Assistive technology • Assistive Technology is any device that allows students with disabilities to complete tasks more efficiently. • These technologies allow students with disabilities to become much more independent both in and out of school. http://www.sc.edu/scatp/cdrom/atused.html
Legalities • In 1997 IDEA mandated that all students with a disability use these devices. • Several amendments mandated that these devices are not seen as just rehabilitative but as a way to receive general curriculum. • All information regarding Assistive Technologies is found in a student’s IEP. http://www.sc.edu/scatp/cdrom/atused.html
Assistive TechnologiesHearing Impaired Many students with hearing disabilites utilize a system that includes the teacher wearing a small microphone and the student wearing an almost invisible earpiece.
Assistive TechnologiesLearning Disabled Students with learning disabilities use many technologies and software to help them achieve in class. Many of these tools allow students to focus on the task better. Others help students complete assignments in a more efficent manner.
Assistive TechnologiesSeeing Impaired Seeing impaired students utilize magnification tools and braille notetakesrs. Many students use these devices that are easily carried to remain independent in class.
Assistive TechnologiesPhysically Disabled Students with physical disabilites utilize many tools that allow them to sit, travel, or participate in class. Other devices as simple as ipads to Intellikeys allow students to participate in assessments.
Reference • Iris assistive technology. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/at/ • National center for learning disabilities. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ncld.org/students-disabilities/assistive-technology-education • South carolina assistive techonology. ((n.d.)). Retrieved from http://www.sc.edu/scatp/