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This is what I hope NOT to do!

This is what I hope NOT to do!. Where a kid can be a kid!. 10 Most Commonly asked questions by students!. Welcome to Mrs. Oliver’s Classroom!. 10. What is expected in Fourth Grade?. Write a Multi-Paragraphed paper Read fluently 93+ wpm

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This is what I hope NOT to do!

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  1. This is what I hope NOT to do!

  2. Where a kid can be a kid! 10 Most Commonly asked questions by students! Welcome to Mrs. Oliver’s Classroom!

  3. 10. What is expected in Fourth Grade? • Write a Multi-Paragraphed paper • Read fluently 93+ wpm • Be an independent worker (stay on task without being given reminders) • Memorize your multiplication facts (0-12) • Take initiative to ask questions and get help (I don’t know if you need help if you don’t ask!)

  4. RULES 9. What are the ? Rules Be on Task. Be Responsible. Be Respectful. Expectations • Consequences may vary but one thing is for sure: if you break a rule, there WILL be a consequence. • It WILL be fair. This is based on Love and Logic training where consequences are matched to actions.

  5. 8. How much homework will we have?4th grade = 140 minutes a night! • You will also be expected to study spelling at home. Pretest given on Monday, final test given on Friday. • You will be expected to study multiplication facts at home (0-12 by December break). • You will be expected to read 80+ minutes weekly. • Study for tests! • Finish any class work not completed in class (this is your responsibility to bring home).

  6. JUST KIDDING One thing you will have to get used to…. Mrs. Oliver’s jokes and sarcasm! 4th grade = 40 minutes

  7. 7. Will we go to Lansing? • Yes, we will take a field trip to Lansing in the spring. We will also take one other field trip – most likely to a play or musical. We will have a raffle for chaperones. We will ride a luxurious charter bus that is equipped with a TV and a bathroom! • We will also visit the High School and see a play. • We will visit Pine Street in the spring. • Safeties will also take a trip – most likely to see the Whitecaps.

  8. 6. Do we have the MEAP and NWEA? • Yes, we will take the MEAP in about 3 weeks. • We will take NWEA (MAP) testing 3 times: Fall, Winter and Spring. • We will do DIBELS (fluency test) 3 times: September, January, May. For kids reading below grade level, they will take it weekly. • Read Naturally will be used on the computer to help readers that are below grade level.

  9. 5. Can I be a “Safety?” • If you signed up last year, there will be a meeting SOON! • If you were here last year but never signed up your chance is gone. Sorry! • If you are new to Dorr and think you may be interested – see me and I will give you more details.

  10. 4. What “specials” do we have? • We will have music twice a week. (Miss Moore is gone…welcome Mrs.Rice! ) No more Media Skills. • We will have gym twice a week. Look by the coat racks – your gym shoes stay here in the plastic bins. • We will have art and library once a week. • We will also visit the computer lab. ALSO…. Ms. Heeter and I have decided to switch classes for Social Studies and Science. This will be a nice “taste” of what Pine Street does! You will visit her on T/TH from 2:45 to 3:40 for Science.

  11. 3. What time is lunch and do we have snack? • We will have lunch at 12:10! There will be three choices plus a Chef salad option. • Lunch money can be turned in any time in the envelope by the door. • Fourth graders get to rotate to be lunch helpers, which means, if you are a lunch helper you get free lunch for the week! • We will have two snacks: morning and afternoon. Both are your responsibility. A lot of “hot lunchers” from last year would grab a piece of fruit off the salad bar and save it for their afternoon snack.

  12. 2. Can I go to the bathroom anytime I want? Sure…I would love to spend recess with you teaching what you missed while you used the restroom during teaching time.  For No Recess Penalty, you MAY go at: • Afternoon recess • Morning or afternoon snack • Beginning/End of the day • Lunch • Right before/after a special I will provide at least 5 bathroom breaks during the day that kids can use the restroom penalty free.

  13. 1. What school supplies are needed? • PENCILS – this is the only REQUIREMENT. Optional: • Material List included in the report card • USB Flash Drive Backpack Optional: We have limited coat rack room…we will be carrying a three ring binder back and forth daily with an agenda book.

  14. Parents – this is for YOU! How can you help your child be successful in my class? • Support me – if your child comes home with a story and you may not agree, contact me and get the WHOLE story! After 10 years of teaching, I have rarely gotten any parent complaints….I AM FAIR and FLEXIBLE….it is probably something we can clear up! • Set aside 40 minutes daily (Mon – Thurs) for your child to work – NOW is the time to establish good study habits. If your child is averaging more that 40 minutes of homework a night, talk to me. It is either because they are wasting class time with getting their daily work done or they are really struggling and we may be able to adapt lessons. • Sign planners DAILY. Have a DROP SPOT where your child can put his/her binder when they get home from school and where you will remember to sign it when you have time.

  15. Do you have a question that may pertain to the whole group????

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