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Alternative Education Programs. 704 KAR 19:002 Revised October 2013.
Alternative Education Programs 704 KAR 19:002 Revised October 2013
KRS 160.380(1)(a) - ”Alternative Education” a program that exists to meet the needs of students that cannot be addressed in a traditional classroom setting but through the assignment of students to alternative classrooms, centers, or campuses that are designed to remediate academic performance, improve behavior, or provide an enhanced learning experience. Alternative education programs do not include career or technical centers or departments.
Off-Site Alternative Programs • Programs that are not within an existing A1 School or on the same campus as an existing A1 School. • All off-site programs must have a school number. • Districts should request a school number for any off-site alternative program in the district http://education.ky.gov/districts/data/Pages/School-Change-Requests.aspx
Off-site Alternative Programs • Utilize Infinite Campus for tracking of student data • A student placed in an off-site alternative placement must be withdrawn from the A1 school and re-enrolled into the alternative school. • All students placed in alternative education programs must have an ILPA or a transition plan with the components required by regulation. • All student data during the time of enrollment in the alternative school must be tracked in Infinite Campus. • Course sections should be created designating Alternative Classroom as the Special Type and students’ schedules should reflect these classes.
On-site Alternative Programs • Programs within an existing A1 school or on the same physical campus as an existing A1 school are considered on-site alternative programs. • A student placed in an on-site alternative placement must be withdrawn from their current course sections and re-enrolled into alternative placement course sections. • Course sections must be created designating Alternative Classroom as the Special Type and students must be enrolled into the appropriate course depending on their schedule.
Individual Learning Plan Addendum (ILPA)
Individual Learning Plan Addendum-ILPA An action plan that addresses the changed educational needs of a student based upon entry into or exit from an alternative education program that includes, as appropriate academic and behavioral needs of the student, criteria for the student’s re-entry into the traditional program, and the provisions for regular review of the student’s progress throughout the school year while in an alternative education program.
What is the purpose on the ILPA? The ILPA is an action plan to ensure students being placed in an alternative education program stay on track for graduation and being college and career ready. NOTE: A student with an IEP does not require an additional ILPA, the student’s placement, goals and objectives will be updated based on the ARC decisions.
The ILPA may include the following information: • A plan for transition into and out of the alternative program • Criteria for re-entry into the regular education program • Goals and timelines for the student • Formative & summative assessment data • Behavioral assessment data • Progress Monitoring information The student’s ILPA should be updated regularly to reflect progress and changes.
General Requirements District responsibilities with alternative programs? • Each local board shall adopt and annually review policy and procedures related to the alternative programs in which students from their district receive services. • Curriculum must be aligned with the state standards
Minimum graduation requirements are being met for students within an alternative setting • A process is in place for regular progress monitoring of students • Students have access to extracurricular activities by local policy
Placement of Students • Students must meet the eligibility requirement established by board policy • An updated ILP (not an ILPA) must exist prior to placement • Students with an IEP shall be placed through the admission and release committee (ARC).
Cost and Expenditures Each district shall use the statewide financial management system and chart of accounts to track cost and expenditures associated with each alternative program operating in the district.
Data Entry Each district shall utilize the student information system (Infinite Campus) to enter data regarding each student enrolled in an alternative education program.
Setting up new school in IC • School number requested from KDE • KDE will assign school number via SRIM • KDE will create new school in IC State Edition • KDE request IC Support to push the school detail to IC District Edition • The district will see the school available via System Admin | Resources | School • For the school to appear in the drop list of schools, the calendar must be set up and activated for the school
School Detail Screen The fields will be populated based on the request provided to KDE, the following fields should not be altered by districts: • Name • Location Number • State Classification • State Classification for KECSAC schools is A6, this will include blended programs (serves A5 and A6 students)
Setting up Alternative Content Courses in IC • PATH: Course | Sections Tab • Add a new section or edit existing section • Select Special Type of 02: Alternative Classroom • This must be done for all content courses provided at the alternative school
Training for specific sections of IC • Campus Community • Infinite Campus University • KDE Website: • KSIS Training website • Systems Launchpad
Personnel Alternative education teachers and administrators shall be subject to the teacher certification requirements established in KRS 161.020 and shall comply with the classified and certified assignment restrictions established in KRS 160.380(3)
Alternative Education Programs • Alternative education programs are not required to have a SBDM or principal (With or without a school/location ID number) • It is recommended that the district have a designated administrator for the program • Teachers are required to be highly qualified in a subject they are teaching. Use the highly qualified calculator if you have any questions. EPSB – HQ Calculator
Alternative Education Programs • Alternative programs are not required to have a certified special education teacher on staff, unless it is specifically stated within a student’s IEP as a requirement to meet the student’s needs • Alternative program teachers are required to collaborate with the district’s special education staff to ensure the IEP is being implemented
Questions sherri.clusky@education.ky.gov OR Thomas.edgett@education.ky.gov Phone 502-564-4772 Guidance and recorded WebEx sessions can be downloaded from KDE’s Alternative Education Programs website