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TECH HIGH WASC Parent Presentation. Critical Areas for Follow-Up From 2006 Self Study and 2009 Mid-Term Progress Visit. What is WASC?. Western Association of Schools and Colleges
TECH HIGH WASCParent Presentation Critical Areas for Follow-Up From 2006 Self Study and 2009 Mid-Term Progress Visit
What is WASC? • Western Association of Schools and Colleges • One of SIX Regional accrediting associations which assesses the accreditation worthiness of schools and colleges in the U.S. • Why accreditation? • Assures a school community that the school’s purposes are appropriate and being accomplished through a viable education program—i.e., a trustworthy institution for student learning • Validates integrity of the school’s program and transcripts • Fosters improvement of school’s programs and operations to support student learning
KEEPING IT REAL • This is (only) Tech High’s SECOND self study • Areas of critical follow-up are recommendations from the visitation committee • They are valid and reliable to a point • Sometimes they are not always grounded in reality • Sometimes they are • Our challenge is to reflect and dialogue • Validate and celebrate what we have done • Determine as a collective entity what (else) we can do • Understand our limitations and constraints as a collective entity • Accept reality and continue to move forward • Sometimes it is what it is…
Mid-Term Critical Areas of Focus • Critical areas of focus and critical areas needing specific attention are follow-up and evolutions from the 2006 WASC Visitation AND the Mid-Term Progress Visit • 2006 committee made specific recommendations which they intended to follow-up in 2009 • 2009 visit generated some responses to original recommendation along with a few additional areas in need of attention • Again, some is valid and reliable to a point, some of it is what it is • We will validate and celebrate where we’re at and what we’ve done, with what we have—right here and right now…
Critical Area #1 • The site administration and district need to collaborate to build a plan that will increase the stability of the teaching staff at Technology High School. • This will help to build and strengthen a professional environment characterized by high trust and contribute to the focus on continuous improvement processes that enhance student learning outcomes
Meaning… We must stem the tide of high turnover and build capacity for a formal teacher leadership structure and to advance and sustain a climate of stability, coherence, and cohesion…
Critical Area #2 Technology High School leadership and stakeholders need to review their vision and mission statement in order to ensure that it is relevant, current, and clearly and accurately reflects what the school wants to accomplish for students and what students learn
Tech High Vision Statement At Technology High School, students, staff, parents and our community partners understand what it takes to foster successful lifelong learning. All Technology High School community members have a voice and work together toward the development of the whole child; preserving their uniqueness while preparing them to be a productive, contributing member of our diverse society. The community promotes high expectations for academic excellence through five tenets. Student achievement is accomplished through innovative, powerful project-based teaching and learning of the standards-based integrated curriculum in a safe, caring small school environment. Students are empowered to manage their learning through the use of technology tools. Instruction is personalized and differentiated based on the learning styles of the student. Students are assessed using multiple measures which help guide staff in supporting student achievement. Standards-aligned research-based instructional strategies are the focal point of the school’s professional development program.
Critical Area #3 The Technology High School leadership and staff need to review the stated Expected School-Wide Learning Results to ensure their relevance and linkage with the vision and mission of the school. This process should include the analysis of student performance data as well as a broader base of stakeholder input.
Meaning… • Essential Abilities were a deviation from Expected School-Wide Learning Results (ESLRs) • Although idealistic, this deviation was not in alignment with core principles of WASC in the scope and context of ESLRs • Pandora’s box… • If these are your essential abilities, how do you measure, monitor, and determine student success?
Critical Area #4 There is need to put in place a process that will ensure student opportunity to acquire the learning experiences necessary to accomplish the Expected School-Wide Learning Results and to clear define and accurately asses student progress toward achievement
Critical Area #5 The site and district administration need to work together to develop and implement a long and short range fiscal plan that will facilitate the school’s ability to better meet the needs of students
Reality check… • The district financial position is dire at best… • This reality is beyond our control • All we can do is to put forth the best we can, with what we have, where we are right now… • The bottom line is we are trying to maintain a “Cadillac” program on a “Pinto” budget
Critical #6 The is a need for the Technology High School leadership to clearly develop and establish processes and procedures that focus on the analysis of student performance data utilizing this information to guide educational decisions and allocation of resources
Meaning… • We as a staff have challenged ourselvesto ask ansd answer TWO (2) questions (to and of ourselves): • How do we know that students are learning? • What are we doing when we realize they are not learning?
Critical Area #7 The Technology High School leadership and faculty need to address the issue of inconsistent application of Project-Based Learning across the curriculum
Meaning… • There were some gaps and/or inconsistencies in implementation of Project-Based Learning activities across the curriculum • PBL focus was simply Integrated Science • What they were looking for is PBL across ALL disciplines • For the most-part there IS PBL across ALL subject-area disciplines • INCLUDING connected or interdisciplinary components as well
Critical Area #8 • There is a need for the school administration and site leadership team to review and revise the current Action Plan in order to include the above school-wide critical areas of follow-up provided by the Visiting Committee • The Action Plan should also be revised as needed to include the following (where necessary): • Rationale statement • Link the goal to student learning • Expanded description of tasks included in achieving action plan • Review of persons responsible to ensure equitable distribution of responsibility and timelines • Specify growth targets in the assessment section of Action Plan • Designate benchmark indicators of progress towards growth targets, when appropriate in the assessment section of Action Plan
Meaning… • Action Plan was too busy and there was some question as to whether (or not) the objectives were realistically attainable • Action Plan should be lofty and ambitious • SMART goals • Specific • Measureable • Attainable • Realistic • Timely • It’s quite alright if we haven’t made the mark on our goals and objectives • In fact, recognition that we have not (at times) makes the Action Plan analysis more authentic—valid and reliable
Critical Area—in need of further attention Assessment plan for ESLRs Fiscal plan Data analysis plan to guide educational decisions Action Plan
Present Status on These… • Essential Abilities are now ESLRs • We cannot control the district’s budget situation • Hence we will not go there • Teacher leadership • Focused on benchmarks and Tier II (RTI) interventions • Formative assessment for Algebra readiness • Criterion Online • Benchmark for writing across all grade levels • ALEKS—Algebra I benchmark • Action Plan • We will ALL walk that walk together as an entire school-wide community…
New Areas of Follow-up in need of attention Increase access of technology for all students Increased academic support for struggling students Maintenance of financial support of the school at former funding levels Increase the gender and ethnic diversity of the school to reflect the diversity of the community
Status of These • Technology • Computer lab • Wireless access points • Laptops for student use • Ongoing challenges reflective of budgetary realities • Academic supports for struggling students • AVID 9 and AVID 10 • Equity and access to success for ALL students • Financial Support • Again, we have no control of this one • Diversity • AVID • We are striving for equity and access for all students who have the desire, determination, and motivation to succeed here at Tech High
WASC ROADMAP MOVING FORWARD • Draft document (Greg) • Chapters 1-3 (School Profile, Performance Data, Progress) • Self study findings Committee Focus Groups • Chapter 4 • Organization • Curriculum • Instruction • Assessment and Accountability • School Climate and Culture • School-Wide Action Plan (ALL) • Chapter 5
WASC TIMELINE • Draft document—end of September • School-wide survey—end of September • Staff • Students • stakeholders • Committee focus groups—October/ongoing • WASC Pre-Visit— Friday November 2nd • Final Document—late January early February • Final Preparations—January-March • WASC Visit—April 15-17 (2013)
Expected School-Wide Learning Results Personal Integrity Effective Communication Critical Thinking Citizenship and Global Responsibility Reflective Learning
PARENT SURVEY RESULTS 198 Respondents 78% of parents –thank you
Breakdown of Respondents Freshman 25.3% 50 Sophomore 18.2% 36 Junior 31.3% 62 Senior 19.7% 39 Multiple grade levels 5.6% 11
“Teachers and staff are responsive in addressing parental concerns related to student progress...” Strongly Agree 52.8% 103 Agree 25.1% 49 Somewhat Agree 17.9% 35 Somewhat Disagree 1.5% 3 Disagree 1.5% 3 Strongly Disagree 1.0% 2
“…Tech High School is doing a good job preparing students for future college and career opportunities…” Strongly Agree 70.7% 140 Agree 14.6% 29 Somewhat Agree 13.1% 26 Somewhat Disagree 1.0% 2 Disagree .5% 1 Strongly Disagree 0 0
“…The instructional program at Tech High is rigorous and aligned with California State Standards…” Strongly Agree 69.2% 137 Agree 18.8% 37 Somewhat Agree 11.6% 23 Somewhat Disagree 0 0 Disagree .5% 1 Strongly Disagree 0 0
“…Homework assignments and Project-based learning tasks are relevant and meaningful for students…” Strongly Agree 66.2% 131 Agree 15.2% 30 Somewhat Agree 15.7% 31 Somewhat Disagree 1.0% 2 Disagree 1.5% 3 Strongly Disagree .5% 1
“…School counseling staff provides students adequate assistance with academic guidance and/or college and career planning…” Strongly Agree 67.2% 131 Agree 15.4% 30 Somewhat Agree 13.3% 26 Somewhat Disagree 1.5% 3 Disagree 1.0% 2 Strongly Disagree 1.5% 2
“…School leadership is supportive as it relates to responding to the academic and programmatic needs of students…” Strongly Agree 58.5% 114 Agree 15.4% 30 Somewhat Agree 20.0% 39 Somewhat Disagree 2.1% 4 Disagree 3.1% 6 Strongly Disagree 1.0 2
“…Tech High is a desirable school site because it is located on the SSU campus…” Strongly Agree 67.5% 133 Agree 15.2% 30 Somewhat Agree 14.2% 28 Somewhat Disagree 0 0 Disagree 2.5% 5 Strongly Disagree .5% 1
“…I am satisfied with my child's overall learning experience at Tech High…” Strongly Agree 72.7% 144 Agree 11.6% 23 Somewhat Agree 11.1% 22 Somewhat Disagree 1.5% 2 Disagree 2.5% 5 Strongly Disagree 1.5% 1
Open-Ended Responses If any of your responses were "disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree“ please take a moment to share why; as well, as your suggestions as to how we may improve
Guidelines or Conditions Speak your truth, keep it real (personal, local, immediate) Keep an open mind When necessary, allow yourself to feel some level of discomfort But, remain engaged Do not take or direct things personally We all have a valuable role in this process If necessary, accept non-closure
Parent Response… “…Please offer more relevant technology classes. Computer sciences comes to mind. Classes on engineering are good, but teach them about manufacturing and assembly processes as well…”
Parent Response “…I have concerns regarding the ability to keep evolved in my students progress. Teachers who do not grade or review tests in a timely manner or do not post grades are not providing an environment for students to thrive and succeed. Teachers need to provide this information so parents can stay involved academically…”
Parent Response “…Although I am very satisfied with the Tech High experience for my child I continue to feel that the English/Language Arts instruction has been the weak link for the past three years…”
Parent Response… “…While I support the sports program, I do not feel that the entry requirements should have been lowered to fill the sporting needs. Tech High seems to hold a high regard with colleges and the fact that the entry level requirements have been lowered so that we can support sports teams seems contradictory to the values the Tech High has promoted in years past…”
Parent Response… “…I've seen a gradual shift in what is important at Tech High. Sports, while a great addition seem to be trumping the reason students originally wanted to attend Tech High. In the past few years, we feel the overall "feel" of the school has changed and it doesn't feel like the same, small school, college bound supportive community it once was. While once feeling like the teachers, administrators and parents were once a working team for each student, that does not seem to be the feeling we get anymore…”
Parent Response… “…It seems that this school is only happy with positive feedback regarding my child, and if I give feedback that is useful for the growth of the school and my child it is disregarded or held against my child…”
Parent Response… “…I would appreciate if the progress reports had actual progress for all classes. Previous progress reports had "Passing" or other vague terms because the…teacher was not current on grading…”
Parent Response… “…online grades would be a great way for parents to stay notified of their students current academic status…”
Parent Response… “…I've sent maybe three e-mails to teachers/admin that contained my concerns since we started. I didn't receive responses to any of those three. I've drawn the conclusion that it is considered acceptable to avoid parent feedback if it is not favorable. A simple "I got it" would have been a sufficient response for any of my e-mails…”
Parent Response… “…Please tone down the hype and favoritism to sports participants. Letting them leave class early promotes the idea that sports are important and academics are not. Please let our bright kids know they are valued for their minds as well!!!”
Discussion… • Thoughts or reactions to the survey results • In general (???)Specific (???) • What are your thoughts or reactions to the student responses? • In general (???) • Specific (???)
Discussion… What are your thoughts about what we do well here at Tech High? What are your thoughts about some of the things we could improve upon here at Tech High? What changes do you think we need to make in order for the learning experience more powerful and meaningful for you?