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This article explores the use of Computation Tree Logic (CTL) and bisimulations in algorithmic software verification. It discusses the motivation behind CTL, presents the syntax and semantics of CTL, introduces the concept of bisimulations, and explains how to perform model-checking using CTL. The article also provides examples and highlights the time complexity of CTL model-checking.
Algorithmic Software Verification VII. Computation tree logic and bisimulations
Motivation See McMillan’s thesis where he models a synchronous fair bus arbiter circuit. See table: # of states, BDD size and time Wants to check: - No two acks are asserted simultaneously - Every persistent request is eventually ack-ed - Ack is not asserted without a request. Not really safety/reachability properties: so how do we state and check these specs? Temporal logics!
References • Symbolic model checking An approach to the state explosion problem Ken McMillan 1992
Model: Kripke structures • Finite state machines with boolean variables ignoring . FSM = (X, {{true, false}} {x X} , Q, Q_in, , δ ) X finite set of variables/propositions Q finite set of states Q_in Q set of initial states For each q Q, (q) is a function that maps each x in X to true or false δ Q x Q transition relation
CTL: Syntax Fix X the set of atomic propositions. CTL(X) f,g ::= p | f | f g | f g | EX f | EF f | E(f U g) | A(f U g) Intuitively: EX f --- some successor state satisfies f AX f --- every successor state satisfies f E(f U g) – along some path, f holds until g holds A(f U g) – along every path, f holds until g holds
CTL: Syntax Additional derived operators: EF f --- there is some reachable state where f holds (reachability) E(true U f) AG f --- in every reachable state, f holds (safety) E (true U f) EG f --- there is some path along which f always holds. A(true U f) AF f --- along every path, f eventually holds A(true U f) Actually, EX, EG and EU are sufficient.
CTL: Examples - ack1 and ack2 are never asserted simultaneously • Every request req is eventually acknowledged by an ack. • ack is not asserted without a request
CTL: Examples - ack1 and ack2 are never asserted simultaneously AG( (ack1 ack2) ) • Every request req is eventually acknowledged by an ack. AG(req (AF ack)) • ack is not asserted without a request E( req U ack)
Semantics FSM = (X, {{true, false}} {x X} , Q, Q_in, , δ ) With every f associate the set of states of a Kripke structure that satisfies f: M, s |= p iff (s)(p) = true M, s |= f g iff M,s |= f or M,s |= g M, s |= f iff M,s | f M, s |= EX f iff there is an s’ with δ(s,s’) and s’ |= f M, s |= EF f iff there is an s’ reachable from s such that s’ |= f
Semantics M, s |= E (f U g) iff there is a path s=s1s2… from s and a k such that s’ |= g and for each i<k, si |= f M, s’ |= A(f U g) iff for every path s=s1s2… from s and a k such that sk |= g and for every i<k, si |=f
Bisimulations Let M =(X, Q, Q_in, , δ ) and M’ =(X’, Q’, Q_in’, ’, δ’ ) be two Kripke structures (can be same) A bisimilation relation is a relation R QxQ’ such that: - For every (q, q’) in R, (q) = ’(q’) - If (q,q’) is in R, and q q1 then there is a q1’ in Q’ such that q1 q1’ in M’ and (q1,q1’) is in R. - If (q,q’) is in R, and q’ q1’ then there is a q1 in Q such that q q1 in M and (q1,q1’) is in R. Fact: If R and R’ are bisimulation relations, then so is R R’.
Bisimulations Let R* be the largest bisimulation relation: R* = { R | R is a bisimulation relation} If q is in Q and q’ is in Q’, then q and q’ are bisimilar iff (q,q’) is in R*. Denoted: q ~ q’ Two models are bisimilar if q_in ~ q_in’
Bisimulations Let M =(X, Q, q_in, , δ ) be a model. The unfolding of M, unf(M), is a tree model: Nodes: xq where x is in Q* Edges: xq xqq’ iff q q’ Initial node: q_in ’(xq) = (q) Claim: - M and unf(M) are bisimilar - For each xq, q ~ xq.
CTL and bisimilarity Lemma: Let f be a CTL formula. Let q in Q and q’ in Q’ be two states such that q ~ q’. Then M,q |= f iff M,q’ |= f Proof: By induction on structure of formulas.
CTL and bisimilarity CTL can distinguish between models that exhibit the same sequential behaviors. Hence CTL is a branching-time logic and not a linear-time logic. What is the right notion of behavior of a model? --- The set of strings exhibited by it --- The tree unfolding of the model
Model-checking CTL Given M and f. Compute the set of all states of M that satisfy f, by induction on structure of f. ║p║ = states where p holds ║f g║ = ║f║ ║g ║ ║ f ║ = complement of ║f ║ ║EX f ║ = the set of states s that have a succ s’ in ║f ║
Model-checking CTL ║E f U g ║ : Take the set X =║g ║. Repeat{ Add the set of states that satisfy f and have a successor in X. } till X reaches a fixpoint.
Model-checking CTL ║EG f║ : Let M’ be M restricted to states satisfying f. A state s satisfies EG f iff s is in M’ and there is a path from s to an SCC of M’.
Model-checking CTL Model-checking CTL can be done in time O(|f|. |M|). Number of subformulas of f is O(|f|) ║p║, ║f g║ , ║ f ║ and ║EX f ║ are easy. ║EX f U g║ -- Start with states T satisfying g; put them in ║EX f U g║ -- In each round, take a state in T, remove it from T, and add predecessors of this state that satisfy f and put them in T and ║EX f U g║. -- Each state is processed only once – linear time.
Model-checking CTL ║EG f║ -- Construct M’. -- Partition M’ into SCCs using Tarjan’s algorithm -- Starting from states in nontrivial SCCs, work backwards adding states that satisfy f. -- Linear time.