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IDEA defines it as "any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.”
IDEA defines it as "any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.” • The term does not include a medical device that is surgically implanted, or the replacement of such a device. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY
Each public agency shall ensure that Assistive Technology devices or Assistive Technology services, or both, as those terms are defined in SS300.5-300.6, are made available to a child with a disability if required as a part of the child’s: • Special education, • Related services, or • Supplementary aids and services THE LAW: ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY IDEA 20, USC, Ch 33, Section 1401 (25) US http://www.snet.org/atc
AT must be considered and documented for every student who has an IEP • All IEP teams must be able to consider and document AT needs for every student • Students on a 504 plan may also be entitled to AT as a reasonable accommodation AT CONSIDERATION
ONE OR MORE AREAS OF THE IEP MAY DOCUMENT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY: • Present Levels • “THE Box” (Consideration - Form C) • Embedded in goals • Supplementary Aids, AT and Services • Program Modifications or Supports for School Personnel • Accommodations and Modifications
PLAAPF EXAMPLES • John exhibits a severe expressive communication impairment. He communicates with peers and adults within his environment using vocalizations and an eight location voice output augmentative communication device. He uses the device in all educational settings and appropriate vocabulary is programmed for each setting. • Due to her significant visual impairment, Susan is not able to access standard print instructional materials such as textbooks, worksheets, and written tests. She requires that all print copies be enlarged through the use of a photocopier or closed circuit television system. Computer-based materials are enlarged using a text enlargement software application. www.gpat.org
4th Grader • Xx is unable to independently write her name or numbers to complete writing assignments in her special education classes due to low tone and poor coordination. She has access to rubber stamps, word processing and IntelliKeys (alternate keyboard) and needs help with positioning these tools to make them most functional (non-slip material and/or slant board). • She cannot identify letters or words, so access to a talking word processor with a “Speak on Letters” feature is being used to help with her spelling and reading goals. www.gpat.org
“THE BOX” Form C is the Consideration of Other Factors section. Try to include the words in your meeting, “We considered AT, and we all agree to check under Statement of Required Assistive Technology Devices and Services”: • Considered, Not Needed • Included On this form, there is a text area available to describe the tools; be sure they are related to the agreed upon tasks, and do not use brand names (e.g., Dragon Dictate, AlphaSmart).
Example: John John Check AT Statement: • Included • This kindergarten student uses a walker for mobility, switches to control toys, and simple voice output communication devices for requests/greetings (again, do not indicate specific names/brands of devices here) www.gpat.org
AT EMBEDDED IN GOALS • During classroom activities, Kim will activate the appropriate switch (from two options - one preferred and one neutral) with no more than 3 prompts on 4 out of 5 opportunities. • Short term objective: activate switch to gain attention of teachers • Short term objective: greet adults and peers • Short term objective: request motivating materials www.gpat.org
Supplementary Aids, AT and Services • AT Solutions for Mechanics of Writing • AT Solutions for Written Composition • AT Solutions for Studying/Learning • AT Solutions for Math • AT Solutions for Computer Access • AT Solutions for Reading • AT Solutions for Communication
Shaunda will have access to a portable word processor for all note taking in her general education classes. • Kendra will have access to a calculator for all math activities in her general education classes. SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES EXAMPLES
Program Modifications or Supports for School Personnel • Training for student • Training for school personnel • Training for family
EXAMPLE: 6TH GRADE STUDENT • Supplementary Aids/AT • Portable word processor, word prediction software, software for concept webbing • Services • Staff, student, and parents should receive training in the use of the portable word processor and the software programs www.gpat.org
Accommodations and Modifications Accommodations • Provisions made in how the student accesses/demonstrates learning Modifications • Changes in what the student is expected to learn or demonstrate
EXAMPLES • 6th grader academic - accommodations • Extended time for tests • Shortened assignments • Allow oral responses rather than written • Use assistive technology with spell check, grammar check, and predict ahead functions turned off (for testing) • 3rd grader Sammy Sue - modifications • Alternative assignments will be provided as needed. • Alternative assessments will be provided as needed. • Simplified curriculum (limit the number of concepts, knowledge, or skills to be mastered and assessed). www.gpat.org
Tiered knowledge model • IEP teams (Tier 1) may request assistance from Tier 2 (AT Team Members) when needed • Process includes: • IEP team brainstorming • Guided observation and trials • Plan development and implementation Assistance in Consideration
Who is the student? • What is the environment like? What supports are currently available? • What tasks does the student need to accomplish? • What would the tools look like (i.e., features)? • Where do I go to find the exact tools? TIER ONE: IEP TEAM - ASKS AND ANSWERS
If the IEP team is unable to answer some of these questions, they may need help. Fill out the Assistance Request for AT form and intercampus mail to Deanna Wagner, Meadows. Deanna can coordinate and touch base with Tier 2 people who may be able to help. Tier 2 people include staff from different disciplines who have experience with assistive technology. Tier 2 may also include the AZ Dept of Ed Assistive Technology Specialists with access to a Loan Library of equipment.
CONTACT DEANNA WAGNER • Available for classroom visits, observations, consults, guiding AT implementation and consideration • dwagner@msd38.org • 602-684-2953 (text) • Part-time district employee (W/F), please allow time for response • Office at Meadows
Increase levels of independence Improve quality of life Increase productivity Enhance performance Expand educational/ vocational options Increase success in regular ed Reduce amount of support services REASONS TO USE AT www.educationtechpoints.org
Instructional or Access Areas: • Writing • Spelling • Reading • Math • Studying/ Organizational Skills • Listening • Oral Communication • Seating/Positioning/ Mobility • Daily Living Activities • Recreation and Leisure • Pre-vocational and Vocational
Consider AT for all students with disabilities vs. only students with severe disabilities Include staff on the IEP team who are knowledgeable and skilled in AT interventions Use a consistent process for gathering data about the student, environment, and required tasks QUALITY INDICATORS OF AT CONSIDERATION www.qiat.org
Describe AT to be trialed, including means of documenting success. • Indicate what type of AT is required by the student to accomplish tasks identified. Assistive Technology Trials and Recommendations
DURING AT TRIALS • Be sure to consider what the student is willing to use and try equipment before purchase. • We can use the AZ Department of Ed Exceptional Student Services AT Short Term Loan Library http://www.wati.org http://www.adeatloan.org
AT Consideration Conclusions can be documented in e-IEP Pro in the text area of Consideration of Special Factors Form C (once again, describing features without indicating specific device/brand) • If the IEP document is already locked, then AT Considerations results should be added as Supporting Documentation and included in a Prior Written Notice. AT Consideration Conclusions