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American Expansion in Four Intersections. Dr. Yohuru Williams American Institute for History Education Fairfield University. Miami Essential Question.
American Expansionin Four Intersections Dr. Yohuru Williams American Institute for History Education Fairfield University
Miami Essential Question • “What were the major causes and effects of various expansionary times in U.S. history; i.e., territorially, economically, and/or politically?”
Got a historical crime scene . . . Call us but don’t forget your tool kit. E.S.P C.S.I. Haunted History Red Light/Green Light: the intersection Historical Fingerprinting
Historical Fingerprints Historical Finger printing simply means identifying the historical roots of modern America or historical antecedents of more recent history. For most of us those fingerprints can be found in our state standards.
Historical Fingerprinting What we will be looking for is the Core. The base of the argument or appeal. The Crossover, how that argument or appeal builds on earlier or relates to later historical events. Island in what ways is it the document unique or an “island” unto itself. And Bifurcation which refers to the main body of one item splitting into two parts. It could mean an argument or idea that has meaning for two different groups or time periods or a person or event that has applicability in two or more areas or eras. Sojourner Truth’s Aren't I A Woman Speech, for example has meaning for both African-American History and Women’s History.
George Kennan, American Diplomacy 1951 “A democracy is peace-loving. It does not like to go to war. It is slow to rise to provocation. When it has once been provoked to the point where it must grasp the sword, it does not easily forgive its adversary for having produced this situation. The fact of the provocation then becomes itself the issue.”
George Kennan, American Diplomacy 1951 “Democracy fights in anger -- it fights for the very reason that it was forced to go to war. It fights to punish the power that was rash enough and hostile enough to provoke it -- to teach that power a lesson it will not forget, to prevent the thing from happening again. Such a war must be carried to the bitter end.”
George Kennan, American Diplomacy 1951 “This is true enough, and, if nations could afford to operate in the moral climate of individual ethics, it would be understandable and acceptable. But I sometimes wonder whether in this respect a democracy is not uncomfortably similar to one of those prehistoric monsters with a body as long as this room and a brain the size of a pin:
George Kennan, American Diplomacy 1951 “he lies there in his comfortable primeval mud and pays little attention to his environment; he is slow to wrath -- in fact, you practically have to whack his tail off to make him aware that his interests are being disturbed; but, once he grasps this, he lays about him with such blind determination that he not only destroys his adversary but largely wrecks his native habitat.”
George Kennan, American Diplomacy 1951 “You wonder whether it would not have been wiser for him to have taken a little more interest in what was going on at an earlier date and to have seen whether he could have prevented some of these situations from arising instead of proceeding from an undiscriminating indifference to a holy wrath equally undiscriminating.”
“he lies there in his comfortable primeval mud and pays little attention to his environment” February 15, 1898, “Remember the Maine. To hell with Spain. May 7, 1915, " the Lusitania was sunk without warning." December 7, 1941, “A date that will live in infamy . . .” September 11, 2001, “Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember . . .- President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001 Our enemies have made the mistake that America’s enemies always make. They saw liberty and thought they saw weakness. And now, they see defeat.- George W. Bush, President of the United States
Florida History Content Standards 11.4 Students trace the rise of the United States to its role as a world power in the twentieth century. List the purpose and the effects of the Open Door policy. Describe the Spanish-American War and U.S. expansion in the South Pacific. Discuss America's role in the Panama Revolution and the building of the Panama Canal. Explain Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick diplomacy, William Taft's Dollar Diplomacy, and Woodrow Wilson's Moral Diplomacy, drawing on relevant speeches. Analyze the political, economic, and social ramifications of World War I on the home front. Trace the declining role of Great Britain and the expanding role of the United States in world affairs after World War II.
America in the Intersection the U.S. Senate version of the proposed new federal "Higher Education Act" (S. 1614) that defines "traditional American history" as "significant constitutional, political, intellectual, economic and foreign policy trends and issues that have shaped the course of American history. . . key episodes, turning points, and leading figures,"
CSI: Historical Accident Reconstruction • Welcome South Florida Historical Accident Investigators. This morning we will be discussing historical crime scene accident interpretation and reconstruction.
Part One: Red Light Green Light • How do I define a historical intersection? • How do I simulate a historical intersection for my students? • How do I use historical fingerprinting along with historical accident reconstruction? • Last but not least, how do I avoid being Dennis Fung?
Teaching in Intersections • intersect • One entry found. • Main Entry: • to pierce or divide by passing through or across : cross <a comet intersecting earth's orbit> <one line intersects another> • intransitive verb • 1 : to meet and cross at a point <lines intersecting at right angles> • 2 : to share a common area : overlap <where morality and self-interest intersect>
Red Light Green Light as a method of document analysis. • Red light Green light is a method of document analysis that allows students to practice reading comprehension skills and document analysis in a group setting.
Red Light Green Light: The Scenario Imagine that the power has gone out in the city and four cars are sitting at a busy four way intersection. They have all arrived at the same time. There are no police officers around. No authorities to consult . . . Who should go first? What are the Economic, Social and Political ramifications of their decision to move forward? What if they fail to move? This reinforces the concept of agency . . . that historical actors have and make choices.
Document Choices At least three sides Green: A side that wants things to change (go) Red: A side that wants things to remain the same (stop) Yellow: those trapped at the light on caution Lastly, the individual who has moved into the intersection.
Elementary and Middle School Teachers should emphasize Core Democratic Values for Elementary Students
Abraham Lincoln in Four Intersections • The Secession Crisis • Commander in Chief • Emancipation • Reconstruction
Lyndon Baines Johnson in Four Intersections • A National Tragedy • Civil Rights • War on Poverty • War in Vietnam
Chapter One: What Does the Black Man Want? Frederick Douglass in the Intersection
America at the crossroads: Reconstruction The impulse toward segregation sprang from the same question posed during the war
Frederick Douglass in the Intersection • Civil Rights • Emancipation • Women’s Suffrage • Responsibility
Primary Source Integration: Frederick Douglass At the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society in Boston, April, 1865, Douglass delivered the following speech on the subject: The Equality of all men before the law; Note that this was given within days of the close of the Civil War and the assassination of President Lincoln.
What the Black Man Wants (1865) What shall we do with the Negro?" I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are worm eaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature's plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone! If you see him on his way to school, let him alone, don't disturb him! If you see him going to the dinner table at a hotel, let him go! If you see him going to the ballot- box, let him alone, don't disturb him! [Applause.]
What the Black Man Wants (1865) If you see him going into a work-shop, just let him alone,--your interference is doing him a positive injury. Gen. Banks' "preparation" is of a piece with this attempt to prop up the Negro. Let him fall if he cannot stand alone! If the Negro cannot live by the line of eternal justice, so beautifully pictured to you in the illustration used by Mr. Phillips, the fault will not be yours, it will be his who made the Negro, and established that line for his government. [Applause.] Let him live or die by that. If you will only untie his hands, and give him a chance, I think he will live.
Six Degrees of Segregation The 14th Amendment:No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The Civil War Amendments 1865-1870 The Civil Rights Cases Plessy v. Ferguson 1883 1896 Residential Education Public Jim Crow Justice Voting Rights Employment Segregation Accommodations Disfranchisement Unfair labor
Florida History is the nation’s history • American History and the history of Florida in three Intersections.
Teachable Moments: Haiti in the Intersection • “What were the major causes and effects of various expansionary times in U.S. history; i.e., territorially, economically, and/or politically?”
The Black JacobinsGeneral Jean Jacques Dessalines, 1804. “Live free or die” • “It is not enough to have expelled from your country the barbarians who have bloodied it for two centuries; it is not enough to have put a brake to these ever reviving factions which take turns to play-act this liberty, like ghost that France had exposed before your eyes; it is necessary, by a last act of national authority, assure forever an empire of liberty in this country our birth place; we must take away from this inhumane government, which held for so long our spirits in the most humiliating torpor, all hope to resubjugate us; we must at last live independent or die. • Independence or death... May these sacred words bring us together, and may they be the signal of our struggles and of our gathering. • Citizens, my compatriots, I have gathered in this solemn day these courageous servicemen, who on the eve of harvesting the last crotchets rest of liberty, have given their blood to save it; these generals who led your efforts against tyranny, have not yet done enough for your well being...The French name still glooms our countryside.”
Haiti in the Intersection • In 1804, after Jefferson's landslide reelection for a second term, the president's son in law, Congressmen John W. Eppes of Virginia, rose in Congress to declare that U.S. merchants should have nothing to do with people of a race Americans needed "to depress and keep down." Congress soon concurred and passed a law prohibiting all trade with Haiti, which Jefferson signed. This ukase guaranteed Haiti's isolation for most of the nineteenth century, during which it became the poverty-ridden coup-tormented mess it remains today.
Haiti in the Intersection • One of the few who objected to the Eppes-Jefferson policy was Federalist Senator Timothy Pickering of Massachusetts. This forerunner of the Republican Party, who hated Jeffersonian democracy so much he wanted New England to secede from the Union, attacked the trade ban, claiming that the Haitians were only guilty of having "a skin not colored like our own."
The Louisiana Purchase in the Intersection • Upton Sinclair in the Intersection: The Jungle Yohuru Williams, Teaching U.S. History Beyond the Textbook, p.76.