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Climate change research in the Framework Programmes. Henrietta Hampel European Commission Research DG Climate Change and Environmental Risks Unit. EPOCA Kick Off Meeting 10-13 June 2008. EU research: the story so far. 1952: ECSC treaty; first projects started March 1955
Climate change research in the Framework Programmes Henrietta Hampel European Commission Research DG Climate Change and Environmental Risks Unit EPOCA Kick Off Meeting 10-13 June 2008
EU research: the story so far 1952: ECSC treaty; first projects started March 1955 1957: EURATOM treaty; Joint Research Centre set up 1983: ESPRIT programme 1984: First Framework Programme (1984-1987) 1987: ‘European Single Act’ – science becomes a Community responsibility; Second Framework Programme (1987-1991) 1990: Third Framework Programme (1990-1994) 1993: Treaty on European Union; role of RTD in the enlarged EU 1994: Fourth Framework Programme (1994-1998) 1998: Fifth Framework Programme (1998-2002) 2000: European Research Area 2002: Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) 2007: Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013)
Policy context • Support EU International commitments such as: • Kyoto and Montreal Protocols • World Summit on Sustainable Development • U.N. convention on Biological Diversity • Contribute to: • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) • Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) • International Programmes (e.g. IGBP, WCRP) • Contribute to EU policies such as: • 6th Environmental Action Plan and associated Thematic Strategies • European Climate Change Programme • Action Plans on Environmental Technologies and Environment and Health • Water Framework Directive • Communication to limit global warming to less than 2°C beyond pre-industrial times
Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) Areas and list of ongoing projects funded under FP6 - Global change and ecosystems(~ 30 projects with 182 million € budget) • Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles: Sources and Sinks CARBOOCEAN – Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment • Atmospheric Pollutants and their Regional Impacts • MAP – Marine Aerosol Production from Natural Resources • Climate dynamics and variability • Stratospheric ozone and climate interactions • Prediction of climatic change and its impacts • Adaptation and mitigation strategies
The Seventh Framework Programme • What’s new? (compared to FP6) • Duration increase from five to seven years • Annual budget increased significantly • Basic research (~ €1 billion per year) • New structure: cooperation, ideas, people, capacities • Flexible funding schemes (collaborative projects, CSA) • Policy relevant research and emerging needs, SICA, Cross-thematic, Dissemination actions, SME relevant • Simpler procedures (reporting, financial) • Guarantee Fund
EC RESEARCH STRUCTURE Framework Programme (Council and EP) Specific Programme (Council + opinion EP) Work Programmes (Commission) Yearly calls (specific topics, choice of instruments,…)
Seventh Framework Program (2007 -2013) First Call – Deadline May 2007 Second Call – Deadline February 2008 Third Call – Work Program is under preparation Call opens in July 2008
FP7 budget (€ 50 521 million) • Note: Euratom FP: €2.7 billion over 5 years - not included above
Environment (incl. climate change) • Climate change, pollution and risks • Pressures on environment and climate • Environment and health • Natural hazards • Sustainable Management of Resources • Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources • Evolution of marine environments • Environmental Technologies • Environmental technologies for observation, prevention, mitigation, adaptation, remediation and restoration of the natural and man-made environment • Technology assessment, verification and testing • Earth observation and assessment tools • Earth observation • Forecasting methods and assessment tools
Climate change impacts on mountain regions ACQWA Pressures on Environment and Climate 1st Call (WP 2007) : 39 M€ The Earth System and Climate: Functioning & abrupt changes The Global Carbon cycle and GHG budgets Climate Change Natural and Socio-economic Impacts Response strategies; Adaptation, Mitigation and Policies Natural and anthropogenic emissions and pressures Future Climate Climate change impacts in the Parana-Plata river basin CLARIS LPB Air quality and climate in megacities: CITYZEN MEGAPOLI Full costs of climate change CLIMATECOST Stability of the Thermohaline Circulation THOR Ocean acidification EPOCA Impacts of climate policies on land use and ecosystems CCTAME Climate Change impacts & adaptation strategies in water policies CLIMATEWATER
ENV.2007. Stability of the ThermoHaline Circulation THOR - Thermohaline Overturning - at Risk? 9.3 million € EC contribution THOR will establish an operational system that will monitor and forecast the development of the North Atlantic THC on decadal time scales and access its stability and the risk of a breakdown in a changing climate. The project will contribute to Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES), to Global Observing Systems such as to the Global Ocean Observing system (GOOS), and to the International Polar Year (IPY).
Pressures on Environment and Climate 2nd Call (WP 2008): 42 M€ The Earth System and Climate: Functioning & abrupt changes The Global Carbon cycle and GHG budgets Climate Change Natural and Socio-economic Impacts Response strategies; Adaptation, Mitigation and Policies Natural and anthropogenic emissions and pressures Natural and anthropogenic emissions and pressures Future Climate Water resources in Northern India, and adaptation strategies New components in Earth System modelling Climate-chemistry interactions in the stratosphere Sea-Level Rise Analysis of emerging economies in a post-Kyoto regime Addressing deforestation in tropical areas Climate variability & terrestrial carbon cycle Arctic Ocean ecosystems Risks of novel options to limit climate change
ENV.2008. Climate change impacts and Thresholds on Arctic Ocean ecosystems The research should identify the elements of ecosystem which are the most sensitive to climate change and will develop trajectories of climate change impacts under different climate change scenarios and assess if the Arctic marine ecosystems are close to critical thresholds ("tipping points"). Funding scheme: collaborative projects (large-scale integrating projects) ENV.2008. Sea-Level Rise - Trends in contributions from continental ice, processes and links to climate change Under this topic research should include field studies of key processes (e.g. ice flow dynamics), observations, data gathering and analysis, and modelling to refine predictions of the behaviour of glaciers (globally), ice caps, and-ice sheets, links to climate change and associated changes of sea level over the next decades and centuries. Funding scheme: collaborative projects (large-scale integrating projects)
Pressures on Environment and Climate 3rd Call (WP 2009): 32 M€ The Earth System and Climate: Functioning & abrupt changes The Global Carbon cycle and GHG budgets Climate Change Natural and Socio-economic Impacts Response strategies; Adaptation, Mitigation and Policies Natural and anthropogenic emissions and pressures Natural and anthropogenic emissions and pressures Future Climate Integrated methodology for assessment of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation measures Process-oriented evaluation of Earth System Models Climate dynamics and abrupt changes – analysis of the palaeo-record Quantification and attribution of annual-to-decadal changes of carbon and GHG budgets Climate change predictions in Sub-Saharan Africa Adaptation strategies in view of post-2012 climate initiatives Climate induced changes in water resources in southern Europe Climate change impacts on the marine environment: research results and public perception
Indicative topics for future research • Relation between climate change and growing hypoxia in the ocean • Development of North-Atlantic ocean and associated shelf-seas protection and management options • Biogeochemical and physical processes controlling the magnitudes and distribution of ocean carbon sources and sinks at different time scales • Adaptation of marine species and populations to a changing environment • Sea level rise: links to climate change and impact on coastal areas worldwide • Identification and characterisation of tipping points, runaways feed backs, phase changes and points of no return …
Information • EU research: http://ec.europa.eu/research • Seventh Framework Programme: http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7 • RTD info magazine: http://ec.europa.eu/research/rtdinfo/ • Information on research programmes and projects: http://cordis.europa.eu/ • Information requests: http://ec.europa.eu/research/enquiries/