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PRAYER . KS1. Creative Assessment To be able to share a prayer/reflection and place it on the prayer/reflection tree. . Areas of learning Personal Development Understanding the arts Understanding English,communication and languages Scientific and technological undertanding.
Creative Assessment To be able to share a prayer/reflection and place it on the prayer/reflection tree. Areas of learning Personal Development Understanding the arts Understanding English,communication and languages Scientific and technological undertanding Skills and Attitudes Investigation-I can give examples of prayer Interpretation-I can talk about prayer aretfacts and what they might mean. Awe and wonder-To be able to experience ‘still and quiet time.’ Respect for all- that people pray in different ways and in different places. 2.Audtitory- Listen to poem about hands. Think about how we use our hands in prayer. Story Sack- based on parable Prayer 1. Kinaesthetic— Starting point of Hands- Look at hands. \hand prints. Use reflective area in school/school garden/ Local \church. Spiritual Development An awareness of thought and thinking.-thinking happens in our heads. How we talk to others. Thinking of others-Kindness to others. Reflection. 3.Visual- images of hands and images of people in prayer Useful websites www.biblepicturegallery.com www.Jesusmafa.com> mini posters www.biblical –art.com
Areas of learningPersonal Development • Understanding the arts and design • Understanding English, communication and languages • Scientific and technological understanding 1. Art/Creative - Hands • Hist/Geog-Visit to place of worship • Literacy/CLL • Science-Senses -Touch • PSED.SEAL Games e.g ‘pass the squeeze’ 2. Literacy/CLL- poetry link and story sack • Creative Dev. Music e.gEnya • PSED.SEAL
Areas of learningPersonal Development (cont/d) 3. Art/Creative Development • Further development –making prayer mats ISLAM • Buddha and the Bodhi tree story • DT /Creative Development-KUW-Prayer wheels to make. Prayer beads. Prayer pebbles • Sing and Say – Tiddlywinks ISBN 1844272451 Barnabas website –‘Quiet corners’
Kinaesthetic • Starting point of Hands - Look at hands. \hand prints. • Use reflective area in school/school garden/ Local \church. • Mystery objects to feel and observe include Prayer artefacts-prayer beads, kneeling / prayer books/pebbles. • Visit from Vicar. Candle /Irish blessing/prayer wheel.
Areas of learningPersonal Development • Understanding the arts and design • Understanding English, communication and languages • Scientific and technological understanding 1. Art/Creative - Hands • Hist/Geog-Visit to place of worship • Literacy/CLL • Science-Senses -Touch • PSED.SEAL Games e.g ‘pass the squeeze’ 2. Literacy/CLL- poetry link and story sack • Creative Dev. Music e.gEnya • PSED.SEAL 3. Art/Creative Development • Further development –making prayer mats ISLAM • Buddha and the Bodhi tree story • DT /Creative Development-KUW-Prayer wheels to make. Prayer beads. Prayer pebbles • Sing and Say – Tiddlywinks ISBN 1844272451 Barnabas website –‘Quiet corners’
Auditory • Listen to poem about hands. Think about how people use their hands in prayer – e.g. hands together, using prayer beads. • StorySack- based on parable Luke 11.5-10.
Visual • Images of hands and images of people in prayer-Slide show with music. • People pray in different places and in different ways. Prayer/Reflection tree- links with home and school. • Children invited to contribute prayers/reflections. Local vicar invited to talk about how he leads prayer.
Skills and Attitudes • Investigation- I can give examples of prayer • Interpretation- I can talk about prayer artefacts and what they might mean • Awe and wonder-To be able to experience ‘still and quiet time’ • Respect for all- that people pray in different ways and in different places.
Resources 1. Solihull –R.E in the Foundation Stage Prayer wheel. Faith in Art. Belair ISBN 0-94788-282-0 2. Hands poem Peter Young- ‘Starting with me’ -Belair books 3. Story sack –Teddy -‘Now who’s a tapping?’ from Parable fun for little ones. By Renita Boyle ISBN 978-1-84101-491-3 4. High Fives Fairtrade - Hands. 5. Bible Storybags. Margaret Cooling “hands” ISBN976-1-84161-532-3