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  2. Resolution #6 (Nov’04) • The Pavement Research Advisory Committee (PRAC) to provide feedback at the next RPF on the outcomes of the needs determination process as well as on the research themes that have been identified

  3. Presentation outline • Background • Purpose & Structure • Prioritisation of research needs • Synthesis of research needs • Prioritisation process • Way Ahead • Discussion

  4. Background: Purpose • To identify, prioritise and execute R&D programmes, projects and activities that: • Address the road infrastructure needs of SA • Enhance socio-economic impact • Promote sustainable development • Support asset preservation • Enhance SA’s industry competitiveness • Support the interests of the industry’s stakeholders • Position SA to address current needs and future challenges in road provision and maintenance

  5. Background: Structure (1) • RAC • Advise on R&D needs & priorities • Assist in technology foresight studies • Advise on development of strategic plans & research portfolio plans • Assist in the review of outcomes • Assist in assessing the impact of R&D activities

  6. Present members of RAC: ASPASA Asphalt Academy C&CI CIDB CSIR DoT Gautrans Jeffares & Green KZN DoT Limpopo Roads Agency PD Naidoo RBPM Sabita SAFCEC SANRAL Tshwane University of technology University of Pretoria University of Stellenbosch Vela VKE Western Cape DoT Women in Construction Background: Structure (2)

  7. Background: Structure (3) • Manco • Select projects to be financed by sponsors • Request & approve project plans • Source & provide funding • Appoint champions & teams • Provide management resources • Output quality review • Ensure effective technology transfer

  8. Prioritisation of R&D Needs • Broad areas of research (RAC, Jan ‘05) • Identification & classification of research needs (Feb-Mar ‘05) • Prioritisation of research needs • Feedback received from RAC members • Department of Transport & SANRAL • APT Steering Committee • Road Materials Committee • CAPSA ‘04 • Verification & validation of identified research needs • RAC meeting of 5 May ‘05 • RPF meeting of 11-12 May ‘05

  9. Prioritisation of R&D needs • 225 Research needs identified: • Infrastructure Engineering (137) • Infrastructure Delivery (38) • Environment (22) • Planning & Operations (14) • Policy, Economics & Decision Support (10) • Resources (4)

  10. Needs in Infrastructure Engineering 137 Identified Research Needs

  11. Needs in Infrastructure Delivery 38 Identified Research Needs

  12. Tentative Priorities • Priority A-rating • Thin bituminous surfacings • Foamed-bitumen & bitumen-emulsion treated materials • Structural design & performance • Gravel roads & upgrading to paved standards • Traffic loading & contact stresses • Design of hot-mix asphalt • Thin- & ultra-thin concrete layers • Suitable replacements for tar-based products

  13. Tentative Priorities • Priority B-rating • Performance-based specifications for bituminous binders • Lime- and cement-stabilised materials • Structural design of concrete pavements • Unbound materials • Pavement surveillance equipment • Cold-mix asphalt • Performance-based specifications for maintenance

  14. Tentative Priorities • Priority C-rating • Quality control & quality assurance • Impact of climate • Long-life pavements

  15. Priority-A research needs

  16. FBT & EBT treated materials (A1) • Laboratory simulation of curing • Revision of structural design guidelines • Development of database on field performance • “Effective stiffness” concept • Role of active fillers • Revision of TG2 & finalisation of sister document for emulsion-treated materials • Standard specifications for cold in-place recycling

  17. Gravel roads & their upgrading (A2) • Gravel roads • Improved deterioration models • Review of specifications for gravel wearing courses • Revision of TRH20 • Implementation of certification process • Upgrading to paved standards • Cost-effective ways to upgrade gravel roads • Geometric standards • Minimum strength criteria for light pavements • Labour-intensive construction & maintenance • Validation of SADC LVSR guidelines for SA conditions

  18. Thin bituminous surfacings (A3) • Surface dressings • Concept of elv & better guidance on design for heavy traffic volumes • Modified binders (applicability of design charts) • Database on long-term performance of seals • Thin-layer asphalt • Guidelines on their design and use • Fit-for-purpose certification system for non-conventional products • Cost-effectiveness of modified binders • Adhesion & bonding to substrata

  19. Structural design & performance (A4) • Upgrading of SAMDM • Incorporation of input variability & probabilistic functions in structural design methods • Integration of all mechanistic design methods (flexible & rigid) into one method • Structural design & analysis system accommodating non-uniform contact stresses and dynamic loading • Revision of TRH4 (including incorporation of rigid pavements) • Revision of TRH12

  20. Priority-A research needs

  21. Priority-B research needs

  22. Quality control/assurance (B1) • Survey of factors and influencing issues impacting on quality, and the provision of remedial solutions • High-speed, non-destructive testing procedures & automated systems for the monitoring & control of construction quality • Revision of standards & specification • Capacity building

  23. Thin concrete layers (B1) • Design and performance • Engineering properties and load carrying capacity of thin & ultra-thin concrete layers • APT study of high-strength thin concrete overlays • Guidelines on design & use of thin & ultra-thin concrete layers • Construction • Guidelines on the construction of thin & ultra-thin concrete layers using both conventional & labour-intensive methods

  24. Lime- and cement-treated materials (B3) • Test methods & specifications for the assessment of durability and erosion resistance • Ways to improve the working time associated with the new range of cements • Appropriate construction methods • Calibration of resilient & performance models incorporating variability

  25. Hot-mix asphalt (B4) • Validation of interim design guidelines • Forensic, LTPP & APT studies • Reliable test procedures & acceptance criteria for rutting, durability & fatigue • Concept of aggregate packing and spatial composition • Laboratory mix preparation, conditioning & compaction • Design procedures for SMA • Stability of mixes at intersections • Revision of TRH8 • Standards & specifications

  26. Priority-B research needs

  27. Priority-C research needs

  28. Traffic loading & contact stresses (C1) • Traffic loading • Accuracy of WIM measurements • Updating of ESALS per heavy vehicle factors • Investigation/enhancement of ESAL/E80 concept • Revision of TRH16 • Non-uniform contact stresses • Quantification of effects of contact stresses on behaviour & performance of upper pavement layers • Integration of non-uniform contact stresses is structural design systems

  29. Bitumen specification & Material classification • Performance-based specifications for bituminous binders (C2) • As directed by the RPF working group • Material classification (C3) • Improved characterisation methods for unbound materials, weathered gravels and soils • Improved design models (e.g. resilient & plastic deformation models) • Revision of TRH14

  30. Tar replacement & Long-life pavements • Tar replacement (C4) • Investigation into suitable replacements for coal tar for priming, pre-coating of aggregates and other applications in road construction • Long-life pavements (C5) • Concept development & economic viability of long-life pavements • Survey of long-life pavements • Strategy for long-life pavements • Construction & materials for long-life pavements • Guidelines for design, construction and maintenance of long-life pavements

  31. Structural materials Cold bituminous treatment (A) Thin-layer concrete (B) Lime/cement stabilised materials (B) Hot-mix asphalt (B) Material classification (C) Operational environment Traffic loading & contact stresses (C) Structural design of flexible & rigid pavements (A) Long-life pavements (C) Perf-based specs for bituminous Binders (C) Construction & Maintenance Gravel roads & their upgrading (A) Thin bituminous surfacings (A) Quality control/assurance (B) Replacement of tar-based products (C)

  32. Way Forward • Focus area groups to unpack the needs identified & identify projects • Need to relate the outcomes of the focus areas to strategic objectives of transport and national imperatives

  33. Unpacking of needs

  34. Unpacking of needs

  35. Unpacking of needs: Priority A • Cold bituminous treatments • RPF Working Group • Gravel roads & their upgrading • (Les Sampson & Phil Paige-Green to convene) • Thin bituminous surfacings • (Expansion of ASA Task Team) • Structural design & performance • RPF Working Group

  36. Unpacking of needs: Priority B • Quality control & quality assurance • ? • Thin concrete layers • (Rudi Kühn & Bryan Perrie to convene) • Lime- & cement-treated materials • RPF Working Group • Hot-mix asphalt • (HMA PMG or APT Task Group)

  37. Unpacking of needs: Priority C • Traffic loading & contact stresses • (Morris de Beer & PW de Bruin to convene) • Performance specs for bituminous binders • RPF Working Group • Material classification • (Dennis Rossmann & Hechter Theyse to convene) • Replacement of tar-based products • (Sabita to convene) • Long-life pavements • (SA PIARC representatives to convene)

  38. Way Forward • Alignment with strategic objectives for transport • Role in economic development • Safety and personal security • Increasing access and mobility • Public health issues • Environmental sustainability • Human resource development • Poverty alleviation / job creation

  39. WAY AHEAD • Compilation of Research Master Plan • Focus area groups to unpack the needs identified & identify projects (end July 2005) • Translate the outcomes of the focus areas to strategic objectives of transport and national imperatives (May’05) • Secretariat to compile Research Master Plan (Aug’05) • Circulate to members of PRAC for comments (Aug’05) • Meeting of the Management Committee (September 2005)

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