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New dosimetry library - IRDFF

New dosimetry library - IRDFF. R. Capote, A. Trkov, K.I. Zolotarev , V. Pronyaev IAEA/NAPC Nuclear Data Section. Update of the IRDF-2002 (rel. 2005). IAEA CM held in 2007,2010: INDC(NDS)-0575 (2010) and INDC( NDS)-507 (2007) Zolotarev evaluations for RRDF

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New dosimetry library - IRDFF

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  1. New dosimetry library - IRDFF R. Capote, A. Trkov, K.I. Zolotarev, V. Pronyaev IAEA/NAPC Nuclear Data Section

  2. Update of the IRDF-2002 (rel. 2005) • IAEA CM held in 2007,2010: • INDC(NDS)-0575 (2010) and • INDC( NDS)-507 (2007) • Zolotarev evaluations for RRDF • (partially supported by IAEA/NDS) • INDC(NDS)-0526, • INDC(NDS)-0546, • INDC(NDS)-0584, • IAEA Standards + ENDF/B-VII.0+cov • JENDL-4 ? • Model covariance calculations: TENDL • Use for the extension of the energy range • Conclusions and outlook

  3. New evaluation 64Zn(n,p)64Cu

  4. 197Au(n,2n)196Au new evaluation vs selected exp. data

  5. 197Au(n,2n)196Au

  6. 197Au(n,2n)196Au Extension to 60 MeV – TENDL- 2010 ~6 % renormalization 40 MeV 60 MeV TENDL 2010

  7. 197Au(n,2n)196Au Extension to 60 MeV – TENDL- 2010

  8. 89Y(n,2n)

  9. 59Co(n,p)

  10. 55Mn(n,2n)

  11. 93Nb(n,2n)92mNb

  12. Spectrum and XS uncertainties Source spectrum file : spectra\Cf252s.g Unc. Unc. Unc. Mat. MT E(50%) <XS> +/- Unc x.s. Sp. Total [MeV] [mb] [%] [%] [%] [%] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 79197 16 10.50 .553122E+01 +/- .1523E+00 1.873 2.019 2.754 79197 102 .72 .749206E+02 +/- .6899E+00 .563 .728 .921 27059 16 13.00 .407990E+00 +/- .1480E-01 1.519 3.294 3.627 27059 17 19.80 .342457E-05 +/- .2594E-05 .000 75.74 75.74 27059 102 .88 .485887E+01 +/- .2029E+00 4.081 .886 4.176 27059 103 5.90 .171549E+01 +/- .6254E-01 3.457 1.159 3.646 27059 107 8.30 .221311E+00 +/- .8567E-02 3.542 1.562 3.871 Source spectrum file : spectra\U235th-B71.g 79197 16 10.30 .325997E+01 +/- .1559E+01 1.966 47.767 47.807 79197 102 .72 .757991E+02 +/- .2654E+01 .566 3.455 3.501

  13. Conclusions • International Reactor Dosimetry File IRDF-2002 released in 2005 [1]; • library contains 66 dosimetry reactions. Update is needed. • New IAEA dosimetry library (IRDFF) released for testing (74 react + 3abs) • New suitable evaluations including covariances became available • - IAEA neutron cross-section standards [2] combined with • ENDF-B/VII.1 evaluations [3], JENDL-4 evaluations, and • Zolotarev evaluations [4-6]. • 37 dosimetry reactions updated and compared to measurements in • ENDF-B/VII.0 235U thermal and 252Cf fast neutron fields. • Formal extension of all evaluations up to 60 MeV of incident neutron • energy using TENDL-2010 [7] done. REFERENCES: [1] O. Bersillon et al., IRDF-2002, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, TRS 452 (2006). [2] A. D. Carlson, et al, Nucl. Data Sheets 110 (2009) 3215-3324. [3] L. Leal, Evaluations in the ENDF/B-VII.1 library with covariances, priv. comm., 2010. [4] K. I. Zolotarev, INDC(NDS)-0526, IAEA, Vienna, August 2008. [5] K. I. Zolotarev, INDC(NDS)-0546, IAEA, Vienna, April 2009. [6] K. I. Zolotarev, INDC(NDS)-0584, IAEA, Vienna, November 2010. [7] A. J. Koning and D. Rochman, TENDL-2010, The Netherlands.

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