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The Arts and Learning PowerPoint by Carrie Sorensen and Sandra Schmidt

Why the Arts?.

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The Arts and Learning PowerPoint by Carrie Sorensen and Sandra Schmidt

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    1. The Arts and Learning PowerPoint by Carrie Sorensen and Sandra Schmidt Why the Arts? Why do we need the arts in education? How to integrate the arts into education. Resources for integrating the arts in learning.

    2. Why the Arts? “The human body, for the last 400,000 years, has primarily been walking, sleeping, leaning, running, doing, or squatting. It has not been sitting in chairs.” – Eric Jensen “Thinking and learning is not all in our heads….It is our body’s senses that feed the brain environmental information with which to form an understanding of the world and from which to draw when creating new possibilities.” – Carla Hannaford “[T]he visual, aural, and movement arts have long been prominent in human life. Because our visual, auditory, and motor systems are essential to cognition, it’s probable that the arts emerged to help develop and maintain them.” – Robert Sylwester

    3. Why do we need the Arts in education? Engages the learner Increases brain development Increases spatial learning Stimulates chemicals in the brain that improve learning Develops fine motor skills Provides students with hands-on experiences Through art students have more opportunities to move, elevating serotonin levels, which leads to increased self-esteem.

    4. Why do we need the Arts in education? (continued) Increases second language acquisition What we typically ‘shush’ (voices) or ask to keep still (hands and bodies) become tools for learning in an integrated lesson. These tools are essential for aiding second language learners. – Lynch, 2007 Promotes success for ALL students Meets state and national and NCLB standards. "using arts processes to teach academic subjects results not only in improved understanding of content but it greatly improved self-regulatory behavior.“ The United States Department of Education, Schools, Communities, and the Arts: A Research Compendium (1995)

    5. At-a-Glance Ideas for Implementing the Arts in Education K-3 Sing songs that teach concepts such as the alphabet song, number songs, and other math songs. Have children form letters using their bodies. Have children use ribbons to create numbers and letters. With your child, act out the life cycle of a plant, tree, frog, butterfly etc. Use dance to recreate a story or poem. With your child, create a pattern out of movements. (clapping, stomping, snapping, etc.) Take pictures of your environment and create a scientific observation. Paint, draw, or sketch a story created by you and your child. Research art from a different culture and create a work of art in that culture’s style. Paint spelling words in shaving cream or pudding with your child. Ask your child’s teacher for more ideas!

    6. At-a-Glance Ideas for Implementing the Arts in Education 3-6 Reader’s Theatre (turn your favorite book into a play) Study the lyrics of a popular song to learn about various elements of language. Recreate a story or poem through dance. Use ribbons and bodies for showing X Y coordinates. Recreate elements of science through movement. Complete an arts-based web quest. Write a song or rap about a concept your child is learning at school. Research art from a different culture and create a work of art in that culture’s style. Chant addition, subtraction, division, or multiplication facts with your child Ask your child’s teacher for more ideas! ***See resource pages for detailed information

    7. Resources Websites: www.movingandlearning.com www.artsedge.org www.arts4learning.com www.braingym.org www.mindsinmotion.org www.moving.wikispaces.com/Active_+_Learning www.lessonplanspage.com www.americansforthearts.org/public_awareness/get_involved/001.asp http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/custom/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED394868&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED394868

    8. Resources Books/Articles: Interdisciplinary Learning Through Dance. Overby, L. Post, B., Newman, D. Incorporating movement with fluency instructions: A motivation for struggling readers. Peebles, J. Brian GymŽ Teacher’s Edition Revised. Dennison, P. Ph.D. Learning with the Body in Mind. Jensen, E. Art for the Brain’s Sake, Jensen, E. Drama as a Way of Knowing, Heller P.G. Music as a Way of Knowing, Page, N.

    9. The Power of the Arts… …the missing pieces of the puzzle.

    10. References Hannaford, C. (1995). Smart moves: Why learning is not all in your head. VA: Great Ocean Pub. Jensen, E. (1998). Teaching with the brain in mind. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Griss, S. (1998). Minds in motion. NH: Heinemann Hall, E.M. (2007). Integration: Helping to get our kids moving and learning. Physical Educator, 64(3), 123-128. Lynch, P. (2007). Making meaning many ways: An exploratory look at integrating the arts with classroom curriculum. Art Education. 60(4), 33-38 http://www.americansforthearts.org/public_awareness/get_involved/001.asp

    11. Created by: Carrie Sorensen Sandra Schmidt

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