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Why We Design Education 2015 to Learn What? Grok in a Google World. Gigi Johnson Lecturer, UCLA Anderson Executive Director, Maremel Institute. … Grok ? .
Why We Design Education 2015 to Learn What?Grok in a Google World Gigi JohnsonLecturer, UCLA Anderson Executive Director, Maremel Institute
…Grok? ’Grok’ is drink…’Grok’ means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes part of the observed – to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in the group experience.” (p.204) • “There was so much to grok, so little to grok from.“ (p.24) • Robert Heinlein's science fiction novel, Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein, 1961), Michael Valentine Smith Cc-2.0 groks/flickr
Knowing: Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering Assessment and Measurement:Focus on the Bottom 3 Finding &Discovery? Cc-2.0 oddsock/flickr
InformationLiteracy? Cc-2.0 degreezero2000/flickr
Reality: 3 avg words in US Searches online Source: Experian Hitwise, March 2010, US Cc-2.0 Searchman/flickr
US Search Concentration of Voices, 3/2010 Cc-2.0 searchenginemarketing
Search Is Not Neutral • Behavioral targeting -- influencing behavior by crafting patterns of messages • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and negative SEO (pushing down results) Google eye-tracking study Of 34 users Source: Google blog 2/6/09
Rowlands, I. (2008, January 16). Information behavior of the researcher of the future. British Library and the Joint Information Systems Committee. Centre for Information Behaviour and the Evaluation of Research. University College, London. Library? Global Study in 2006: 60% of college library electronic journal users look at no more than 3 pages 65% do not return to library electronic journals again 89% of college students start with online search engines Only 2% start from a library website Cc-2.0 brew books/flickr
So is there a problem? Depth “Horizontal Search” -- Skimming and Surfing Some think this bouncing helps grow critical thinking skills, including problem solving, decision-making , and analysis How do we scaffold the depth of thinking? Cc-2.0 [le]doo/flickr
“Abundance breaks more things than scarcity.” Clay Shirkey, SXSW 2010 Cc-2.0 johan-larsson/flickr
Friction: Opposing Forces Systems based on Scarcity of Information Bounded Rationality Textbook Economics Sage on the Stage NCLB Test-Minds Strange Partners Lack of PD/teacher-level change Lack of Time Need for Filters (previously textbooks) Automated systems Digitized content Search Digital books/texts Mobility
US vs. European Policy Forces Assessment
Friction to Change Cc-2.0 ryan_gessner/flickr
Context/Cognition Skills Source: Eshet-Akalai & Amichai-Hamburger, 2005
Cc-2.0 takomabibelot/flickr 1904 Boston Library door
Search Embedded in the Context of learning, living, teaching, and understanding life Cc-2.0 simminch/flickr
Release of Assumed Limits on Discovery and Space • 4thClassroom Wall – Steve Hargadon, Classroom 2.0 • New space/time – one of my Abu Dhabi arts students • not a flat page but a deepening many-planed display and community space Cc-2.0 joi/flickr
Need for Gardeners Cc-2.0 infomatique/flickr Kildare; St. Fiachra, Patron Saint of Gardeners Gardeners are informal experts in the system that help with domain-specific context (Nardi 1993) Are we missing or not valuing the Gardeners in the system? Or were the librarians the past gardeners but structurally excluded?
But that’s just catching up! Cc-2.0 Mr. Thomas/flickr
Mobility of Search is growing in the US: • 21% of mobile phone users had unlimited data plans • 17% Smartphone ownership • 43% 3G phone ownership • 12/2009, comScoremobiLens • Decision engines – not just a Bing gimmick • Real-Time Search (Twitter et al) • Mobile – post-search pre-filtered results by context Semantic web Cc-2.0 johan_larsson/flickr
“Default” “Rev/Share” Relationships Source: comScore, Mobile Marketer
Upcoming Search Trends • QR (quick response) Graphic Image Search • Google: 100,000 QR codes to retailers; impressions can then be sent as sponsorable searches • Photo Image Search Input • Google Goggles • Voice Search Input
O’Reilly’s Where 2.0: Phones to Embed Context For Us iPhone sensors Augmented reality (Mobilizy, Wikitude) Location sensors (Skyhook, Loopt) Audio input into data devices (not just music in microphones) Computer vision input/cameras into data devices
Regulating the Results? • Broadband Data Improvement Act (S. 1492) – eRate requirement – web safety • FTC requirement for a national awareness program • NCLB, Title II, D Goal 2-A • “To assist every student in crossing the digital divide by ensuring that every student is technologically literate by the time the student finishes the eighth grade, regardless of the student’s race, ethnicity, gender, family income, geographic location, or disability.” Meaning what? • New California State Standards, May 2010? • For School Libraries; neither enforced nor funded
So what is the real gap? • Friction between Linear/traditional vs. non-linear/hyperlinked reasoning? • New filters needed AND understanding the old better? • Decoding and deconstructing the traditional • Valuing concepts of discovery and student-driven knowledge (vs. Sage on the Stage) • Conscious scaffolding means consciousness for teachers as well
Wanted: Symbolic Analysts Symbolic systems communication by leaders (Gardner) Symbolic analysts: Major drivers of future jobs (Reich, 1992) CPA Exam – requires CPAs find rules on the web – anticipates changing environment Evidence-based storytelling Cc-2.0 theusarmy/flickr
How do we design to… …Grok? • Know how to better memorize, remind, remember? • Will we need to? Is this the biggest real change? • Know how to find using context? • Know how to go beyond the first page of search? • Know how to question and when to question search results? • Know to combine diverse ideas for different search and information worlds that aren’t the first answer?
Gigi Johnson gigi@maremel.com @maremel