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El Presente Perfecto de Indicativo y Subjuntivo. Comparación de los dos. ¿Qué es el presente perfecto de indicativo?. The present perfect is formed by combining a helping verb (“ have ” or “has”) with the past participle. Veamos, por ejemplo…. I have played the piano for years .
El Presente Perfecto de Indicativo y Subjuntivo Comparación de los dos.
¿Qué es el presente perfecto de indicativo? Thepresentperfectisformedbycombining a helpingverb (“have” or “has”) withthepastparticiple
Veamos, por ejemplo… • I haveplayedthe piano foryears. • Martha has sung at weddings. • Wehaveflown in a plane.
En inglés… • Toformthepresentparticiple,we combine thehelpingverb “have/has” with a pastparticiple (-ed/-en): • Forexample, “I havebeen a lifeguard.” • “I” isthesubject • “have” isthehelpingverb • “been” isthepastparticiple
En español… • Weformthepresentparticiplebycombiningthepresent tense of theverbhaber (i.e., thehelpingverborel verbo auxiliar)with a pastparticiple • Forexample: • Nosotros hemos bailado y…. Wehavedanced and…. • no hemos estudiado para el examen. Wehaven’tstudiedforthe test.
Remember… Howtoformthepastparticiple: • For –arverbs, takethestem of theverb and add –ado Example: comprar → comprado • For–er and –irverbs, takethestem of theverb and add–ido Example: tener → tenido vivir→ vivido
Para formar… Here are the present perfect forms of estudiar:
Para formar… As you can see, I havecombinedthepresentforms of haber (thehelpingverbs)
Now you try… On a sheet of paper, see if you can figure out the present perfect forms for the verb hablar:
Let’s try another… Now see if you can form the present perfect forms of the verb tomar:
Now let’s try an –er verb See if you can come up with the present perfect forms for comer:
Let’s try another one…see if you can come up with the present perfect tense of ir:
Many of youmayhaveassumedthatir hadan irregular pastparticiple. Afterall, itdoeshavean irregular presentparticiple. Butirisactually regular in this tense. Here are someverbsthatare irregular in thepastparticiple.
Not exactly irregular but… -er and –ir verbs whose stems end in a vowel have past participles ending in –ído caer → caído creer → creído leer → leído oír → oído reír → reído traer → traído
Irregulars Thefollowingverbshave irregular pastparticiplesending in –to: abrir → abierto cubrir → cubierto escribir → escrito volver → vuelto morir → muerto poner → puesto romper → roto ver → visto descubrir → descubierto
More irregulars These verbs have irregular past participles ending in –cho: decir → dicho hacer → hecho
¡Vamos a practicar! Seeifyou can formthecorrectpresentperfectusingthesubject and verbgiven. Modelo: yo / decidir → He decidido 1. ella / abrir Ha abierto 2. Marta y yo / tocar Hemos tocado 3. Gonzalo / crecer Ha crecido
4. Tú y tus amigos / reír Habéis reído 5. Mis padres / hacer Han hecho 6. Tus abuelos / cubrir Han cubierto 7. Rogelio y Ramón / escribir Han escrito
Ella ha cambiadounallantadesinfladavariasveces. She’s changed a flat tire several times. Todavíano lehanrevisado el aceite al coche. They still haven’t checked the car’s oil. • Object pronouns and no are always placed directly before the form of haber, e.g.: • The present perfect form of hay is always ha habido ( there has/have been) , e.g.: • Remember that acabar + de + infinitive (not the present perfect tense) is used to state that something has just occurred, e.g.: Ha habido un accidente. (There’s been an accident.) Acabo de mandar la carta. I’ve just mailed the letter.
¿Qué es el presente perfecto de subjuntivo? hayahabladohayamoshablado hayashabladohayáishablado hayahabladohayanhablado The present perfect subjunctive (el perfecto subjuntivo) is formed with the present subjunctive of haberplus the past participle. It is used to express I have spoken(written, and so on) when the subjunctive is required.
Es posibleque (él) lo hayahecho. It’s possible (that) he may have done he did it. Me alegro de que (tú) hayasvenido. I’m glad (that) you have come (you came). Es buenoque lo hayanconstruido. It’s good (that) they built (have built) it. Note in the model sentence at the right that the English equivalent of the present perfect subjunctive can be expressed as a simple or compound tense: did/have done; came/have come; built/have built.
The perfect subjunctive differs from the present subjunctive in that it conveys the meaning of an action which would, or might have taken place, i.e. a finished action Compare a) with b): a) Esperoquelleguen a tiempoparacoger el avión (I hope they arrive on time to catch the plane) b) Esperoquehayanllegado a tiempoparacoger el avión(I hope they arrived on time so that they could catch the place)