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A New Operational Dosimetry System at CERN. Pierre Carbonez, Gérald Dumont DGS/RP. Personal and Operational Dosimeters at CERN.
A New Operational Dosimetry System at CERN Pierre Carbonez, Gérald Dumont DGS/RP IEFC meeting, 22-Feb-13
Personal and Operational Dosimetersat CERN • Operational dosimeters are mandatory in Limited Stay and High Radiation Area, in addition to the PersonalDosimeterwhichisrequired in all CERN Radiation Areas. • The Operational Dosimeter allow you to: • display your integrated dose in real time, • to warn you with a beep of variable frequency of the radiation level around you • to inform you when the alarm thresholds are exceeded (alarm and indicator light), • to register your operational dose to allow a daily Radiation Protection follow-up of your interventions. PersonalDosimeterat CERN (DIS) Current Operational Dosimeterat CERN (DMC) IEFC meeting, 22-Feb-13
Where are wecomingfrom ? • Operational dosimeters are mandatory in CERN Controlled Radiation Areas from Limited Stay Areas on. • Operational dosimeters (DMC) had been distributed by RP in Blg. 561 and Blg. 892 • DMC had been assigned to a person. • Pool of operational dosimeters had been assigned to a team (e.g. BE/OP). • Workershad to write down their interventions and doses on a sheet of paperavailableateach Access Point. • RP had to manually log the doses in a database(more than 7500 entries in the database in 2012…). IEFC meeting, 22-Feb-13
What has alreadychanged ? • DMC are assigned by name for workers frequently intervening. • As soon as the worker has finished his/her job and will not work anymore in Limited stay areas and above (for at least two weeks) he/she should give back the dosimeter • Persons requiring dosimeters only punctually (less than two times per month) shall fetch them for the individual intervention • Pool of dosimeters for teams still possible and teams having already pool dosimeters are supposed to keep them. • We count on the willingness of the users to ensure that we will not miss DMC for the LS1… Please forward the message. • DMC are nowdistributed in B.55 by the Operational Dosimetry service: • Tel. : +41 22 76 70538 • Operational.Dosimetry@cern.ch • Monday to Friday 8:00-11:30 & 13:30-16:00 Current DMC2000 and the new DMC3000 IEFC meeting, 22-Feb-13
Whatisgoing to change ? • Automaticreading and logging in a new RP databasewith new electronic DMC readers (LDM). • Link between IMPACT and the Operational Dosimetry system: the IMPACT numberwill have to betyped on the LDM. • In addition to belogged in the RP database, the doses willbekept in the IMPACT database. IEFC meeting, 22-Feb-13
How doesitwork ? Assigneddosimeters Pool of dosimeters • The dosimeterisassigned to a worker, when the dose isreaditisautomaticallyloggedinto the RP database (Db) underhis/hername • The user only have to type the IMPACT number on the reader. • The dosimeter is not assigned to a worker, when he/she access he needs to type first his/her CernID and then he/she has to type the IMPACT number on the reader. • At the reading, the dose is automatically registered under his/her name in the Db Beforeaccessing Type the IMPACT number Type yourCernID Ready to access At exit: afterreading IEFC meeting, 22-Feb-13
Why an interface with IMPACT ? • Link the doses with the activities and the DIMR • Set an alarmthreshold in the DMC according to the estimatedindividual dose • Block the activity (in the Operational Dosimetry system only) if the estimated collective dose isexceeded by more than 50% (according to the recent ALARA recommandations) • Display the doses in the IMPACT form* • Ensure a betterreliability and accessibilitywithkeeping the doses in bothdatabases * For confidentiality reasons, onlyyourown doses willbevisible in the IMPACT form (except for RP and the RSOs who will have a full visibility). IEFC meeting, 22-Feb-13
What is the current progress ? • Tests with a development database during 6 months in 2012. • 50 Readers (LDM) already delivered at CERN and ready to be installed. • 300 additional DMC already delivered at CERN. • Link between IMPACT and the Operational Dosimetry database (Db): done this week. • Return of the DMC for calibration: in progress. • Power supply and Network connexion for the LDM: installation in progress, deadline: 01-Mar-13 • Commissioning phase foreseen for two weeks in March 2013. • Start of the system at the beginning of LS1, during the month of March 2013. • During two weeks, RP technicians will be positioned at strategic places close to access points in order to help the users and to check the reliability of the system. • 200 additional DMC to be delivered at CERN (total amount: 1500) before the end of March. Order in progress for 115 additional DMC. IEFC meeting, 22-Feb-13
What about specific cases ? • DMC for the guides/escortsduringvisits in Supervised Radiation Areas (GSI-OHS1, EDMS 1137263): • For official guidedvisits, the Visit service willget a pool of dosimeters. • For privatevisits, the escortcanget a dosimeter in B. 55 and bringit back afterwards. • The DMC canbeswitched on/off withanyDMC readersclose to the way of the visit, or by default in B. 55. • DMC for visitorsduringprofessionnalvisits: willbedistributed in Blg. 55. • Areas not coveredwith DMC readers (only a few and mainly RP owned areas): • Standalone DMC willbeinstalledat the entrance • Doses willbewritten down on a sheet of paper as itiscurrently IEFC meeting, 22-Feb-13
What are the nextsteps ? • Second step of the project: during LS1, in compliance to the recommandations from the Host States Bodies (ASN/OFSP), the DMC willbecomemandatory in the Simple Controlled Radiation Areas. Meanwhile: usually no need to borrow a DMC for the work in Simple Controlled Radiation Area or in Supervised Radiation Area. (exemptions mightapply, e.g.: DIMR II/III)Wecount on the willingness of the users to ensurethatwewill not miss DMC for LS1… Pleaseforward the message. • At first, a list of the active IMPACT numberswillbedisplayednext to each DMC reader and willbekept up to date by RP (weekly). At a later stage wewillinvestigate the possibility to simplifythisfeature. In future IEFC meeting, 22-Feb-13
In case of problem ? • Alarm: leave the area immediately and contact the Radiation Protection Service for the concerned area: • Meyrin, tel. : +41 22 76 72504 • Prévessin, SPS & LHC, tel. : +41 22 76 75252 • Technical problem (battery, DMC HS, LDM HS, etc….), please contact the Operational Dosimetry Service: • Tel. : +41 22 76 70538 • operational.dosimetry@cern.ch Please call us before… IEFC meeting, 22-Feb-13