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Annual Training Guidance Backbrief Headquarters and Headquarters Company “Outlaws” CPT Henderson 1SG Malone. TASK: Provide a backbrief to the Battalion Commander on the Battalion Annual Training Guidance
Annual Training Guidance Backbrief Headquarters and Headquarters Company “Outlaws” CPT Henderson 1SG Malone
TASK: Provide a backbrief to the Battalion Commander on the Battalion Annual Training Guidance PURPOSE: Ensure we understand commander’s intent and identify any risks that may prevent the Company from meeting the Commander’s guidance. ENDSTATE: Common understanding of the mission and intent. Risks identified and mitigating strategies developed in order to execute commanders intent.
War Time Mission Statement Battalion Mission: 168th BSB provides offensive logistics on an area support basis to units in and around Baghdad. The battalion provides supply, maintenance, transportation and field service support to more than 200 separate supported units in support of full spectrum operations for the Global War On Terrorism. Company Mission: HHC protects, sustains, and enables the staff to effectively Command and Control the Battalion in support of Baghdad area logistical missions. We currently support three assigned companies and three attached companies under our command in theater.
COMMANDER’S INTENT(1 of 3) Purpose: HHC conducts annual training and certification in order to set the conditions necessary for successful transition to platoons through Company collective training events in OIF 07-09. Most training in theater will occur at the section level to better facilitate mission requirements. At the section level, sections will cross-train personnel to ensure those working outside their MOS can effectively do their job and to facilitate R&R and emergency leave, duty requirements, and course attendance. Risk management will be incorporated into everything we do.
COMMANDER’S INTENT(2 of 3) • Manning • Execute all operations in a safe manner. • Balance work, family, PT time, downtime and health. • Ensure all Soldiers have the opportunity to attend R and R. • Training • Balance Training with Mission Support • Identify critical mission-oriented training comprised of ARTEP, The Soldier’s manual, Soldier’s manual of common tasks, and military qualification standards. • Incorporate risk management in every event. • List the task, priority, and frequency of training. • Command and Control • Exercise positive command and control with clearly defined chains of command. • Determine who is responsible for what. The leader of the element must always be involved. • Identify the hazards, assess the hazards, and implement controls. • Equipping • Coordinate for critical mission equipment and training. • Coordinate for critical training assets to conduct individual and collective training.
COMMANDER’S INTENT(3 of 3) Endstate: HHC has set the conditions and is trained and prepared for its wartime mission, conducts sustainment operations in support OIF 07-09, and redeploy.
Collective Specified Tasks • Maintain a holistic supply, maintenance and distribution system that provides effective and efficient support to the 1st SB. • Continue to seek ways to improve your area and the CO. • Establish internal Standard Operating Procedures. • Establish external Standard Operating Procedures. • Maintain first aid training that is focused on critical tasks that saves Soldiers lives. • Develop and incorporate systems and processes that improve logistics while in theater. • Ensure soldiers are trained and licensed on assigned vehicles and equipment. • Exercise offensive logistics operations by pushing support forward to customer units. • Incorporate safety in every activity. • Enhance/improve technical competencies. • Integrate shared lessons learned and then train on these revised tactics, techniques, and procedures. • Provide every the soldier opportunity to take R&R leave during the deployment.
Individual Specified Tasks • PT is conducted at the section level. • Weapons qualification must be maintained. • NBC training will occur in February. • We must all be proficient in basic first aid. • PMCS must be conducted to standard. • Schools are critical to Soldiers’ career progression. • Personnel seeking OCS or Green to Gold need to have all the required paperwork for their packet. I will only write Letters of Recommendation for those I truly believe would benefit the Officer Corps. • Recurring training such as required EO training, suicide prevention, etc. must continue as it has been and must be taken seriously. • Redeployment/Reintegration/Regeneration Soldiers and families must stay connected and understand the importance of reintegration and regeneration. • Unit movement personnel must be prepared to move the unit home. Unit movement training refresher will occur between January and March 2008. • Force protection. Soldiers must be prepared to protect the unit and themselves. Our biggest enemy threat is IDF. Soldiers must properly respond when the C-RAM goes off. Our biggest threat other than the enemy is ourselves.
Essential Tasks • Soldier Safety • Mission Support • Offensive Logistics • Quality of Life Challenges Personnel: Long hours with limited days off, complacency, training complacency. Equipment: Communication: RIPRNET and Harris Radios. Resources: Ammunition available upon redeployment to Sill. Training: Event and Mission Oriented.
HHC 168TH BSBCompany Commander’s Guidance • As previously stated, most training occurs at the section level. Every section has a senior NCO and officer or warrant officer. It is the responsibility of these leaders to ensure my training guidance is met. • Establish effective readiness posture by conducting cyclic, sensitive items inventories, command maintenance, individual readiness, physical fitness, and safety discussions with every activity. • Leader Responsibilities: Ensure your Soldiers and their families are properly taken care of. This does not mean coddling. Soldiers need to maintain proficiency in warrior tasks and drills, physical fitness, and in their MOS. It is recommended that Soldiers working outside their MOS find ways to maintain MOS proficiency by periodically working in the section that requires their MOS if possible. This is critical to Soldiers’ career progression.
Risk Mitigation • Personnel- • Train available soldiers to perform critical functions. Incorporate training with daily mission sustainment. • Brutal enforcement of standards and discipline. • Upon redeployment, many personnel will leave the unit, and eventually they will be replaced with incoming personnel. Sections will have to be realigned, and personnel will have to be reassigned based on mission requirements. • Equipment- • Identify and expedite equipment critical to mission success. • Ensure all shortages are ordered so that upon redeployment, we have all the necessary equipment to conduct our mission. • Resources- • Identify resources needed for training. • Training- • Identify hazards, assess hazards, and implement controls. • Incorporate lessons learned
TRAINING STRATEGY Re-deployment Nov 08 Block Leave Re-integration Training with Families Sep 08 Sep 08 RIP/TOA Sep 08 Re-integration Training Inventories/ Pack Connexes/ Update AUEL Sep 08 Aug 08 Range Week Jul 08 Certify Trainers Training Objectives Jun 08 Issue the Plan • - Re-integration training • - Conflict Management • Expectations • Financial Management • Combat Stress • Range Week May 08 Plan Training Determine Training Objectives Nov 07
TRAINING STRATEGY Redeployment • Key Individual Tasks • Employ accident prevention and risk management • Implement OPSEC • Submit individual awards • Key Leader Tasks • Identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks and safety hazards • Coordinate unit movement operations through UMO • Identify ORG vs. TPE property • Conduct pre-RIP/TOA inventories of TPE property • Identify maintenance requirements • Verify personnel, weapons, and equipment • Key collective tasks • Perform risk management procedures • Perform redeployment HR actions • Perform redeployment training activities • Prepare vehicles and equipment for redeployment • Perform sea/aerial port of debarkation/embarkation activities for redeployment • Perform demobilization station activities • Plan unit redeployment
TRAINING STRATEGY CO FTX Retrain JUL 09 JUN 09 Recovery Conduct AAR JUN 09 JUN 09 Execute MAY 09 PLT FTX MAR 09 Terrain Walk MAR 09 Mission Briefback FEB 09 Issue the Plan Staff Training and Order Drills FEB 09 Recon the Site Training Objectives JAN 09 Plan Training -Conduct CO FTX -Prepare for BN FTX -Conduct live fire ranges (CQM, reflexive fire, MOUT) Determine Training Objectives DEC 08
TRAINING STRATEGY CO FTX METL Tasks: Command, Control, and Communicate; Protect and Sustain the Company; Provide Logistical and Administrative Support Key Individual Tasks Key collective tasks Key Leader Tasks • Plan and conduct convoys • Treat casualties • Evacuate casualties • Provide food service support • Perform risk management procedures • Maintain communications • Perform duties as convoy commander • Perform risk management • Operate a vehicle in a convoy • Employ risk management • Perform First Aid • Protect yourself from NBC attack • Employ accident prevention • Perform radio communications
TRAINING STRATEGY Conduct Deployment Exercise NOV 09 AAR OCT 09 Recovery/Download SEP 09 Execute AUG 09 Block Leave Rehearse Teams JUL 09 (STT) Validate Load Plan JUL 09 Validate AUEL JUL 09 Staff Training and Order Drills Rehearse during FTX Deployment Training Objectives JUL 09 -Validate AUELs, Load Plans -Conduct complete upload and download of equipment -BN SRP Determine Training Objectives JAN 09
TRAINING STRATEGY Conduct Deployment Exercise METL Tasks: Deploy/Redeploy the Company; Protect and Sustain the Company; Command, Control and Communicate • Key collective tasks • Perform risk management procedures • Perform ADVON activities • Perform HR actions • Perform deployment alert • Conduct pre-deployment training • Execute battle handover • Employ physical security • Establish and maintain communications • Key Leader Tasks • Risk management • Plan security for command post • Manage Soldiers’ deployment requirements • Key Individual Tasks • Employ risk management • Employ accident prevention • Employ OPSEC • Perform guard duties
Working Actions • Reintegration/regeneration issues • Personnel changes upon redeployment (continuity) • Ammunition for Ranges upon Redeployment • Mission vs. training time
Summary • Proper battle handover between outgoing/incoming personnel. • Section cross-training IOT maintain seamless support. • We can train without facilities. • Ammo will have an impact on qualification upon redeployment. • Training is dependent on the above. We’ll develop work around where possible to minimize impacts.