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SSD Development for ATLAS Upgrade Tracker. ATL-P-MN-0006 v. 1 Development of non-inverting Silicon strip detectors for the ATLAS ID Upgrade ( H. Sadrozinski, P. Allport, N. Unno +25 Institutions)).
SSD Development for ATLAS Upgrade Tracker • ATL-P-MN-0006 v.1 Development of non-inverting Silicon strip detectors for the ATLAS ID Upgrade ( H. Sadrozinski, P. Allport, N. Unno +25 Institutions)). • “The goal of the program is the industrial pre-production of SSD optimized for sLHC operation and includes both short and long strips.” • “In addition, the RD activity should take into account the needs of the module development program and plan to have sensors available on the required time-scale.” • Outline: • Framework of R&D Program • Recent Results • Future Plans • ATLAS07 Submission to HPK • Budget Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
SSD Development for the ATLAS Upgrade Tracker: Overview Goal: Identify optimal SSD technology and start commercial production. P-type promise higher luminosity reach (underdepleted operation) Concentrate on test pre-rad and post-rad Electrical Characterization Charge Collection: CC-V Devices: SMART SSD (RD50) Status: p, g and n irradiations done, in test RD50 run with commercial 6” foundry (Micron), n and p irradiation underway Start work with high volume supplier: HPK ATLAS06: pilot run for investigation of geometry, n and p planned ATLAS07: in preparation, PRR at HPK (June) and CERN (ID week July) Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Design for: 1*1015 neq/cm2 short strips, 4*1015 neq/cm2 long strips(includes 2x safety factor)New: p-type, neutrons Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
MCz vs. FZ Previous data: Liverpool FZ allows low initial depletion voltage (<100V) >10 kW-cm FZ, Good uniformity, Annealing affects under control G. Casse et al VCI ‘04 Adopt p-type FZ as Baseline continue to investigate high-resistivity p-type MCz Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Development of tools to support testing: Surface condition: Interstrip capacitance and Isolation pre-rad and after TID i-V and breakdown behavior (STD6 Contribution) Charge collection: Beta source (~30 Hz), 100ns shaping time pos and neg signals. connect electrical parameter C-V with MIP Charge collection (RESMDD06 Contribution) Annealing studies: Allow for elevated temperature Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Depletion: C-V and CCE: Temp and Frequency C(V) ~ 1/d CCE(V) ~ d expected collected charge = 3.5 fC*Co/C(V) At low temps, use low frequency! RT: 10 kHz,-10o C: 400 Hz, -20o C: 250 Hz M. Petterson et al. RESMDD06 Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Neutrons SCIPP Measurements on p-type Mcz with neutron irradiated sensors. Absolute prediction of 1/C Agrees well with CCE Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Neutrons vs. Protons? Caveats: Binary vs. Analog (Single-strip vs. Sum?) Median vs. Most probable FZ vs. MCz, Starting Depletion Voltage 100 ns vs. 25 ns Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Charge collection Short strips: At target fluence and 500V Bias: Sufficient yield for good signal-to-noise Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Wafer: n MCz Evidence for Double-Junction instead of “Inversion”. Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Wafer: MCz SMART Non-uniform doping density in MCz: Simple simulation of parallel capacitors with different depletion voltages reproduces the 1/C2 curves. Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
MCz Wafer Uniformity with CCE: SMART vs. Micron Charge collection at 3 positions along strips: Micron has excellent uniformity along strips and across the wafer SMART: 4.5 cm long Micron: 6 cm long Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Annealing New data: CCE annealing for n-type and p-type MCz similar time structure as C-V M. Petterson et al Irradiated with 26 MeV p to ~2*1014 cm-2 Binary readout 100ns, 90Sr beta source 1000min @60 oC = 514 days @RT Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Planned activity in FY ’08 and beyond Continued Development of tools to support testing: Mate SCT hybrid (20ns ) with custom quick-disconnect Sensor board Work on SCT DAQ: negative pulses Improve thermal management Testing of MICRON mini-SSD pre- and post-rad Issue: Evaluate role of resistivity of wafer FZ: ~20kW-cm (Micron) vs. 8 kW-cm (HPK), MCz ~ 2kW-cm (Micron and HPK) Initially Depletion Voltage: FZ 60 V (Micron) vs. 140 V (HPK) MCz ~ 500 V (Micron and HPK) Testing of ATLAS06, ATLAS07 (HPK), ATLASxx mini-SSD Surface condition pre- and post-rad (p, n, g): Optimize isolation and capacitance Charge collection pre- and post-rad (p, n, g): Optimize wafer resistivity Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Quick-Disconnect Sensor Board Allows both electrical and dynamic testing of sensors pre-rad/post-rad/post-anneal Bonding is bottle-neck: use connectors! Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Peltier based Cooling System Cooling of irradiated sensors required both for electrical and dynamic testing. Present mode of spilling LN2 into a thermal enclosure is reliable, but clumsy / wasteful. Peltier based system promises good uniformity. Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Test Program: with 1 cm x 1 cm test structures p Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Irradiation Program: Neutrons Lubljana: (Marko Mikuz) - available all year upon short notice (week) - flux > 1012 n_eq/(cm2.s), downgradeable by reactor power - TID ~ 100 kRad for 1014 n_eq/cm2 (> kRad/s) - sample width ~60 mm, length ~150 mm - bias & cooling - difficult Suitable for irradiations of bare sensors, depending on the design we adopt (width !). For modules need to be careful, activation issues might be serious at the target fluences. The sensors (Si, Al) cool down quite efficiently (days), so mounting on evaluation boards/modules could be done post-irradiation. Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Irradiation Program: Neutrons Louvain: (Otilia Militaru) UC Santa Cruz had two runs in late 2006 (2*1014 and 2*1015 ). Damage coefficients about 2x larger than at 1 MeV. Good dosimetry possible TID ~1%? Cooling possible Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Irradiation Program: Pions PSI in August 2007 with RD50, CMS Contact: Tilman Rohe, PSI Target fluence about 2*1015 Limited number of small devices ~40? Irradiation Program: Protons RD50 Runs in 2007: May, July, September Contact: Michael Moll, Maurice Glasser Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Purpose Full square Usage in 2008 Delivery target Dec. 2007 Wafer 150 mm p-FZ(100) 320 µm thick n-strip isolation Individual p-stop Stereo 40 mrad Integrated in half area Dead area: 2 mm Strip segments 4 for SS (but still true for 4% limit?) LS: segments wire-bonded ATLAS07 Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Issues remaining location of Bonding pads Most likely to add one more pad at centre of strip 5 pads per strip ATLAS07 specification Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Schedule from HPK Delivery Dec 07 Fabrication incl. testing (3 m) Sep 07 Acquiring wafers (2 m) Jul 07 Designing masks (2 m) Jul 07 Finalizing specifications in Jul 07 Wafer specification Beg Jun 07 p-type FZ vs. MCZ Financing Pro rata basis ATLAS07 Fabrication Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Purpose To review and finalize the design and specification of the upgrade silicon microstrip sensor to be fabricated by the end of 2007 (ATLAS07) ATLAS07 serves sensor needs in 2008 till ATLAS08 comes in the end of 2008 Review date 2nd July, during the ID week at CERN Steps to the review Mid May: Pre-meeting 18-19 June: Pre-meeting at KEK 20 June: Meeting with HPK in Japan 2nd July: Review date ATLAS07 Review Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07
Sensor Technology Budget Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski, SCIPP: US-ATLAS Upgrade Meeting 5/3/07