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Innovative Scientific Monitoring in Vocational Education Projects

Explore the novel concept of scientific monitoring in vocational education, with insights from BIBB-Funding Priority "Vocational Education for Sustainable Development." Learn about project structures, transfer concepts, and evaluation practices.

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Innovative Scientific Monitoring in Vocational Education Projects

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  1. The new Concept of Scientific Monitoring in Clusters of Model Projects – The Example of the BIBB-Funding Priority “Vocational Education for Sustainable Development” (BBnE) PD Dr. Burkhard Vollmers Institute of Vocational Education (IBW), University of Hamburg Burkhard.Vollmers@uni-hamburg.de Co-Authors: Prof. Dr. Werner Kuhlmeier (IBW, University of Hamburg) Prof. Dr. Thomas Vollmer (IBW, University of Hamburg) Wilko Reichwein (IBW, University of Hamburg) Andrea Poetzsch-Heffter (IBW, University of Hamburg) Dagmar Winzier (BIBB)

  2. Structure of Presentation • UN-Decade Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and BIBB-Funding-Priority BBnE (Berufliche Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung), • Inspirations for transfer in BBnE as found in professional literature on model projects in vocational education (Felix Rauner, Dieter Euler), • Work of the scientific monitoring group in BBnE - qualitative, utilization focused evaluation, • Key aspects of scientific monitoring in BBnE in order to secure continuation and transfer of project results.

  3. UN Decade 2005-2014: Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Practice of learning, teaching andworking for sustainabilty.

  4. National plan of action for Germany contains four goals • Further development and pooling of activities and horizontal transfer of good practice. • Contructing of networks of actors in education for sustainable development. • Improving of public perception of education for sustainable development. • Strengthening of international cooperations.

  5. Funding policy of BIBB in UN-Decade • 2005-2010 – Seperate funding of 11 projects, all were economy-oriented projects • 2011-2014 – Funding of clusters of combined model projects, all emphasize vocational education • Primary goal: Implementation of concepts of sustainability into the complete system of vocational education in Germany.

  6. Structure of BIBB-Funding-Cluster BBnE BIBB Expert supervision ICON-Institute IBW, University of Hamburg Scientific monitoringgroup (2 partners) RenewableEnergy Constructionsector Nutritionand domesticscience 6 model projects RenewableEnergy RenewableEnergy Chemical industry

  7. English translations and websites • Sustainable construction www.komzet-netzwerk-bau.de • Advanced training: expert of renewable energies and of energy efficiency www.fee.uni-oldenburg.de • Offshore-competence www.offshore-kompetenz.net • BEE-mobile www.bibb.de/bee-mobil • Sustainable careers in education within the chemical industry www.nachhaltige-berufsbildung.de • Framework of a curriculum for occupations in nutrition and housekeeping www.fh-muenster.de/bbne

  8. Transfer: Typology of Felix Rauner

  9. Transfer:Concepts of Dieter Euler • Already in the starting point of projects concepts of transfer should be developed. • There is no one-to-one-relation between model project and external areas. • Transfer means selection and adjustment (not copying) between supply and demand.

  10. Qualitative Evaluation:Inspirations by M.Q. Patton • Utilization focused evaluation, • Discussion with projects and persons on form of evaluation and indicators of evaluation, • Responsive evaluation (Wolfgang Beywl).

  11. Work of the scientific monitoring group in BBnE • Evaluation and Feedback: • Qualitative interviews of experts • Qualitative content analysis of research reports • Moderation of the complete cluster: • Didactic guidelines • Transfer guidelines

  12. Concept of Transfer in BBnE • Every project developed its own definition of transfer and used unique instruments to realize transfer of project results. • Scientific evaluation was used in order to promote knowledge management in projects (construction, transfer and implementation of knowledge, s. Hensel & Mandl 2011). • Interviews and personal feedback of the monitoring group help projects to test the appropriateness of their concepts and instruments of transfer.

  13. Final Conclusions • Scientific monitoring of model projects in vocational education are always in the tension of targeted participation and distant observation (Jenewein 2007). • Evaluation of this cluster meant evaluation for and together with scientific experts. • Our proposal for law und politics: Upgrade of the central concept of professional action competence within the German system of vocational education.

  14. References Beywl,W., Bestvater, H. (2013): Potenziale der Nutzungsfokussierung in der angewandten Berufsbildungsforschung. In: Severing, E., Weiß, R. (Hg.) Qualitätsentwicklung in der Berufsbildungsforschung, Bd.12, Bielefeld, Bertelsmann, S. 105-124. Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission (2011): Nationaler Aktionsplan für Deutschland. UN-Dekade "Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung 2005-2014". Bonn: Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission/Nationalkomitee UN-Dekade "Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung". Döring, O., Freiling, T., Geldermann, B. (2005): Programmnavigation als Aufgabe wissenschaftlicher Begleitung von Modellversuchen in der beruflichen Bildung. Zur Bewältigung von Spannungsfeldern zwischen Programmintention und Projektinnovation. In: Holz, H., Schemme, D. (Hg.): Wissenschaftliche Begleitung bei der Neugestaltung des Lernens. Innovationen fördern, Transfer sichern. Bielefeld, S. 263-274. Euler, D. (2004) Förderung des Transfers in Modellversuchen. St. Gallen : Institut für Wirtschaftspädagogik der Universität St. Gallen (Dossier für das BLK-Modellversuchsprogramm SKOLA; 6). Hense, J. U., Mandl, H. (2011). Wissensmanagement und Evaluation. Zeitschrift für Evaluation,10, Heft 2, S. 267-301. Jenewein, K. (2007): Modellversuche und Entwicklungsprojekte in der Berufsbildung. Zum Selbstverständnis wissenschaftlicher Begleitforschung. Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis, 36, Heft 1, S. 5-9. Patton, M. Q. (2002): Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods. 3rd Edition. London, Sage. Rauner, F. (2002): Modellversuche in der beruflichen Bildung. Zum Transfer ihrer Ergebnisse. ITB-Forschungsberichte 03/2002. Universität Bremen.

  15. Discussion Points were • Is this concept of scientific monitoring really new? • What does evaluation for and together with scientific experts in VET mean? What are the differences versus evaluations of practioners? • Is it necessary, to have a more proper definition of sustainability, obligatory for all 6 projects in this cluster? Thank you very much for your attention!

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