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Explore the genetic traits of cowlicks, widow's peaks, and ear lobes. Discover their origins, characteristics, and inheritance patterns. Test your tongue rolling and hitchhiker's thumb abilities in this comprehensive guide.
A cowlick is a swirl of unruly hair that doesn't comb down properly. It is usually combed over to avoid showing baldness. Alfalfa of Our Gang (later The Little Rascals), Martin Short's Ed Grimley character, and Jim Carrey's Ace Ventura character may have the most famous pop-culture cowlicks known. Cowlicks are caused when hair follicles on the scalp grow in a spiral pattern, usually clockwise. The most common cowlick position is at the back right corner of the head (like Dennis the Menace), but they can appear at other positions on the scalp as well. Cowlicks
A widow's peak is a descending V-shaped point in the middle of the hairline (above the forehead). The trait is inherited genetically and dominant. The term comes from English folklore, where it was believed that this hair formation was a sign of a woman who would outlive her husband. Widow’s Peak
Ear Lobes ATTACHED EARLOBES: A person with attached earlobes will have the lowest point of the earlobe attached to the face. A person with unattached earlobes will not have the lowest point of the earlobe attached to the face. In fact, you may be able to put part of your fingertip between the face and the unattached bottom portion of the ear lobe.
Tongue Roll Can You? Or Can’t You?