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Government-Assisted Refugee Settlement in BC Metropolis BC Policy Research Symposium

Government-Assisted Refugee Settlement in BC Metropolis BC Policy Research Symposium. Presented by Gulalai Habib November 7th, 2008. Agenda. Current context – (2007-2008) Refugee Settlement outcomes – (2003-2005) – key findings Present and future trends Suggested action plan.

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Government-Assisted Refugee Settlement in BC Metropolis BC Policy Research Symposium

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  1. Government-Assisted Refugee Settlement in BCMetropolis BC Policy Research Symposium Presented by Gulalai Habib November 7th, 2008

  2. Agenda • Current context – (2007-2008) • Refugee Settlement outcomes – (2003-2005) – key findings • Present and future trends • Suggested action plan

  3. 1. Current context January-October 2008 • 800-900 government-assisted refugees (GARS) arrive in Vancouver annually • 50% of GARs tend to arrive between September 1 - December 15th • As of October, 2008, 61% of GARs destined to BC have arrived

  4. Current context Jan.-Sept. 2008 – cont’d • 487 Individuals or 187 family units • 52.2% female & 47.8% male • 18 single parent families (4%) • 223 individuals or 46% were children & youth under 18 years old • 18% or 86 children were between 6 & 12 years old • 14% or 66 children were under 5 years

  5. Current context - Jan.-Sept. 2008 cont’d • Top 5 destinations by municipality • Surrey 138 individuals (28%) • Tri-Cities 101 (21%) • Langley 80 (16%) • Burnaby 46 (9%) • Vancouver 44 (9%) • North Vancouver 17 (4%) • Richmond (1%)

  6. Current context - Jan.-Sept. 2008 cont’d • 20 different source countries – Top 5: Myanmar 160 (33%), Iran 70 (14%), Afghanistan 51 (11%), Iraq 50 (10%), & Ethiopia 25 (5%) • Secondary migration from other provinces – 25 individuals / 17 units

  7. Refugee Settlement Outcomes –The “New Beginnings” Research - 2003-2005a. Pre-departure Information • 45% of respondents had been living outside their country of origin for more than 5 years and over 25% of respondents had been living outside their country of origin for more than 10 years. • Many respondents wanted more information prior to their departure, e.g., about employment and educational opportunities, the need for English language skills and availability of ESL classes. • 15% of respondents highlighted the need for more information about Canadian culture and lifestyle.

  8. b. Arrival and Orientation • 73% had no pre-existing family in Canada, while 69% had no friends when they first settled • Common challenges concerning Housing search: • high rents and their limited income, • language barriers, and • finding housing large enough for their family

  9. c. Subsequent Settlement Outcomes • ESL and Education • Nearly 60% of respondents from both 2003 and 2005 rated their English language skills as ‘Not at all’ or ‘Beginner’. • Only 9% of respondents have undertaken additional education or skills training. • Only 8.5% respondents have undertaken computer classes since their arrival in Canada.

  10. Finances • 26% of clients reported relying on food banks to feed themselves while receiving RAP income assistance. • 26% of respondents reported spending 50-59% of their monthly income on rent. • 28% of respondents reported spending more than 60% of their monthly income on rent.

  11. Employment • Families where no one is working – 66% • Unemployment rate of all GARs – 78% • 53% of GARs who arrived in 2003 are unemployed. • 95% of GARs who arrived in 2005 are unemployed. • Families dependent on Government assistance – 74% • Of those who are employed: • 44% are working in part-time jobs • 78% stated that their current employment did not match their skills.

  12. Health • Respondents from 2003 rated their physical health less well than those who arrived during 2005. • Among 2003 respondents –15% stated they were disabled, 13% rated their health as poor while 17% rated their health as fair. • When asked how many days out of the past month (March 2006) their health had impacted them, 30% stated more than 4 days.

  13. Racism, Discrimination & Physical Safety • 83.5% of respondents stated that they had not faced any racism or discrimination since their arrival. • Only a minority (12.5%) reported some form of racism or discrimination. • Of the clients who did report racism or discrimination: • 74% had been subjected to verbal abuse, • 21% had faced physical violence, and • 5% did not wish to comment.

  14. Despite the challenges individuals reported,92% of all respondents stated that they were either ‘Very Happy’ or ‘Happy’ at having moved to Canada.

  15. 3. Present and Future Trends • Emergence of “at risk” multi-barrier low income ethnic enclave • Increase in medically compromised clients • Pro-tracked stays in refugee camps • Little or no formal education experiences • Higher rates of illiteracy • 21% (April-June’08) & 34% (July-Sept.08) GARs are special need cases

  16. Present and Future Trends – cont’d • Langley has become a new destination (2007 – 18% of all GARs) • Richmond – settlement of the first group of Karen GARs • Increase percentage of children and youth – currently 47+% under 18 years

  17. Present and Future Trends – cont’d • Arrival of Bhutanese refugees – beginning March 2009 for the next 3+ years • Increase arrivals of refugees from Asia who have been in protracted refugee camp situations

  18. Present and Future Trends – cont’d • Increase settlement to Fraser Region – 2007 - 78% of all GARs • Creation of multi-barrier low-income ethnic enclaves

  19. Present and Future Trends – cont’d • Significant increase since IRPA (June 2002) in special need cases • Increasing numbers of at risk isolated families • Disconnect between CIC policy and program goals is putting tremendous strain on service delivery system

  20. Present and Future Trends – cont’d • BC and Federal RAP Income Support rates are driving one of the most vulnerable newcomer populations into abject poverty • Started in 2007 and for the next decade we will receive significant numbers of government-assisted refugees from Asia (Karen, Rohingas, Chen, Bhutanese). None of these communities have any significant pre-existing populations in BC

  21. Present and Future Trends – cont’d • Refugee youth are not prepared for the Canadian school system and vice versa • Our current service delivery models and interventions do not work particular well since IRPA • Agency front-line staff are being called to tackle growing client issues without appropriate training standards

  22. 4. Suggested Action Plan • Multi-jurisdictional approach is required to support better GAR settlement outcomes • ELSA allowable instructional hours need to be reviewed to allow illiterate students more time to learn English • Bring back transportation subsidizes within ELSA for low-income students

  23. Suggested Action Plan – cont’d • Provincial - increase daycare spaces at all levels of ELSA • Provincial - multi-barrier two-year pilot program – positive step forward - we need new innovative approaches • Provincial - enhance the Community Bridging Program to allow all GARs the choice of a Host volunteer

  24. Suggested Action Plan – cont’d • MHSD – Income Support Rates need to be reviewed in light of growing poverty and at risk homelessness • MHSD - Policy change needed to allow people to work without having any earned funds deducted dollar for dollar • MHSD – allow GARs to learn English without putting pressure on them to look for employment

  25. Suggested Action Plan – cont’d • CIC – Review & revision of RAP based on the current characteristics of GARs • Change the transportation loan program to a grant program • CIC - Detach the RAP income support rates from MHSD • CIC – Provide some English language training and better pre-departure orientation overseas • CIC – Provide sufficient resources for Life Skills Support programs

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