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True3DShell project Riccardo Pompeo June 2005 Market drivers ITC market saturation Web sites have all same aspect, contents, navigation,… Users spend more time than web browsing using: File sharing Multiplayer games Chat Streaming
True3DShell project Riccardo Pompeo June 2005
Market drivers • ITC market saturation • Web sites have all same aspect, contents, navigation,… • Users spend more time than web browsing using: • File sharing • Multiplayer games • Chat • Streaming • Needing of tecnology discontinuity to relaunch web market in a new way
Technology drivers • Display tecnologies: • Autostereoscopic 3D screens • OpenGL 1.5, GLUT 3.7 (C,C++,multiplatform) • Microsoft DirectX 9 (C,C#, monoplatform) • Microsoft Windows Longhorn 3D architecture • 64-bit processor tecnologies • EPIC, Hyperthreading, double/multi core • Intel Xeon (Nocona) • Intel Itanium2 (Madison,Montecito,Tukwila) • AMD Opteron • IBM Power (4+,5,5+,6) • Network tecnologies: • Gigabit and Infiniband • xDSL (ADSL, HDSL, VDSL) • VLAN • IPv6 • P2P and Grid computing (Globus)
How change? • Users perspective: • Internet or computer browsing using a unified 3D interface • Cursor become a 3D avatar • Loss of perception of wich computer user is working on • Users can interact together in same 3D universe • User can interact with automated avatars • Computers perspective: • Each computer become a piece of a 3D universe • All computers act as a single system using grid computing tecnologies • Server are computer with a piece of universe without an interactive user • All computer can implement multiple session of separate universes • Networks perspective: • Virtual routing between computer of same universe • Firewall bypassing using P2P tecnologies (distribuited proxy) • Distribuited directory server (warez) • Maps and avatars are partially replicated via network using a local cache • Session info can be replicated between node as already implemented in app server clusters for failover • Encription (3DES) for universe access • Compression for low network bandwith
Security No virus No spam No spyware Anonimity Anonimous browsing Credentials only for system info and protected contents Impossibility to associate an avatar with its IP address Abstraction Universe can reproduce abstract places to differentiate it from reality Avatar have not form of human or monster. Allowed objects, hands,… Collaboration Chat VoIP Multiuser experience Sharing of network and computer resources Multi-platform Windows Linux (creation of a 3D shell) Open souce model (LGPL) Marketing 3D advertising Branded universes (eg. ‘MyBrand world’) Viral marketing model Mandatory requirements
3D-Shell universe model Connection pipe Bubble • A bubble can be: • the equivalent of a folder in a computer • the equivalent of a shared folder in a network • an execution space for a 3D program
System architecture Sound Keyboard Mouse Joystick Voice U.C. Encript./Compr. Encript./Compr. Multiplexer Socket client Encript./Compr. TCP/IP Directory & Routing 3D content caching Universe Controller Decr./Decompr. Socket listner Demultiplexer Decr./Decompr. Mix Caching Decr./Decompr. 3D Rendering 3D Audio
Software architecture True3DShell GLUT 3DNet MQ4CPP OpenGL Windows/Linux
MVC paradigm 1..n • The model contains your data. • The view displays your data in 3D. Mouse or keyboard input received in the view is passed to the controller. • The controller calls the relevant methods in your model part for making the changes to the data based on the input received. 1..n View Controller Model n..1
Using MVC 1..n 1..n View Controller Model n..1 1:Keyboard or mouse event 2:process event 3:change state 4:change object aspect or position
MVC + multi-threading 1..n 1..n View Controller Model n..1 Thread safe Not thread safe OpenGL GLUT callback
Threads decoupling Thread #1 Thread #2 Queue Model Controller Queue Syncronous refresh Asyncronous messages View 3DNet Thread #3
External code execution (1) Computer #1 3D Rendering 1: Run executable Universe Controller Local .EXE 3D content caching Listner Listner 2: Send signals API 3: Rendering 3D Rendering Universe Controller Computer #2 TCP/IP
External code execution (2) 1:Click 4:Automatic fowarding of avatar 2:Run executable 5:Bubble interior rendering 3:New bubble 3D Rendering Universe Controller API .EXE
Peer to peer True3DShell True3DShell 3DNet 3DNet MQ4CPP MQ4CPP
J2EE integration Presentation Business logic Persistence logic JVM True3DShell 3DLet EJB Container 3DNet j3DNet (JNI) MQ4CPP MQ4CPP JDBC TCP/IP
Network & directory caching • Each node is identified by a unique ID not by IP or MAC. This enable to support mobility,NATting and DHCP. • Each node caches network topology and users directory for adapting its routing on the fly. • Each system can rebuild its connections using less network hops or best bandwith path. • Discovery of universe neighbours is done by using broadcast enquiry.
Smart routing Direction of comunication initialization Proxy Intranet Comunication flow Firewall Firewall Intranet Intranet
Benefits • HW vendor: increment of spending on computer hardware expecially in 64-bit segment. • ISP: increment of spending on xDSL lines. • SW vendor: rebuild of old 2D interfaces with addition of more interactive interfaces in a 3D ‘branded’ universe. • S.I. : integration of this new tecnology with old tecnologies. • Content provider: design of standard and ‘branded’ universes and avatars.