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Thesis Statements 101

Thesis Statements 101. The most important SENTENCE in any text!. A GOOD thesis sentence has three main parts:. the limited subject (what your paper is about), the precise opinion (what you're trying to say about that subject), and

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Thesis Statements 101

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  1. Thesis Statements 101 The most important SENTENCE in any text!

  2. A GOOD thesis sentence has three main parts: • the limited subject (what your paper is about), • the precise opinion(what you're trying to say about that subject), and • the essay map (a brief outline of how you're going to support your claim – should explain “HOW” or “WHY” your idea/opinion is right or strong; Rationale)

  3. Basic Example • Subject: Restoring old houses (Circle the subject) • Opinion: Restoring old houses is rewarding. (underline the opinion) • Essay map: It is exciting, relaxing, and satisfying. (box the essay map)

  4. Basic Thesis Statement • >Use “BECAUSE” to put it all together into a Basic Thesis Statement: • Restoring old houses is rewardingBECAUSE it is exciting, relaxing, and satisfying.

  5. Strong Thesis Statement • >Use qualifiers like ALTHOUGH, WHEN, IF and revise vocabulary into a Strong Thesis Statement”: • When antique houses are restored, home-owners not only reap the benefits of a new home but also the excitement, relaxation, and satisfaction of the process.

  6. Revision: BASIC to STRONG • Restoring old houses is rewardingBECAUSE it is exciting, relaxing, and satisfying. • When antique houses are restored, home-owners not only reap the benefits of a new home but also the excitement, relaxation, and satisfaction of the process.

  7. Dr. Thesis: Diagnosis • Each of the following thesis patients has a sickness. Diagnose the problem and give a prescription. Which part of the thesis is present and which is missing? 1) Chefs are better than cooks. 2) Steroid abuse 3) Hip hop is the best thing that has happened to music in twenty years. 4) I enjoy white water rafting.

  8. Opening Activity *Take out reading log and thesis homework. • What is a thesis statement? Why is it important? • What 3 main parts are needed in every good thesis statement? • What is a qualifier?

  9. Weak > Basic > Great > Strong • Chefsare better thancooks. • Chefsare better thancooksbecause chefs have more education, are more professional, and are creative with the food they create. • ALTHOUGH both chefs and cooks can prepare fine meals, chefs differ from cooks in education, professional commitment, and artistry.

  10. Weak > Basic > Great > Strong • Steroid abuse • Steroidsshould be banned from sports. • Steroidsshould be banned from sportsBECAUSEathletes tend to abuse them. • Steroids, even those legally available, are addictive and should be banned from sports.

  11. Weak > Basic > Great > Strong • Hip hopis the best thing that has happened to music in twenty years. • Hip hopis the best thing that has happened to music in twenty yearsBECAUSEit gives kids a way of expressing themselves and is an example of poetry found in the streets. • Though many people dismiss hip hop as offensive, hip hop musicoffersurban youth an important opportunity for artistic expression, and allowsthem to articulate the poetry of the street.

  12. Weak > Basic > Great > Strong • I enjoywhite water rafting. • I enjoywhite water raftingBECAUSEit is challenging and transforming. • A first water rafting experiencecan challengethe body and spiritand transforman adolescent into an adult. • Although white water rafting can be dangerous, a first water rafting experiencecan actually challengethe body and spiritand transforman adolescent into an adult.

  13. Your Turn to Play Dr. Thesis • For each student thesis, diagnose the problem and the prescription needed. Which part of the thesis is present and which is missing? • Determine if it is Weak, Basic, Great, or Strong. • Revise the thesis into a Great or Strong Thesis.

  14. Student Theses • 1. Republican presidents have contributed to the “American Dream” more so than the Democrats. • Present: subject, opinion • Missing: essay map • Basic • Republican presidents have contributed to the “American Dream” more so than the Democrats by lowering taxes and increasing job supply.

  15. Opening Activity • What is a thesis statement? Why is it important? • Rewrite the best thesis statement you created while working on the Dr. Thesis worksheet. Look for one that clearly incorporates a subject, opinion and essay map. • I will choose 3 people to write those theses on the front board.

  16. Persuasive Essay Outline • Let’s look over the outline of this essay. • Notice the amount of sentences required per paragraph. • Notice how much evidence is required to support your ideas.

  17. Brainstorming Please fill in the brainstorm spaces, but STOP when you reach the Thesis Statement lines at the end.

  18. Opening Activity • Who do you blame for the obesity epidemic in America? • List the 2 reasons to support your decision. • What is the strongest counterargument against your claims?

  19. Application Time • Time to apply your knowledge and understanding of thesis statements. • Prompt: Explain Weintraub’s argument and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with his analysis. Support your position, providing reasons and examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

  20. Which is the most effective thesis statement? • I strongly agree with Mr. Weintraub because of the dynamics and regime of parents’ lives today and parents wanting to blame everyone and thing but themselves. • In his article “The Battle Against Fast Food Begins in the Home,” Daniel Weintraub explains that parents need to take responsibility for the eating habits of their kids, and I agree with his opinion on this matter. • I agree that parents need to take more responsibility for child obesity, but schools, fast food companies and the government also need to take that same initiative.

  21. Goal • Write 3 GREAT or STRONG Thesis Statements! • Remember to vary up your vocabulary. • Try words you’ve never used before. • Be creative and avoid BECAUSE!

  22. Opening Activity • Take out your 3 thesis statements. • For each statement: circle the subject, underline the opinion and box the essay map. • Put a star next to the thesis statement you believe is the best. • Share your chosen thesis statement with the folks at your table.

  23. Organization • Highlight your first argument & Body Paragraph 1 pink. • Highlight your second argument & Body Paragraph 2 green. • Highlight your counterargument & Body Paragraph 3 blue.

  24. Finding Evidence • Each body paragraph must contain an argument and 3 pieces of evidence to support that argument. • You will now look over the articles read in class and decide which pieces of evidence best support what you have to say. • Do not forget to cite where the quotes came from!

  25. Counterargument & Refutation • Argument: • Parents are to blame because they are responsible for the health of their children. • Counterargument: • Fast Food Companies are to blame because they advertise to children. • Refutation: • Parents should be monitoring what their children watch and the advertising they are exposed to.

  26. Counterargument Practice • Argument: • Fast Food Companies are to blame because they created larger portion sizes at cheaper prices. • Counterargument: • Parents are to blame because they do not teach their children healthy eating habits. • Refutation: • Parents cannot monitor all food their children are exposed to. Fast Food Companies have a responsibility to the public to control healthy portion sizes.

  27. Homework • Reading Log • Find evidence for body paragraphs 1 & 2 (6 quotes from the articles or other credible sources) • Check out the persuasion map link in our class files if you would rather type out your evidence. • Arrive prepared to begin writing Draft 1 of your argument paper.

  28. Opening Activity • Argument: • Write who you blame in your essay here. • Counterargument: • Write the opposing view here. • Refutation: • Write why the opposing argument is wrong here.

  29. 3rd paragraph • In your 3rd paragraph, you will need to find 1 piece of evidence for the counterargument and 2 pieces of evidence for your refutation. • The evidence you use CAN be personal experience or information found online.

  30. Period Goals • By the end of this period, you should have the following completed: • Final thesis sentence • All 9 pieces of evidence for all 3 body paragraphs • Ability to write the body paragraphs

  31. Body Paragraphs (pg.30) • Topic Sentence • Introduce main argument in the paragraph. • Evidence • Make sure your evidence is persuasive and varied. Use pathos, logos and ethos! • Commentary • Explain why the quote supports your argument. • Closing Sentence • Wrap up your thoughts. What do you want the reader to be left thinking about at the end of this paragraph?

  32. Body Paragraph 1 & 2 Example • Topic sentence • Parents are responsible for the welfare of their children, so it is certainly their duty to monitor what their children eat. • Evidence • Barboza argues that, “…” (2).

  33. Body Paragraph 3 Example • Although I believe parents are responsible for the obesity epidemic in America, some point the finger at fast food companies and their massive portion sizes. Brownlee reiterates this point in “It’s Portion Distortion That Makes America Fat” when he writes, “If you put more food in front of people, they eat more, as studies have consistently shown over the last decade” (35). Brownlee assumes that consumers do not have the will-power to resist tempting food at any size. I disagree with his argument that fast food companies should have to create smaller portion sizes. From my personal experience…

  34. Tips to remember! • Blend your quotes - pg. 31 • Avoid “blah” words - pg. 19 • Expressions To Use In Academic Writing - pg. 16 • Cite where your evidence is from - pg. 35

  35. Homework • Reading Log • First draft of TYPED body paragraphs are due Monday • Be prepared to spend a lot of time editing on Monday

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