1. United Illuminating Conservation & Load Management
Mid-Year 2000 Highlights
August 8, 2000
2. Overall Energy Savings & Expenditures
3. Overview UI received DPUC Final Decision in Docket #99-10-18 on 6/14/00
Program Savings goals and budgets now reflect final decision
UI continues to aggressively market CLM programs
Programs are being well received in all markets
UI/CL&P collaboration on joint statewide programs
Residential, Small Business
4. Overview UI is now participating in CL&P RFP Program for UI customers and ESCO’s
$1Million budget allocation for remainder of 2000
UI and CL&P Coordinating Joint energy conservation awareness advertising campaign
UI/CL&P performing site searches for next Smart Living Center
5. CLM Programs Mid-year Progress
6. Residential - Energy Star Homes 67 Commitments to build to Energy Star standards
136 homes under review & negotiations
Aggressive marketing with local builders
Issues with non-vented gas fireplaces.
Lost 18 projects that could have been Energy Star
14 meet all other Energy Star Standards
7. Residential - Energy Star Lights Smart Living Catalog- 3,310 Orders
Point of Purchase - 2,878 Sales
Halogen Torchiere - 5,336 Exchanges
Joint Event being coordinated with CL&P for Fall
Coordinating with CL&P on Smart Living Catalog and 2001 joint POP program
8. Residential - Energy Star Appliances Tumble Wash = 44% of goal achieved
UI sponsored sales training for dealer sales staff
Cooperative advertising with local appliance dealers
Sears new Energy Star marketing focus
Developed and Distributed POP marketing materials
Continued development of channels to access timely sales data
9. Residential - Low Income 2023 low income customers have received comprehensive assistance through 6/30
Greater NH Community Action Agency has begun servicing customers.
132 customers in June.
Refrigerator replacement pilot started 6/1
33 units exchanged
10. C&I - Small Business Advantages Additional ~.5 million kWh committed awaiting installation
8 Approved Small Business Vendors
40% Lead to project ratio
New energy saving measures being added
Technical training classes for vendors
Joint work with CL&P
11. C&I - Energy Blueprint* 64 EB Projects committed/installed
72 Hot Projects
Aggressive marketing to local A/E firms
12. C&I - Energy Opportunities* 57 Installed Projects
132 Hot/Signed projects
149 active projects with 49 third party ESCO firms