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El Imperfecto del Subjuntivo*

El Imperfecto del Subjuntivo*. *also known as: Past Subjunctive. Introduction. ✔ The past subjunctive is also called imperfect subjunctive. ✔ Formation : The imperfect subjunctive is formed based on the third person plural form (Ellos, ellas, Ustedes) of the preterit. Another example.

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El Imperfecto del Subjuntivo*

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  1. El Imperfecto del Subjuntivo* *also known as: Past Subjunctive

  2. Introduction ✔ The past subjunctive is also called imperfect subjunctive. ✔ Formation: The imperfect subjunctive is formed based on the third person plural form (Ellos, ellas, Ustedes) of the preterit.

  3. Another example Preterit 3er person plural Verb Change endings Imperfect subjunctive bebiera bebieras bebiera bebiéramos bebierais bebieran Beber bebieron ra ras Bebieron ➪ bebie + ra ´ramos rais ran

  4. More examples Preterit 3er ➪ person plural Verb ➪ Change endings ➪ Imperfect subjunctive escribieraescribiéramos Escribir➪escribieron➪ escribie- ➪ escribierasescribierais escribieraescribieran cantaracantáramos Cantar➪cantaron➪ cantar- ➪ cantarascantarais cantaracantaran

  5. Ser, ir, estar and haber with imperfect subjunctive Preterit 3er ➪ person plural Verb ➪ Change endings ➪ Imperfect subjunctive ESTAR estuviera estuvieras estuviera estuviéramos estuvierais estuvieran SER-IR fuera fueras fuera fuéramos fuerais fueran HABER hubiera hubieras hubiera hubiéramos hubierais hubieran

  6. When do we need to use the imperfect subjunctive? ✔ The tense that is used in the main sentence, helps us to select the tense we need to use in the subordinate clause: ➨ Present subjunctive: When the verb of the main sentence expresses a concept about the subordinate clause in the present tense of indicative, then we use present subjunctive in the subordinate clause. Mis padres quieren que yo estudie idiomas (My parents want me to study languages) ➨ Imperfect subjunctive: When the verb of the main sentence expresses a concept about the subordinate clause in the past tense (preterit or imperfect) of indicative, then we use imperfect subjunctive in the subordinate clause. Mis padres querían que yo estudiara idiomas (My parents wanted me to study languages) Present indicative Present subjunctive Imperfect indicative Imperfect subjunctive

  7. Present and imperfect subjunctive: examples

  8. Tener, pedir, comprar ☞ Can you conjugate the following verbs in the imperfect subjunctive form? Tener Pedir Comprar ☟ ☟ ☟ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ tuviera tuvieras tuviera tuviéramos tuvierais tuvieran ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ pidiera pidieras pidiera pidiéramos pidierais pidieran ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ comprara compraras comprara compráramos comprarais compraran

  9. Práctica Espero que mi compañera ___________ su habitación. Era importante que la casa _____________ grande. Deseaba que mi padre ______________ a verme el fin de semana. a. limpie e. viniera i. sea b. limpia f. vienen j. fuera c. limpiara g. vengan k. es d. limpió h. vinieron l. era

  10. Práctica (cont.) Espero que mi compañera ___________ su habitación. Era importante que la casa _____________ grande. Deseaba que mi padre ______________ a verme el fin de semana. a. limpiee. viniera i. sea b. limpia f. viene j. fuera c. limpiara g. venga k. es d. limpió h. vino l. era

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