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Walking Together

Walking Together . Building graduate cultural competence to enrich Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Megan Cooper and Donna Moodie. So who are we?. Donna Moodie Megan Cooper What do we do individually and why are we doing this together?. Cultural Competence.

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Walking Together

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Walking Together Building graduate cultural competence to enrich Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Megan Cooper and Donna Moodie

  2. So who are we? • Donna Moodie • Megan Cooper • What do we do individually and why are we doing this together?

  3. Cultural Competence • Universities Australia (2011) • Behrendt Report (2012) • Our rational • Education is an enabler in the improvement of Indigenous life chances • Higher education institutions are intimately implicated in Indigenous experience(s) through preparing future professionals • This involvement implies opportunities for ‘whole of institution’ approaches

  4. Cultural Competence as an enabler Developmental Model of Cultural Competence

  5. PD to enhance CC‘On Country’ Learning Journey • Aims • Provide an opportunity to engage with an alternative (perhaps hidden) narrative of ‘place’ - An(Other) side of Toowoomba • We asked participants to ‘try on different lenses’ as part of a journey of learning. • And consider how ‘walking together’ might apply to what they do re: USQ aspirations for increased access & equity for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples

  6. Sites visited on the day • Jack Martin Centre • Bushland Park, Multuggerah Mountain Monument • Peace Haven Park, Highfields • Women’s Site - Highfields • Gummingurru Stone Arrangement Site – Highfields • Cobb & Co Museum

  7. Learning about each other and ourselves Participants share their perspectives on why the trip is important for what they do

  8. Multuggerah Mountain Participants hear an Indigenous narrative of this historical spot

  9. Wisdom from Elders

  10. Women’s Site

  11. Participants learn more detail of an Indigenous narrative of Toowoomba as a place of significance to local and regional Aboriginal people's

  12. Gummingurru Stone Arrangement Site

  13. Learning from Traditional Owners

  14. Feedback ‘On Country’ Learning Journey • Affective • ‘Visiting sites, seeing, hearing, feeling down through the layers’; ‘travelling together was powerful’; [and] ‘having the voice of ‘elders’ was very powerful’ • ‘The places on the trip provided pieces of a puzzle.. [and] the descriptions of lived experiences provided disruption of the dominant narrative’ • I was quite emotional … I felt very privileged … and I also felt like I was intruding….

  15. Feedback ‘On Country’ Learning Journey • Reflection & ‘walking together’ • ‘It has made me think more generally about life & country and what we as humans inflict on each other & on country, not just here & now, but everywhere’ • ‘I really like the walking together concept. I feel a sense of guilt … But I have never really known what I could do personally. The walking together approach (with its gentle, healing agenda) makes me feel positive about the future & the way forward.’

  16. What are we trying to say about ‘Walking Together’? • We are trying to create opportunities for people to ‘unpack’ their core values & beliefs • We are trying to model ways of ‘walking together’ that are underpinned by wants & needs of Indigenous community • PLUS we have found that we can demonstrate outcomes that exceed what we would achieve if we were ‘walking alone’

  17. Walking forward – Gumbi Gumbi Gardens

  18. A pathway; A journey

  19. Indigenous Higher Education Pathways students (IHEPP)

  20. Walking Together; Learning Together

  21. Walking forward – Gumbi Gumbi Gardens • “Let’s look at where we’ve been, where we’re going and through education make the journey together” • Visit USQ’s new Garden &   it on Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/GumbiGumbiGardens

  22. Building graduate cultural competence to enrich Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education • Enhanced cultural competence in staff and students will lead to better outcomes for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students • Professionals whose ‘core’ beliefs & practices with students are more inclusive & culturally aware • Professionals whose interpretation & applications of curricula is more culturally inclusive • Professionals whose peer and student interactions are more inclusive & respectful

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