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THEUN & GLOBAL WARMING • The world mostly agrees that something needs to be done about global warming and climate change. • In 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meterological Organization (WMO) to assess the scientific knowledge on global warming. • The IPCC concluded in 1990 that there was broad international consensus that climate change was human-induced.
UN & GLOBAL WARMING • That report led way to an international convention for climate change, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), signed by over 150 countries at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. • The United States plus a few other countries, and many large corporations have been against climate change treaties due to the fear of the threat to their economy and profits if they have to make substantial changes. • It serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism know-how.
UN & GLOBAL WARMING • The Organization encourages the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, with a view to ensuring that member countries . • UNWTO is committed to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, geared toward reducing poverty and fostering sustainable development. • UNWTO meeting on Excellence in Energy Efficiency for the Tourism Industry in the panel of Tourism Climate Change Solutions: Improving sustainability and competitiveness.
UN & GLOBAL WARMING • To stabilize atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases at a level that will block dangerous human interference with the climate system. • To reduce their combined greenhouse gas emissions by at least 5 per cent from 1990 levels by the period 2008-2012. • Member countries of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiate the Kyoto Protocol.
The Kyoto Protocol • The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, in December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005. • So far 183 countries have ratified its Protocol to date • The main target is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions an average of 5 per cent against 1990 levels over the five-year period 2008-2012. • The GHG gases are: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N20)
The five principal concepts of the Kyoto Protocol are: • Commitments, The heart of the Protocol lies in establishing commitments for the reduction of greenhouse gases. • Implementation, In order to meet the objectives of the Protocol countries are required to prepare policies and measures for the reduction of greenhouse gases. • Minimizing Impacts on Developing Countries by establishing an adaptation fund for climate change. • Accounting, Reporting and Review in order to ensure the integrity of the Protocol. • Compliance, Establishing a Compliance Committee to enforce compliance.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change agreed to a set of a "common but differentiated responsibilities." The parties agreed that: • the largest share of historical and current global emissions of greenhouse gases has originated in developed countries; • per capita emissions in developing countries are still relatively low • the share of global emissions originating in developing countries will grow to meet their social and development needs.
Turkey & Kyoto • Turkey previously rejected signing the protocol, arguing that the country needed the opportunity to first complete its industrial development and also it could cause huge financial requirements for Turkey. • However, Turkey was under EU pressure to sign the Kyoto Protocol, since the environment is a chapter in accession negotiations. In 05.06.2008 the process began formally. • Joining Kyoto is mainly a symbolic move for Turkey at this point, as it will have no quantified emissions requirements until 2012.
THE EU AND GLOBAL WARMING • The EU is one of the biggest political organisations in the world. • It comprises 27 member states and under its banner are close to 500 million people. • The GDP that the E.U generates accounts for roughly 30% of the world. • In terms of the world's environment, then, it is a chief player .
What is the European Union doing to combat global warming and climate change? And are they committed to the cause? • EU realized that a sustainable future is only possible with a growing conciousness and willingness on the part of the public to accept and encourage environmental policy and legislation. • The 'E.U Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS)' was established to answer exactly that question • So the E.U - acknowledging its role within the world's sphere - champions the importance of climate change as a global issue • Its method for achieving that aim is to work closely and extensively with the world's other governmental bodies.
What is the European Union doing to combat global warming and climate change? And are they committed to the cause? • The "Climate action and renewable energy package": the European Commission's legislative proposal to achieve agreed EU objectives in the fight against climate change • On 23 January 2008 the European Commission put forward package of proposals to fight climate change and promote renewable energy up to 2020 and beyond • The EU is committed to reducing its overall emissions to at least 20% below 1990 levels by 2020 • It has also set itself the target of increasing the share of renewables in energy use to 20% by 2020.
What is the European Union doing to combat global warming and climate change? And are they committed to the cause? • The European Union has long been at the forefront of international efforts to combat climate change and has played a key role in the development of the two major treaties addressing the issue, the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol, agreed in 1997. • the European Climate Change Programme (ECCP) was launched to to identify and develop all the necessary elements of an EU strategy to implement the Kyoto Protocol • EU leaders endorsed this vision in March 2007. They committed the EU to cutting its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% of 1990 levels by 2020 provided other developed countries commit to making comparable reductions under a global agreement.
What is the European Union doing to combat global warming and climate change? And are they committed to the cause? • EU leaders set three key targets to be met by 2020: • a 20% reduction in energy consumption • an increase to 20% in renewable energies' share of total energy consumption • an increase to 10% in the share of petrol and diesel consumption • Austria, Britain, Denmark, Germany and Luxembourg are the five countries in the EU who must make the biggest cuts.
GLOBAL WARMING AND NGOs • Non-governmental organizations (“NGOs”) have historically taken an active role in the development and enforcement of environmental laws in an approach that some refer to as “regulation by litigation.” Given their concerns about global climate change, and the absence of legislative activity and enforcement, NGOs are calling for more unified and effective litigation tactics in an attempt to force action on climate policy.
GLOBAL WARMING AND NGOs • The majority of environmental NGOs are interested in areas such as the protection of nature biological diversity forests erosion sea and coasts. NGOs have a growing influence in struggle of protection of nature and must assume the responsibility of raising public awareness and improving legislation on environmental issues. • Civil society organizations have been taking increasingly important roles in creating public awareness on environmental problems of the world with their numbers growing here in recent years.
NUMBER OF ENVIROMENTTAL NGOs The number of environmental organizations established between 1925 and 1995 was 136 this figure jumped to 439 in the 1995-2007 period which means the number of environmental organizations established in the last 12 years is three times greater than the number established in the 70 years previous to this period.
STUDIES OF NGOs Greenpeace: • It is an international non-governmental organizationfor the protection and conservation of the environment and for promoting peace. Greenpeace utilizes nonviolent direct action, lobbying and research to achieve its goals. • Greenpeace has a worldwide presence with national and regional offices in over 40 countries, which are affiliated to the Amsterdam-based Greenpeace International.
“Project Hot Seat” • Greenpeace has several projects for global warming and climate change. All these projects are directly or indirectly related to tourism. One of the recent projects is Greenpeace USA's “Project Hot Seat”. • This campaign aims to get a pro-climate protection majority in the US Congress. Greenpeace activists and grassroots groups are urging Congressmen and women across America, to sign up to the Safe Climate Act. They try to minimize the effect of global warming to many industries like tourism, agriculture and transportation.
STUDIES OF NGOs Friends of the Earth: • It is a group of committed people, established in1969, who fight daily for a healthy and just world. • They mainly focus on Cruise Ships and Pollution and Pollution of Fast Ferries New EconomicFoundation: • NEF is an independent think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic well-being. • theybelievethatincreaseuse of airtravelcontrubutesto global warming. Theylookforalternativesfortransportation in toursim.
NGOs in TURKEY • Training and public awareness activities in the field of prevention of climate change have gained an apparent momentum in Turkey as a result of harmonization with the EU. The Environmental Law amended recently, promotes expansion of environmental training activities and raising public awareness. NGOs are very important instruments in this process. • There are more than 350 NGOs in Turkey who deals with enviromental issues.
NGOs in TURKEY • TEMA is most known NGO dealing with global warming and climate change in Turkey. • TEMA has many projects in dealing process of global warming. • “BisikleTEMA” is one of these projects. One couple has started travel from America by a bicycle. This couple aims to reach Australia within 16 months passing through Turkey.
Current Situation • The most prominent feature of recorded changes proves to be the widespread increase in summer temperatures especially in the western and south-western parts of Turkey. • Precipitation decreases along the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts and increases along the Black Sea coast of Turkey. • Coastal erosion, flooding along Turkish shorelines are the problems of national significance. • Tourist and coastal cities are particularly under threat as a result the Tourism Sector is,too.
Turkey is ready to undertake its commitments and comply with the responsibilities embodied by the Annex I countries to the Convention according to its special circumstances. The specific national conditions of Turkey in this respect have to be considered. With 3.3 tonnes per capita, Turkey possesses the lowest per capita fossil fuel-based CO2 emissions amongst OECD countries whose average is 11.1, the world average is 4.0 and the EU 25 average is 9.0 [2006].
In a study issued by the United Nations on climate change, Turkey was reported to have released 294 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually. The report said that Turkey recorded the fastest growth of any country in levels of carbon dioxide emissions, with a 74.4 percent increase between 1990 and 2007.
R&D Studies and Related Projects • The “National Energy Technologies Research Program” started jointly by MENR, MoEF, EIE, TTGV and TUBITAK was completed in 2002. The resulting report contains a 10-year National Operation Program. • There are a number of studies, which may play an important role in the renewable energy sources in Turkey.
Adaptation • Turkey, being a coastal country, recognised the increasing number of problems in coastal zones and many precautions are being taken by several governmental institutions and agencies. For example, most of the protection areas declared by the Turkish government are located in the coastal zones such as • Fethiye-Gocek, • Gokova, • Patara, • Kekova, • Foca, • Datca-Bozburun • and Belek etc. • In respect to offsetting the increasing water scarcity problems and desertification, Developing techniques for non-traditional use of water resources, Improving and developing new plant species resistant to drought and salinity, Developing plant species that may yield quality products with low-quality water are recognised as adaptation measures.
The 4856 numbered Law Of Establishment and Organization OfThe Ministry of Environment and Forestry with the aim of providing environment services including conformity to EU environment rules. The 5393 numbered Municipalities Law and The 5216 numbered Metropolitan Municipalities Lawcharges the municipalities to apply the above mentioned laws and by-laws inside municipality borders. The 2872 numbered Environment Law The 1593 numbered Public Hygiene Law and 181 numbered Legal Decision. The 5442 numbered City Management Law’s 9th article, NATIONAL LAWS
Global Environment Facility- GEF Contributions • Turkey has become eligible for GEF assistance after becoming a party to the UNFCCC. Turkey as an Annex I country, contributed a total of $23,326,400 to the GEF funding mechanism as annual fees. In the meantime, as a developing country. Turkey received $33,134,000 of funding in total: $21,507,000 for national projects and $11,627, 000 for regional projects. • The only project directly related to climate change is the Enabling Activity Project with a budget of $420,000.
Obligations under International Laws Turkey’s obligations under international law stem from multi-lateral conventions and protocols that it has been a party to. Turkey has ratified over 50 international legal dispositions in relation to the environment International environmental declarations and agreements mainly related to climate change that Turkey became a party to include:
The Agreement of International Energy Program, Paris 1974 • UNECE Convention on Long-range Trans-boundary Air Pollution,1979 • The International Air Pollution Contract, Geneva 1984 • The 1985 dated Vienna Agreement the protection of ozone layer • The Montreal Protocol about substances consuming ozone layer, 1987 • The Frame Agreement about Climate Changes, UNFCCC 1992 • Rio Declaration on the Environment and Development and Agenda 21, 1992 • Convention to Combat Desertification, 1995