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Heavy quark system in vacuum and in medium. Su Houng Lee In collaboration with Kenji Morita Also, thanks to group members: Present: T. Song, K.I. Kim, W.S. Park, H. Park, K. Jeong Former: K. Ohnishi, S. Yasui, Y. Song. Heavy Exotics
Heavy quark system in vacuum and in medium Su Houng Lee In collaboration with Kenji Morita Also, thanks to group members: Present: T. Song, K.I. Kim, W.S. Park, H. Park, K. Jeong Former: K. Ohnishi, S. Yasui, Y. Song
Heavy Exotics qq, Qq in nuclear matter Chiral symmetry breaking QQ in nuclear matter confinement Hadronic Physics at B-factory, LEPS and J-PARC J-PARC D, anti-p, nuclear matter B-factory Heavy quark physics Heavy Exotics LEPS: Chiral, Exotics
Some perspectives on sQGP and relation to deconfinement K.Morita, SHL: PRL 100, 022301 (08) K.Morita, SHL: PRC 77, 064904 (08) SHL, K. Morita: PRD 79, 011501 (09) Y.Song, SHL, K.Morita: PRC 79, 014907 (09)
Latest Lattice result (Bazavov et al 09) QCD Phase transition: Lattice data on (e , p) e/T4 Sudden increase in e Slow increase in p p/T4 Lattice result for purge gauge (Boyd et al 96) sQGP Karsch hep-lat/0106019 Rescaled pressure (Karsch 01)
Two gluon operators (quenched case): M2 M0 • Energy momentum Tensor Twist-2 Gluon Gluon condensate • Operators • Thermodynamics sQGP
M0, M2 and Bag model EOS Bag model EOS in QGP phase EOS in terms of M0 M2 • Effects of dynamical quarks on M0 Dominated by non perturbative change at Tc : SHL, PRD40,2484 (89)
Time W(S-T) exp(-b V(T)) OPE 1- <a/p E2> (ST)2 +… L Space L W(S-S) OPE 1- <a/p B2> (SS)2+… Space M0, M2 E2, B2 confinement • Relation to Electric and Magnetic condensate Using as from Kaczmareket al (prd04) <a/p B2>T =0 <a/p E2>T • Relation to deconfinement Deconfinement involves both perturbative (M2) and Non perturbative (M0) change
M0, M2 in nuclear matter • Linear density approximation • Condensate at finite density • At r = 5 xrn.m.
Nuclear medium: 20% deconfinement QCD vacuum
Approaches to Heavy quark system in medium OPE, QCD Stark Effect, and QCD sum rules
Heavy quark correlation function P(q2) • Definition • Operator product expansion (OPE) • OPE makes sense when • Even in medium as long as
NLO width (Song, Lee 05) 2nd order Stark Effect Applicable cases • q2=0 : photo production of open charm • q2=m2J/y : OPE for bound state (Peskin 79) • -q2 >0 : QCD sum rules for heavy quarks
= QCD 2nd order Stark Effect : e > Lqcd • OPE for bound state: m infinity • Attractive for ground state
2nd order Stark effect from pNRQCD • LO Singlet potential from pNRQCD : Brambilla et al. 1/r > Binding > LQCD, • Derivation • Take expectation value • Large Nc limit • Static condensate • Energy •
Constraint on (Dm, G) Applicable cases • q2=0 : photo production of open charm • q2=m2J/y : OPE for bound state (Peskin 79) • -q2 >0 : QCD sum rules for heavy quarks
Q2=-q2>0, QCD sum rules for Heavy quark system • sum rule at T=0 : can take any Q2 >=0, Phenomenological side OPE r J/y Y’ s
sum rule in medium Phenomenological side OPE r J/y D<G2>+c<G2> Y’ s D<G2> <G2> Matching Mn-1/Mn from Phen to OPE Obtain constraint for DmJ/y and G
Mass and width of J/y in nuclear Matter (Morita, Lee 08) • QCD sum rule constraint
Anti proton Heavy nuclei Expected luminosity at GSI2x 1032cm-2s-1 Observation of Dm through p-A reaction Can be done at J-PARC
Some perspectives on Diquarks and heavy exotics F.Navara, M. Nielsen, SHL: PLB 649, 166 (07) SHL, S.Yasui, W.Liu, CMKo: EPJC 54, 259 (08) SHL, M. Nielsen et al: PLB 661, 28 (08) SHL, K.Morita, M.Nielsen: PRD 78, 076001 (08), NPA 815,29 (09) SHL, M.Nielsen, U. Wiedner: JKPS 55,424(09) SHL, S. Yasui: EPJC (09) in press
QCD sum rule results on X(3872), Z(4430) • In principle QCD can not distinguish between diquark configuration and molecular configuration • However, seems to favor molecular current for all states
Tetraquarks: Jaffe • color spin interaction: light scalar nonet q1 q3 q2 q4 • diquark picture: Yasui, Lee,.. (EJP08,EJP09) • Heavy Dibaryon Hc: (ud) (us) (uc) stable against (ud) u + (us) c • Heavy Tetraquark with spin 0 or spin 1
Heavy and explicitly exotic tetraquarks • color spin interaction: light scalar nonet q1 q3 q2 q4 • Two heavy anti-quarks: explicitly exotic
c c Previous works on Tcc Z. Zouzou, B. Silverstre-Brac, C. Gilgnooux, J Richard (86), D. Janc, M. Rosina (04), Y. Cui, S. L. Zhu (07) QCD sum rules: F Navarra, M.Nielsen, SHLee, PLB 649, 166 (2007) simple diquark: SHL, S. Yasui, W.Liu, C Ko EPJ C54, 259 (2008), SHL, S. Yasui: EPJ C (09) in press Canlook for 1+ (Tcc) Belle: PRL 98, 082001 (07) e+ e- J/y + X(3904) D D* e Tcc (3800) c c e+ SHL, S Yasui, W Liu, C Ko (08)
Summary • QCD phase transition is characterized by Perturbative M2 and Non perturbative M0 change 20% effect at Nuclear matter • Heavy quark system can probe these changes and study confinement physics FAIR, J-PARC • More work on X,Y, Z are needed. • Explicitly Exotic heavy particles: Hc, Tcc, … FAIR, J-PARC D, anti-proton etc..