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2nd Workshop on Chest Wall Deformities. Program Chairs Dr. Manuel LOPEZ Pr. Olivier TIFFET Chirurgie Pédiatrique Chirurgie Thoracique manuel.lopez@chu-st-etienne.fr olivier.tiffer@chu-st-etienne.fr. October 17-18, 2013 Saint Etienne, France.
2nd Workshop on Chest Wall Deformities Program Chairs Dr. Manuel LOPEZ Pr. Olivier TIFFET Chirurgie Pédiatrique Chirurgie Thoracique manuel.lopez@chu-st-etienne.frolivier.tiffer@chu-st-etienne.fr October 17-18, 2013 Saint Etienne, France Pr. François VARLET Chirurgie Pédiatrique Saint Etienne, France Pr. Marcel DAHAN President of Workshop Toulouse, France Guests of honors Donald NUSS Norfolk-Virginia, USA Hyung Joo PARK Seoul, Korea Mustafa YUKSEL Istabul, Turkey Patricio VARELA Santiago de Chile, Chile Marcelo MARTINEZ-FERRO Buenos Aires, Argentina Frank martin HAECKER Basel, Switzerland Jean Marie WIHLM Strasbourg, France Carlos BARDAJI PASCUAL Barcelona, Spain Marcel DAHAN Toulouse, France REGISTRATION olivier.tiffet@chu-st-etienne.fr manuel.lopez@chu-st-etienne.fr Before September 15 250 € Surgeons 200 € Residents After September 15 300 € Surgeons Places are limited. Reply imperatively before September 15. After this date, we cannot guarantee your registration .
Friday 18 October “PECTUS CARINATUM” “LIVE SURGERIES” Moderators: Marcel DAHAN, OR: Marcelo Martinez Ferro Preliminary program Thursday 17 October 8: 30 Unilateral Pectus Carinatum by thoracoscopy. P. Varela, M Lopez 10:00Recurrence after Nuss procedure and bar removal. HJ Park, O Tiffet 11:30 Pectus Carinatum Abramson Technique. M Yuksel, F Thevenet 12:45-14:15 LUNCH BREAK 14:15-14:45 Thoracoscopic cartilage resection for unilateral PC. Patricio Varela 10:45-11:15 Technical aspect of Abramson Procedure in PC. Mustafa Yuksel 14:45-15:15 Paradigm in PC. From invasion to not aggression: Dynamic Compression System. Marcelo Martinez-Ferro 15:15-15:30 Preliminary study of efficacy for Dynamic Compression System in the correction of Pectus Carinatum, St-Etienne experience. Manuel Lopez 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break / Visit Exhibition HYBRIDS FORMS 16:00-16:30 Pectus Carinatum or complex deformity repair: The Press-Mold Technique Hyung Joo Park 16:30-16:50 Currarino Silverman Syndrome. New trends. Patricio Varela 16: 50-16:55 Non operative treatment. Olivier Tiffet 16:55-17:30 Cases presentations 17:30 CLOSING & REMARKS 8:45 - 9:15 INSCRIPTION & BREAKFAST 9:20 WELCOME Address Pr. M Dahan, Pr F Zeni “PECTUS EXCAVATUM” 9:30- 13:00 “LIVE SURGERIES” Moderators: Marcel DAHAN, OR: Hyung Joo PARK 9:30 PE Repair.Nuss Procedure. D. Nuss, M Lopez 10:30 PE. Bar removal. M. Martinez-Ferro, M Lopez 09:00 Ravich procedure. Pr. J.M. Wihlm, O Tiffet 13-14:30 LUNCH BREAK 14:30-15:00 The important technical aspects of minimally invasive PE repair. Donald Nuss. 15:00-15:30 The Next Generation Technique and devices for Pectus Repair. Hyung Joo Park 15:30-16:00 Tricks and recommendations to avoid complications in Nuss Procedure. Marcelo Martinez-Ferro 16:00-16:30 Ravitch procedure & modifications. Place in the modern era. Jean Marie Wihlm 16:30-17:00 Coffee Break / Visit Exhibition 17:00-17:30 Vacuum Bell. For conservative treatment of PE. Frank Martin Haecker 17:30:18:00 “New Technique in PE”Extrathoracic Thoracoplasty” and Sternal pull-up during Nuss procedure in severes cases . Carlos Bardaji Pascual 18:00 Tour “Desing City” 19:00 GALA DINNER
REGISTRATION Last Name__________________ First Name ____________________________________ Addresse ____________________________________________________________ Hospital___________________________________________________________ Phone number_________ email_____________________________________________ REGISTRATION olivier.tiffet@chu-st-etienne.fr manuel.lopez@chu-st-etienne.fr Before September 15 250 € Surgeons 200 € Residents After September 15 300 € Surgeons Places are limited. Reply imperatively before September 15. After this date, we cannot guarantee your registration . Places are limited. Reply imperatively before September 15. After this date, we can not guarantee your registration " Form to send to the address below or by email with your payment in euros. Or international transfer to "GERCS“ (LA BANQUE POSTALEIBAN : FR60 2004 1010 0704 3352 1S03 831 BIC : PSSTFRPPLYO) Pr Olivier TIFFET Dr. Manuel LOPEZ Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et/ou Chirurgie Pédiatrique CHU - Hôpital NORD - Saint Etienne42055 Saint Etienne Cedex 2 Phone : (+33) 0477828337/ 0477828847 Fax : 047728465 email : manuel.lopez@chu-st-etienne.fr ; olivier.tiffet@chu-st-tienne.fr