. Creates Condusive Fiscal and Moneter Policy 2. Issuing Poverty and Regional Potential Information. 3. Organize Skill Trainings to the Villagers. 4. Serving Technical / Administration Illumination. 5. Structure and Infrastructure Facilitation. 6. Pre-financing Participation. 13

  13. Companies Roles : • Encouraging Entrepreneurship. • Guiding Business Management Skills. • Advising Types of Business. • Market Information and Marketing Consultation. • Management Training. • Funding Facilitation and Guarantee. 14

  14. NGOs Roles : 1. Poor Villagers Approach and Motivations. 2. Encouraging the establishment of Village Committee. 3. Convincing Local Government and Companies. 4. Mobilize the PPP Concept. 5. Supervising the Village Entrepreneurs. 6. To Assist and supervise the execution of Sustainable Development in the Villages. 15

  15. Villagers Roles : 1. Village Chairman and Leaders are willing to adopt the result of poor villages development Meetings. 2. The acceptance of the villagers in the promotion and creation the village workers and entrepreneurs. 3. The Villagers are able and willing to form : a Village Committee. 16

  16. I-BIRD PROFILES Objective : • Encouraging successful businesses to help the improvement of the quality of life of rural community. • Transferring business skills and entrepreneurship to the villagers. • Promoting and establishing the income generation activities for the poor villagers. • Reducing Migration and encouraging rural Migration return to their family in the villages. 17

  17. Actual Programmers : • Income Generation. a. Rural Industry. b. Home / Cottage Industry. c. Small Agro Plantation. • Educational Opportunities. • Improving the Environment. • Strengthening local Institutions. • Social Development. 18

  18. 6 Steps Approaching the Companies Sponsorship 1. Preparing Alternative projects with the villagers. 2. I-BIRD Presentation to the Companies. 3. Site Visit with Companies Task Force. 4. Defining Potential Projects. 5. Project Planning. 6. Project Approval. 19

  19. I-BIRD MODULS 1. Water Resources Development. 2. Agro biz Partnership. a. Companies Sponsorship. b. Companies Joint Operations. 3. Cooperative Industry. 4. Industrial Workers. 5. Rural Industrial Estates. 6. Home / Cottage Industries. 7. Micro Agriculture. 8. Vegetables / Rice Banks. 9. Improving Environment. 10. Rural Institution Development. 20

  20. For Companies : Lower CSR Cost. Lower Investment Cost. Lower Training Cost. Lower Labour Cost. Improve good corporate public image. Increase morale of existing personnel. For Village and Villages : Increase Village Entrepreneurs. Increase Job Opportunities. Create economic self sufficiency. Improve standard of living. Decrease urban migrations. Improve villager’s business knowledge and skills. Empower villagers to become business owners. Strengthen rural cooperative. Build a stronger rural economic base. Better quality of life. I-BIRD BENEFITS 21

  21. I-BIRD CHALLENGES IMPLEMENTATION IN INDONESIA 1. NO RURAL INCENTIVE POLICIES AS : A. 8 years free of companies income tax B. Free import duty for raw/supporting material and capital goods C. Low interest rate 2. NO DISTRICT/RURAL GOVERNMENT FACILITIES AS : A. Low rental rates for factory building B. Technical Skill Assistant C. Free Labour Training (2 months) for new rural investment D. Pre financing for the Villagers Businesses 3. UNWILLINGNESS OF THE VILLAGERS TO BE ENTERPRENEURS, DUE TO THE USUAL SOCIAL CHARITY RECEIVED FROM THE GOVERNMENT 22

  22. FIRST STEPS :Meeting with Bogor City Officers and confirm the date for the next meeting with Sub District and the Village Head, accompanied by AWDI Staff.SECOND STEPS :1. General meeting with Sub District Heads (Bogor Selatan and Bogor Timur ) Village Heads (Kayu Manis, Kota Campa, Mulyoharjo, Bubulak, Situgede) and accompanied by AWDI Staff.2. Every Village Head present their Village potential and poverties3. Agreed for two Villages (Mulyoharjo and Situgede) as prospective I-BIRD project 24

  23. THIRD STEPS :1. Site Visit to Mulyoharjo Village accompanied by Bogor City Officials, Sub District Head and AWDI Staff.2. Meeting with the Villagers3. Site Visit to the selected Villagers are4. Data collection and evaluating 25

  24. FOURTH STEPS : 1. Site Visit to Situgede Village and meeting with the Villagers accompanied by Bogor City Officials, Sub District Head and AWDI Staff. 2. Site Visit to the selected Villagers are 3. Data collection and evaluating FIFTH STEPS1. Evaluation the needs of the villagers2. Finding out important data, which is require in the proposal3. Plan again the next site visit for having the accurate data. 26


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