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The Behavioural Insights Team will provide Greater Manchester with on-site expertise and access to policy experts trained in the use of behavioural insights. This partnership aims to drive behaviour change in our communities and staff, as well as support our public service reform strategy and population health goals.
Behavioural Insights in Greater ManchesterNovember 2016Jacob Botham GM Public Service Reform Team, GMCA Final Draft for Approval – March 2016
Decision to procure Behavioural Insights Team taken earlier in the year – comes at a critical time for our work on reform Driven by recognition that changing behaviours of both our communities and staff is vital component of our public service reform strategy & our ambitions to deliver a radical upgrade in population health BIT are providing GM with: i) on-sight behavioural expertise with an international reputation ii) dedicated access to policy experts who are trained in the use of behavioural insights in a public policy context iii) access to approaches that have worked elsewhere and that could be applicable in GM iv) innovative ideas around how we might approach some of our biggest challenges differently (for example testing new ways for getting our residents to engage/ take up services) Why Behavioural Insights Team (BIT)?
Behaviour Change of our communities, staff and organisations as a vital component of GM Reform Principles: • A new relationship between public services and citizens, communities and businesses that enables shared decision making, democratic accountability and voice, genuine co-production and joint delivery of services. Do with, not to. • An asset based approach that recognises and builds on the strengths of individuals, families and our communities rather than focussing on the deficits. • Behaviour change in our communities that builds independence and supports residents to be in control • A place based approach that redefines services and places individuals, families, communities at the heart • A stronger prioritisation of well being, prevention and early intervention • An evidence led understanding of risk and impact to ensure the right intervention at the right time • An approach that supports the development of new investment and resourcing models, enabling collaboration with a wide range of organisations.
Promote the work of BIT across GM /help establish their role in the region Help BIT to understand the landscape and our main priorities/challenges Work in partnership to decide which projects will offer best value in terms of social value/cost/scalability Act as a route into our services and provide the resources/commitment needed Provide match funding where it makes sense to do so Support evaluation of the projects Role of the GMCA