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To advance lunar research, NASA Planetary Division formed virtual institutes (like NAI) to pursue dedicated theme-based lunar science topics… “Of the Moon, On the Moon, From the Moon” LSI-Central at ARC (also run the LSI-Forum) Summer 2008 released the NLSI CAN
To advance lunar research, NASA Planetary Division formed virtual institutes (like NAI) to pursue dedicated theme-based lunar science topics… • “Of the Moon, On the Moon, From the Moon” • LSI-Central at ARC (also run the LSI-Forum) • Summer 2008 released the NLSI CAN • Teams or nodes are sub-elements under LSI central direction • 33 proposals/7 awards
Key Questions For Investigation • How did the Moon form and how did its interior structure arise? • How has the impact history of the Earth-Moon system been recorded on the lunar surface? • How have volcanic process on the Moon been initiated over lunar history and how do the volcanic flows reflect the interior composition? • How have solar processes and space weather altered the lunar surface over time and been recorded in the lunar regolith? • How will the lunar environment (e.g., dust) affect surface operations and influence designs for living on the Moon? • What are the environmental conditions and the volatile content of the lunar poles? • How will increased human activities alter the lunar environment? • How can life from Earth adapt to long stays on the Moon? • How can the Moon be used as a platform to advance important science goals in astronomy, Earth observation, and basic physics? ‘Of’ ‘On’ ‘From’
Dynamic Response of the Environment At the Moon • Theory, modeling, data validation effort of the solar-lunar environment connection • “How does the highly-variable solar energy and matter incident at the surface interface affect the dynamics of lunar volatiles, ionosphere, plasma, and dust?” • Emphasize the dynamics – solar storms and impacts at the Moon • Modeling center that maintains, advances and integrates state-of-the-art neutral, plasma, and surface interaction models • Applications to observatories The dynamic moon: Solar stimulated neutral emission and plasma interactions Observations of lunar sodium atmosphere Astronaut in Shackleton
Impactors Small to large DREAM’s First Model Asteroid or Comet or KBO
Simplified Process Flow Drivers Solar Wind Energetic Particles Magnetosphere Micrometeorites UV Plasma Interaction Region Lunar Wake Magnetic Anomalies Plasma Sheath Lofted Dust Pickup Ions Secondary Electrons Photoelectrons Surface Interface Charging Dust Sputtering Desorption Topography Volatiles Weathering How big are these arrows ? Do they become larger during disturbed periods? Exosphere/ Ionosphere Composition Ionized Neutrals Sources, Sinks, & Transport Aeronomy- the high density limit featuring strong plasma-neutral connection!
“How does the highly-variable solar energy and matter incident at the surface interface affect the dynamics of lunar volatiles, ionosphere, plasma, and dust?” DREAM has four supporting themes that address this overarching question: 1. Advance understanding of the surface release and loss of the neutral gas exosphere over small to large spatial scales and a broad range of driver intensities. 2. Advance understanding of the enveloping plasma interaction region over small to large spatial scales and over a broad range of driver intensities. 3. Identify common links between the neutral and plasma systems and test these linkages by modeling extreme environmental events. 4. Applythis new-found environmental knowledge to guide decision-making for future missions, assess the Moon as an observational platform, and aid in human exploration. DREAMs first model
DREAM Models CCMC MHD codes of solar wind/CMEs Monte Carlo Exosphere (Crider/Killen) Monte Carlo Regolith (Crider/Vondrak) Ar-40 Monte Carlo Sims (Hodges) Neutral/surface ejection (Sarantos/Killen) Exo-ion pickup (Hartle) Impact Model – LCROSS (Colaprete) Impact Model – Snowball (Crider) Hybrid/Kinetic plasma sims (Krauss-Varben) Kinetic wake sim (Farrell) Equivalent circuit model (Farrell/Jackson) Surface charging model (Stubbs) Dust Fountain model (Stubbs) Mie scattering model (Glenar) DREAM Validation Sets Direct (public domain): WIND (Lin/Bale) GEOTAIL (Peterson) SIDE ALSEP (Collier) LP MAG/ER (Lin) Apollo 15/16 subsat plasma Indirect (access via co-i): ARTEMUS (many) Kaguya PACE (Saito, Elphic) LRO (Vondrak, Keller, Stubbs, Spence) LCROSS (Colaprete) LADEE (Colaprete, Horanyi) Constellation (Hyatt, Farrell, Dube)
Approach to Objective 1- Exosphere -A tenuous neutral gas surrounds the moon -Surface Bounded Exosphere: gas is collisionless -Composition not fully known -Why not more H and O based species -Energetics not fully understood -Water can be implanted or possibly created at surface and migrate to cold traps To understand this DREAM will: -Advance models of volitization of water, transport, and collection in traps -Advance Monte Carlo exospheric models -Model chemical sputtering -Model sputtering of regolith with solar driver -Improve exo-ionosphere models -Advance impact models -> dissipation - Validate (LACE, Kaguya), Prediction (LRO, LCROSS LADEE) Na observations Hodges’ Ar-40 Hurley’s snowball
Approach to Objective 2 – Plasma Interactions -Moon is an obstacle in outflowing solar wind -Creates a trailing lunar wake affected by SW dynamics that we don’t know -Mini-wakes may form along polar terrain that effect the local electrical environment -Magnetic anomalies form regional perturbations -Human systems are places in this electrical environment -Dust is part of this electrical environment To understand this DREAM will: -Advance PIC and Hybrid sims to model wake, sheath, anomalies, and surface -Develop models and sim of polar mini-wake formation -Create surface cohesion model – apply to dust lifting -Advance models to tribo-charging human systems on the moon -Validate (LP, SIDE, Kaguya), Prediction (LRO, LCROSS, LADEE, Exploration)
Approach to Objective #3 – Cross-Integration and Extremes The lunar atmosphere and plasma systems treated mostly as independent – their communities are separate entities -New recognition that there are common ties -DREAM emphasizes that integration -Will hold a set of summits to merge exosphere models with plasma models/sims -first ‘Lunar Aeronomy’ Polar Shadowed Craters Impacts Human Contamination
Impact Integrated Model – How does an impact dissipate in the lunar environment? ARC Impact Code WIND, ACE nn, vn, nd, vd ni, vi?, Qd Solar Wind Monte Carlo Exo nn, vn, Dust Emission/ Absorption EEI Charge Exchange ni, vi, ne,ve ni, vi, ne,ve Photoion Stub ni, vi, ne,ve nd, vd, Qd ni, vi, ne,ve Hybrid Code • Derive dissipation rate • like a comet, Enceladus • ID processes –like Mars • Apply to human base, large impact
Integration Focal Point: Lunar Extreme Workshops (LEWs) Will test sets of models as a system under environmental extremes in a coordinated workshop environment: -Solar Storms – Mock storm on Moon that affects sputtering, exo-ions, surface charging, and Shackleton resources and charging -Impacts – Mock impact to determine the evolution of gas and dust in surrounding environment. Consider small and moderate sized impacts and obtain dissipation process/rates E/PO – Have students participate directly in activity and be part of the action. Integration of young scientists as well.
DREAM- LUNAR Common Topic #1: Surface Charging and affect on ROLSS • Antenna designed to be thin and roll out on surface • However, surface charging and near-surface E-fields may actually force the antenna to levitate • Analogous to dust lofting • ROLSS have an electrometery element • ROLSS not just radio astronomy but for environmental study as well DREAM Connection point: Stubbs/Farrell
DREAM- LUNAR Common Topic #2: Scattered UV/Vis from Lofted Dust McCoy ‘0’ Model [1976] • Does a lunar-based telescope see a noiseless background? • Suspected lofted dust may scatter the light • Need- dust lofting amount and scattering models • DREAM can help! Murphy and Vondrak, unpublished DREAM Connection point: Stubbs/Glenar LADEE signal is observatory contamination
DREAM- LUNAR Common Topic #3: LASER Ranging and Dust Detection • Dust may be lofted and transport • Can LR systems see any dust-related degradation in signal over time? • Geologists vs Electrodynamicists From Stubbs et al., 2006 DREAM Connection point: Stubbs
DREAM- LUNAR Common Topic #4: Dark Ages and Platform-to-Space Environment • Dipole for Dark Ages study on spacecraft or on lunar surface has its own challenges • Far side –great way to remove Earth noise • BUT carry Platform RFI with the D-A Observatory • Observing in THE most extreme plasma environment - lunar anti-solar point • Platform ground connected to variable low density wake plasma • Solar storm = -0.4 to -4 kV in ~20 min [Halekas et al., 2007] • Inter-platform current discharge • ADC’s susceptible to more noise Bowman et al 2008
Halekas et al, 2005 DREAM Connection point : Halekas
DREAM- LUNAR Common Topic #5: How would any observatoy handle extreme events? • Solar storms – surface potential and radiation • Impacts – vapor and particulates • Human Activity – create its own gas cloud DREAM connection point: LEWs
Conclusion • DREAM LSI team focus is on the solar-lunar connection and the associated harsh environment • A number of great connection points to the LUNAR LSI node • Next step – identify a person from each team and let them ‘have at’ these problems • Share a post-doc?
Approach to Objective 2 – Plasma Interactions Don’t know: -The morphology of the lunar wake with SW • The plasma flow near a mag anomaly and effect on local lunar weathering • The electrostatic of the lunar polar region and especially within PSCs (topo mini-wakes) • Micro-electrostatics of lifted dust • Micro-electrostatics of objects immersed in sheaths Approach: -Advance PIC and Hybrid sims to model wake, sheath, anomalies, and surface -Develop models and sim of polar mini-wake formation -Create surface cohesion model – apply to dust lifting -Advance models to tribo-charging human systems on the moon -Validate (LP, SIDE, Kaguya), Prediction (LRO, LCROSS, LADEE)
Approach to Objective 1- Exosphere Don’t know: -How volatile water forms, migrates, and collects at poles -The full inventory of neutral species -The processes of energetic surface ejection -The exo-ionosphere formation and evolution -The effect and evolution of impacts - The effect of human system outgassing Approach: -Advance models of volitization of water, transport, and collection in traps -Advance Monte Carlo Exospheric models -Model chemical sputtering -Model sputtering of regolith with solar driver -Improve exo-ionosphere models -Advance impact models - Validate (LACE, Kaguya), Prediction (LRO, LCROSS LADEE) Na observations Hodges’ Ar-40 Crider’s snowball
Solar Storm/Lunar Integrated-Modeling (SSLIM) Wind, ACE, & CCMC storm models EUV, xrays, nsw, Tsw, f(u), energ part. Desorption Sputtering models Mag Anomaly Hybrid model Analytical/PIC Surface Current Balance Meteoroid flux nneut, fn(v) nsw (B), Tsw(B) gyro-radius num, rum, vum, nneut, fn(v) fsurface Monte Carlo fsurface nsputterions fsputterions(v) nh, fh, PIC/Hybrid Global Moon SW/Exo-ion/Wake Interaction Dust Lift and Transport Coma Nn, Rn Regolith Conversion Exosphere dissipation rates nd,vd Photo- ionize nphotoions fphotoions(v) nh2o, fh2o, Coma Ni, Ri Dust lift Mini-wake Given a storm, how long does the moon stay ‘excited’ or ‘reactive’ following a storm? Equivalent Circuit (rove and fixed) Cold Trap Resources Regional Polar Models