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6th World Water Forum Toward concrete solutions!. Proposed method & agenda for the Thematic process. Experts : Patrick Cairo Laurent Chabert d’Hières Pierre Roussel Dani Gaillard Ger Bergkamp Daniel Zimmer.
6th World Water ForumToward concrete solutions! Proposed method & agenda for the Thematic process Experts:Patrick CairoLaurent Chabert d’Hières Pierre RousselDani GaillardGer BergkampDaniel Zimmer Thematic process commission:Dogan AltinbilekPatrick LavardeBert DiphoornBernard Guirkinger
Toward concrete solutions! General Approach • Define priorities • Develop and select targets • Work out solutions to meet the targets • Report in Marseille in 2012 • Follow-up, ensure continuity
Toward concrete solutions ! Define priorities • Possible framework (used in KoM & under discussion)water as a public good :Acces to water, sanitation and health for all Water as an economic good : Water for growth and developmentWater as a tool for security :Anticipate future challenges and water related risks Use previous outputs & declarations Select main themes and issues
Toward concrete solutions! Develop and select targets 2 main types- « political targets», need endorsement from political groups (local to UN) before implementation- « action targets », can be implemented by actors without prior endorsement SMART : Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time boundKick off process :Identified more than 80 target suggestions from 15 themesMost of them very preliminary and heterogenious First analysis of the targets:
Disseminate report of the Independent Expert (UNCHR) In 2011, organize debate between opponents and local representatives By 2012 XX Cities signatories of IWC implement the RTW with help of a champion city Inform & understand logic of opponents Develop (further) a draft proposal for the Right to Sanitation Disseminate knowledge Develop understanding of the Right to sanitation Ensure enforceability at local level Further define and build common understanding Reduce by 20XX by XX% the number of countries that have not recognized the RTW Right to Water & Sanitation By 20XX in each country in favour of RTW, responsibility for implementation identified Implement at country level Implement the Right to Water & Sanitation Recognize by Governments Ministerial declaration recognizes the right to water and sanitation Recognize the Right to Water & Sanitation In 2012, send a clear message to RIO+20 on RTWS Promote in regions By 2012, international treaty on RTW prepared Back Promote in regional process through multistakeholder dialogues
Toward concrete solutions! Develop and select targets • Selection criteria for targets ?:Balance along thematic priorities Maximize benefits/costs(to be further discussed by the commissions) Next steps:Work out a structured framework (to facilitate and classify)Further elaborate the targets: system Our Targets, by 15/11:Have an approved list of targets (not final)Have action teams clarified (regions, stakeholders…) and ready to work on solutions Combine with inputs from all commissions Receive inputs from a variety of stakeholders
Toward concrete solutions! Work out solutions to meet the targets The approach will be different forpolitical targetsand foraction targets Process to be further definedPreliminary ideas for solutions :- may have been developed but remain unknown- may need to be adapted to specific contexts- may require innovative action
How it is managed Regulation and governance: Political level : national & localgovernments, legislators Laws and policies Other sectors Water sector Other institutions and stakeholders affecting water (agriculture, energy, health, tourism, land settlement…) Water institutions, stakeholders & tools What is managed Pressures, impacts and responses Risks Water uses and services Water bodies & ecosystems The system External Drivers Climate change Urbanisation Demography Technological context Social context Political context Financial situation Expected outcomes Food & Fiber Energy Livelihoods/biodiversity Tourism Risk reduction Security/peace Health, dignity Poverty reduction Employment Increasing feedback Water only one of the ingredients Classes Back
Example: water & agriculture Regulation and governance: How it is managed Political level: governments, legislators Outside targets Process targets Change agricultural and trade policies (eg less pesticides, optimize virtual water trade) What is managed System targets Reduce unsustainable use on groundwater, reduce non-point source pollution Prevention, reduction of impacts, quality of treatment Quality & protection of water bodies and ecosystems Access and quality of service, use efficiency, level of protection Balance water uses, improve agricultural water management Classes of targets Output targets Expected outcomes Drivers Use water to mitigate the negative impacts of the drivers Feedback targets Improve food security, reduce food losses (and water footprints of Agriculture), produce bio-energy Maintain balance of terrestrial ecosystems to reduce GHG emissions Back