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Pathways Cluster Hamilton 21 st September 2010. Ki te taumata Get there with learning. Presenters from Tertiary Organisations. Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Waikato Institute of Technology University of Waikato. Career Education Networks and Communities of Practice.
Pathways Cluster Hamilton 21st September 2010 Ki te taumata Get there with learning
Presenters from Tertiary Organisations • Te Wānanga o Aotearoa • Waikato Institute of Technology • University of Waikato
Career Education Networks and Communities of Practice A report from the School–Communities strand of the EEL project Karen Vaughan Paul O’Neil EEL Research Report No. 6 1 July 2010 www.eel
Feedback and research findings • How have our jobs changed? Shifts in roles and demands in the roles? • More a team approach, everybodies job • Schools keep students longer because of the economic climate • More paperwork • Introduction of Gateway • Career qualification available for career educators • An area between leaving school and getting a job – 90 day govt recognised • More demands by the senior management that we fix the behavioural issues, and less time to actually do that (expectations of our responding to disengaged students with creative options through pathways)
Feedback • Two thirds of Careers Staff have been teaching for more than 16 years • ¾ are CATE members, 27% CPANZ, 15% have Careers related qualification • 80% have more than one role (upt o 3 or 4) • Networks? Clusters, contacts in the community, school staff relationships, • Lots of networks are informal, rich conversations and ideas • Centralised and decentralised networks (not all through the hub of the Careers Advisor)
Findings... • How do these networks work? • What are the important nodes in your networks • Each area is linked • Even with a strong lead team, the CA is paid to do the job and most of the responsibility is perceived to be the CA • Decentralised networks are fluid (change in emphasis on members) • Where are our productive conversations, who do we have them with? • They are often random, incidental contacts are key • Not facilitated through the organisation
Findings... • Links that we make through students and family that are an important part of the job • Decentralised networks are great for helping people manage complex situations (lessen the pressure on us if we are the key part of a hub) • Activity of networking is really important to us in terms of our effectiveness and professional support • Networking is a skill set that we can develop and that we need to value as a professional activity • Networks are shared learning opportunities, communities of practice – it could use a professional spine (Tony Watts UK)
Findings... • There is no recipe, this is a complex role • Scripts plus ad-libbing (whilst on stage!) • General trend to recognise that Career Education is very complex; this may give rise to an indepth perception of career education competencies (preparing people how to make decisions) • Shifts in role+changing world+unpredictable people= career education competencies • A set of career education competencies is being proposed by the MOE • A way to prepare people to continue to make competent decisions throughout their lives
Findings... • Things that are lifelong, are based around personal competencies • Do schools do any of this? • NZC – three proposed as well as the KCs • Developing self awareness • Exploring opportunities • Deciding and acting • How might these relate to other KCs and NZC? • Not formally recognised (only Careers Educators read the Career Education Guidelines) • KCs how do these relate to our department? (Ruth)
Findings... • The moment we talk of ‘career education competencies’ rather than ‘activities’ it becomes a very different thing; it infers deeper level of learning, makes it different kind of thing • It this is going to work, career educators need a very different kind of role in the school, what if career management competencies got spread throughout the school “every teacher is now a careers teacher” • What might that mean for your school? • It might make schooling more relevant • Give people a different way to think about their subject area
Findings... • Everyone’s got your job! • We would have to liaise with people to support them to do their job • More time to network, seek information, the distribute the responsibility would free us to do other things • As a teacher give us more access to who goes to STAR etc to encourage students (using the funding) • Recognising and using the students’ interests to meet their needs, accessing other people in the community to teach students skills • Teachers can have concepts that getting students to NCEA level 3 is the whole job
Findings... • Teachers may not be positive about this...people sometimes have limited thinking about what their job is (when we change the frame this can show this up) • There is potentially a huge leadership opportunity here... • Common vision is a powerful thing – share a vision that they are making a difference in education • Career management competencies are an opportunity to work on a common vision • Draw a model of what it would take in your school to make it work?
Whole School Approach to Career Education How do we integrate CE across the curriculum? How do we embed CE within the processes of curriculum design in our school?
Self Review in Secondary School to Ensure Effective Career Education Making it.... Authentic Coherent Robust Timoti Harris Principal/Tumuaki Ōtorohanga College www.otoschool.co.nz
STARFunding Review Form Waikato analysis for 2009
Providers • Red Cross (cheaper) • Corporate Safety (engage students) • Transfield Services (cheap and engage students) • Career Force and Age Care Education • Life Care Consultants • Southern Institute of Technology (some are 1 year course, pre entry to health, and landscape design, computers) • Telford Polytechnic • Mahurangi
Burning Issues • Local support for Gateway has been disestablished, support is through clusters, other schools • TEC have disestablished the investment plan? • Seniors leaving – how do we transition seniors at this time of the year (leavers have an exit pack with a variety of information) • Funding of students
http://secondarypathways.wikispaces.com/ Our new School Support Services wiki Central North Region
Aligning school foci with Pathways Development in your school Using the policy documents of the Ministry of Education for curriculum design
“Kei tēnākeitēnākeitēnāanoTōnāakeahuaTōnāakemauriTōnāake mana”Each and everyone has their own uniquenesslife essence and presence