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THE STRENGTHENING OF INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY Workshop on Project Management (Design, Monitoring and Evaluation) Department of Planning and Evaluation of the OAS Training Workshop on DevInfo 6.0 Technology UNICEF Regional Office
Production and Approval of Action Plan for 2011-2015 Production First Meeting (Quito, Ecuador) Priorities identified in nine thematic workstreams by each sub-region Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago Three priority workstreams were established: Early Childhood, Care for Children in Natural Disasters and Emergencies and Juvenile Criminal Justice Second Meeting (Washington, D.C.) Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Peru, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela
Meeting to address care for children in natural disasters and emergencies Third Meeting (Bogotá, Colombia) Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, United States, Uruguay and Colombia Adoption • 86th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council • Congratulations received from the states of Colombia, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Paraguay, United States and Uruguay
86th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN AGENDA • Reports by the Director General of the IIN • Presentation and adoption of Action Plan 2011-2015 • Discussion groups on natural disasters, early childhood and violence affecting children • Choice of venue and date for the 87th Regular Meeting
Outcomes: • The official delegations of 24 States attended; five of them from the Caribbean sub-region. Of particular note was the presence of Haiti. • The Secretary General, as well as several ambassadors to Uruguay, attended the Directing Council's closing ceremony.
Political and Technical Meetings and Forums • The IIN’s Annual Report to the 41st General Assembly (CP/doc.4534/11) submitted to the General Commission of the OAS by videoconference • 19th Meeting of High-Level Authorities in Human Rights and Meeting of the Permanent Work Committee - Niñ@Sur Initiative
Cooperative Activities within the OAS • Network of Hemispheric Legal Cooperation in the Area of Family and Child Law • Department of International Affairs/Secretariat for External Relations • Coordination with PUICA/Department for Effective Public Management/Secretariat for Political Affairs • Coordination with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS (IACHR)
IMPACT ON CHILDHOOD-RELATED AREAS Comprehensive Protection for Early Childhood • Regional Seminar on Public Policy for the Comprehensive Protection of Early Childhood from the Perspective of Rights • Participating states: Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Panama and Uruguay • Also present was the First Lady, Mrs. Marta Linares de Martinelli
Commercial sexual exploitation of children “Inter-American Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Commercial Exploitation, Illegal Trafficking and Trade in Children and Adolescents” Work Area 1:Compilation and update of information regarding CSEC in the region, to be made available to States Party • Launching of updated version of ANNAObserva • Production and circulation of bimonthly ANNAObserva Newsletters (paragraph 7 of the resolution) • Production and circulation of the Special Newsletter on Violence
Work Area 2: Information and knowledge generated on the subject of CSEC, in order to aid States Party to design and implement policies and actions to address this problem. • 11th Report to the Secretary General of the OAS, which was printed and circulated to the states through a contribution to Specific Funds made by the Government of the People's Republic of China. Work Area 3: Training human resources and providing specialized technical assistance to member states. • Network of contacts directly related to the subject, composed by 30 member states • Semi-distance course on the commercial sexual exploitation of children • Technical assistance for Paraguay in order to produce a National Plan for the Prevention and Eradication of CSEC 2011-2016
Child participation • Network of technical liaison officers from 26 member states • Guide for the design of public policies for the promotion of participation • Toolkit for the promotion of participation • Semi-distance courses to train participation trainers • Web site “Nuestra voz a colores.org” (Our Voice in Colours) • A Facebook account and a YouTube channel
International Child Abduction • Online course on International Child Abduction held in Spanish and in English; Regional Mapping on the subject • A database of the states' practices • A website on abduction restyled and updated by means of the contribution of the Government of the Republic of Argentina to the Specific Fund. • Inter-American Meeting of Central Authorities and The Hague Network of Judges on the issue of International Child Abduction (Third Meeting of Experts)
COOPERATION A Project withthe Canadian International Development Agency Protection and Promotion of Children's Rights in the Inter-American System Start: April 2009 - End: May 2012 • The participation of the states of Colombia, Guatemala and Jamaica in the execution of: • 1. Public policy for children • 2. Birth registration and the right to identity • 3. Child Participation • 4. Child Rights and the Media
Third Meeting of the Project Consultative Council, held during the 86th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN, attended by participating member states and by authorities from Canada, CIDA and the IIN.
1. Public policy for children • Colombia • A conceptual framework of reference on the family and early child development. • Analysis of experiences in Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Colombia in order to design action workstreams for families and early childhood. • Recommendations for technical guidelines for working with families in the De Cero a Siempre (“From Zero toForever”) strategy.
Rights Monitoring System • A conceptual framework on monitoring systems • 49 indicators • A set of new indicators in order to fill existing gaps, on the basis of comments made to Colombia by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, as well as other international agreements and instruments signed by the State of Colombia. • A proposal for an information management model
Guatemala • Launching of a public policy for the comprehensive development of early childhood and its system of indicators, presided over by the president of Guatemala at the time, Ing. Álvaro Colom Caballeros • Rights Monitoring System • Menu of indicators and follow-up to the monitoring process • Rights monitoring software platform.
Jamaica • National workshop for the validation of the National Action Plan against Violence • Course on public policy for child rights • Financial support and participation in the Boys and Girls' Athletics Championship, which has been held with the Students For Transformation programme • 2nd Regional Meeting on the “Prevention, Protection and Restitution of Child Rights against Commercial Sexual Exploitation in the Caribbean”
2. Birth registration and the right to identity • Training held in the department of Chiquimula in September 2010 and May 2011, for a total of 600 teachers and health workers, as well as members of community, municipal and departmental development councils. • Training held in the department of Jalapa for 400 rural teachers, including supervisors and primary school principals. • The development of a strategy to address procedures in cases of under-registration. As a pilot experience, the identification of over 1000 cases of under-registration was achieved.
At present, the cases of under-registration which were identified are being addressed and training and procedures are being extended to a new department.
3. Child Participation Semi-distance course on “Training Trainers in the Promotion of Child Participation” • Colombia • Guatemala • Jamaica
4. Child Rights and the Media • Colombia and Jamaica • Face-to-face course on child rights and the media • Guatemala • Central American Workshop to Promote Child Rights in the Media
Project withthe Spanish Agency for International DevelopmentCooperation Programme for the Promotion and Defence of the Human Rights of Children in the Americas 1. Child participation 2. Promotion and support for the development of Ombudsman Offices for Children 3. Unaccompanied Migrant Children
1. Child participation • Online intergenerational trainers’ training course: a second version in Spanish, with the participation of professionals from 8 states, as well as a first version of the course in English, mainly targeting professionals and technicians of the Caribbean States • Fifth Meeting of the Participation Work Group in Paraguay 9 States: Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Dominican Republic and Guatemala, and 9 adolescents
2. Promotion and support for the development of Ombudsman Offices for Children • Circulation of the study on the status of Independent National Institutions for the Defence and Promotion of the Human Rights of Children • Operating Protocol for Ombudsmen • Specialized course for 48 professionals and technicians from the NHRIs of 13 states • Workshops for the implementation of the Operating Protocol for Ombudsmen for Children in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, Paraguay and Peru and Agreements for the development of a work plan for the implementation of the Operating Protocol • Specialized documentary database
3. Unaccompanied Migrant Children • A study was carried out for the analysis of existing capacity in Guatemala for the care of unaccompanied migrant children • Recommendations to Guatemala for improving the care provided • Two binational workshops involving Mexico and Guatemala, for exchanges regarding the care circuit for migrant children • Internships for 6 Guatemalan officials in Mexico • Training workshop held in two stages in order to review basic concepts and procedures, the causes and consequences of migration and care options
STRATEGIC PARTNERS • Global Movement for Children - Latin America and Caribbean Chapter (GMC-LACC) • "South America meeting to follow up on the recommendations of the UN Study on Violence against Children" • Participation on the panel on “Juvenile Criminal Justice: Progress and Challenges in South America”.