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Egypt Addressing Climate Change. Climate Change Unit. Climate Change Central Department, EEAA. Egypt Addressing Climate Change. Egypt ratified UNFCCC in Dec.1994, Kyoto Protocol in Jan. 2005 established Egyptian (DNA-CDM); consisting of (EB-CDM) and (EC-CDM).
Egypt Addressing ClimateChange Climate Change Unit Climate Change Central Department, EEAA
Egypt Addressing Climate Change Egypt ratified UNFCCC in Dec.1994, Kyoto Protocol in Jan. 2005 established Egyptian (DNA-CDM); consisting of (EB-CDM) and (EC-CDM). Egypt participates in climate change conferences , workshops and related activities, besides fulfilling its obligations under the Convention. Climate Change Unit
Egypt Addressing Climate Change(cont.) Implemented and submitted the Initial National Communication in 1999, And the Second National communication in 2010 that include inventory for Greenhouse Gases and developing National Action Plan for Climate Change ,now preparing the Third National communication . Proposing idea of establishing a national or regional center for climate change researches Climate Change Unit
Climate Change Impacts on Egypt • Despite the very low GHG emissions ( 0.6%), Egypt is one of the highly vulnerable countries to climate change andthe most vulnerable one in the Mediterranean region. • Adverse Impacts of Climate Change on Egypt • Sea level Rise: in the North Coast and the Delta. • Decrease in Crop Productivity. • Desertification: Including North West coastal areas and Northern areas of Sinai, the fertile land of Upper Egypt, the Delta, Oases of the Western Desert and Southern Remote Desert Areas. • Unexpected changes in water inflow due to the change in the rain pattern, • Deficit of water resources • Deterioration of Biodiversity • Coral reefs bleaching • Affecting tourism & tourist areas • Public Health will be affected
Climate Change Risks Coastal zones, Nile Delta are inundation prone by SLR . Agricultural productivity will be negatively affected. Human health at risk . Impacts on tourism sector; coral reefs bleaching. Water resources subjected to risk. Housing and roads also will be impacted. Egypt seeks help and support to adapt to and mitigate the impact of climate change. Climate Change Unit
Egyptian Needs for Adaptation • Among 10 countries, Egypt has been selected by the UNFCCC to submit its National Environmental, Economic and Development Study (NEEDS) repot, which covers an assessment for the needs of agriculture sector and coastal zone under adaptation, while it covers the needs of industry and energy sectors under mitigation. • Necessity to focus on Adaptation in Egypt. • Urgent need to find fund to provide Technology, Finance and Capacity Building of Adaptation measures in Egypt. • The implementation of national communications requires significantly increased financial support. • Use of mathematical models that predict risks on threatened sectors.
Egyptian Needs for Adaptation (2) • Identify adaptation options to cope with the impacts of CC that GOE needs to protect the vulnerable areas and identify needed adaptation policies . • have prioritized plan to address CC risks and disaster reduction in Egypt • Capacity building to vulnerability assessment to evaluate costs of adaptation activities. • Egypt believes that issue of technology transfer is important especially supportive technology that increase adaptive capacity: • To protect the north coast and coastal area of the Nile Delta, • crops tolerant to increasing temperature ,soil salinization and water stress Livestock tolerant to high temp.
Adaptation Activities A National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change is being developed Conducted projects for Tec. NEEDs and Financial Assessment to address CC. Climate Change Risk Management Program (CCRMP) a national program aimed to apply the principles of adaptation and mitigation to climate change impacts and to assist Egypt in the climate change matters. (Spain) Climate change and human mobility project aims to study the various dimensions of internal and external migration and the impact of climate change on migration in the countries of the Middle East (AFD) Assessment and Strategy Development to respond to the impacts of sea-level rise on human mobility in Egypt (IOM) Climate Change Unit
Mitigation Activities Conducted National Strategy for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in 2002 followed by Capacity Development Project in CDM (2003-2006). Established Egyptian DNA for CDM in 2005, Approved 94 projects in RE,EE, Industrial processes, fuel switching, Solid Waste and Affroestation. Total investment cost $5.04 Billions, total GHG reduction 11 mmtCO2/year. Implementing programs for fuel switching to natural gas in energy, industrial and transport sectors. Established of Energy Supreme Council. Climate Change Unit
Cooperation with Line Ministries Ministry of Electricity and Energy: establishment of several projects in field of New and Renewable Energy (Wind - Solar - Hydro - Bio), and encouraging Energy Efficiency Projects. Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation: Implementing projects for shore protection (Egyptian Public Authority for Shore Protection), establishment of specialized research centers in cooperation with development partners. Agriculture Research Center: carrying out some researches about the impacts of climate change on crops productivity and adoption of more heat-tolerant cultivars Climate Change Unit
Egyptian View in Climate Change Issue Adaptation is a first priority. Urgent Need to establish Multilateral Fund under the Convention to provide Technology, Finance and Capacity Building of Adaptation &Mitigation measures in Developing Countries. Egypt accepts undertaking National Appropriate Mitigation Actions by Developing Countries in the context of NSDP conditioned with providing Technology Transfer, Finance & Capacity Building. Necessity to focus on Adaptation in Egypt as the most Vulnerable Country in Mediterranean region. Climate Change Unit
Egypt Position related to climate change Climate Change Unit • There are commitments on developed countries towards developing countries: GHGs emissions reduction, technology transfer, adaptation finance, research and observation systems, addressing adverse impacts , response measures and compensate developing countries for climate adverse impacts. • Egypt believes that the developed countries should fulfill their obligations towards developing countries. • Reject negotiations that would lead to any commitment on developing countries.
Egypt Position related to climate change (cont.) Egypt concerns the slow progress of the AWG-KP in completing essential tasks of its work program. Egypt realizes that balance between two negotiating tracks, i.e. AWG-LCA and AWG-KP, is respected and the balance within each track is maintained. Egypt welcomes the continuation of negotiations with developed countries for future commitments post 2012. Egypt believes that issue of technology transfer is important. The implementation of national communications requires significantly increased financial support. Climate Change Unit
Aspects of cooperation between Egypt & other countries Need to establish National/Regional Research Center for CC and national Center of Excellence for CC information. Need for regional cooperation between north and south. Need to have regional plan to address CC risks and disaster reduction. Need to increase national capacity to evaluate the costs of adaptation activities. Developing the National Strategy for Low-Carbon Economy. Developing performance in field of CDM to attract international investments. Climate Change Unit
Adaptation Projects Climate Change Risk Management Program CCRMP: • A national program aimed to apply the principles of adaptation and mitigation to climate change impacts and to assist Egypt in the climate change matters. • It is supported by the Spanish Development Fund, and includes many ministries and sectors (Ministry of: Irrigation and Water Resources, Agriculture, Environment, International Cooperation and Foreign Affairs) • The program consists of four components; • the Supreme Council for Energy seeks to support the Supreme Council of Energy in the areas of renewable energy and energy efficiency, • The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to promote and encourage the use of the mechanism to add economic benefit of new investment projects, • Forecasting and Integrated Water Resources Management to develop scenarios of the climate change implications and to include it in the National Integrated Water Resources Management plans, • Adaptation component of the agricultural sector, to develop crops which have ability to adapt to extreme climatic conditions, lack of water, soil salinity and high temperatures.
Adaptation Projects(2) Climate Change and Human Mobility Project • The project aims to study the various dimensions of internal and external migration and the impact of climate change on migration in the countries of the Middle East. Five countries have been selected for the project (Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Morocco, Syria). Two Egyptian governorates have been chosen for studying; Dakahlia and Sharkeia. • The project is supported by the French Agency for Development and in partnership with the Institute for Environment and Human Security of the United Nations University and the World Bank.
Adaptation Projects(3) Assessment and Strategy Development to Respond to the Impacts of Sea-level Rise on Human Mobility in Egypt • The project aims to make a number of rapid assessments to develop an understanding of the effects and potential consequences of sea level rise on the issues of migration and human security in low lying coastal areas in the Nile Delta and on some coastal cities in Egypt. • This project is implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in cooperation with the Ministry of Manpower and Immigration, the Ministry of Environment, the Coastal Researches Institute and number of non-governmental partners. • Three local communities have been selected in Alexandria (model can be applied) for the study which are: Abu Qir Bay – the East Port - the Max area, these communities will be affected by sea level rise and have high population, also they are similar in the economic, social conditions and livelihoods (agriculture and fishing).
Adaptation Projects(4) Climate change Adaptation and Natural Disaster Preparedness in the Coastal Cities of North Africa (Alexandria) • The project aims to assess risk and determine the expected impacts of climate change and natural disaster risks through data and information collection in some coastal cities and in collaboration with the World Bank and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport. • Alexandria has been selected from Egypt and Tunisia in Tunis, Casablanca, Bouregreg Valley in Morocco. The first phase of the project has been implemented which included the assessment of the weaknesses in Alexandria and the expected impacts of climate change and the risks of natural disasters. • The data has been analyzed to assess the expected effects of climate change on the city by the year 2030. • The second phase of the project is ongoing; an action plan for adaptation to growing climate change impacts would be designed for Alexandria in order to be able to deal with natural disasters when they occur.
Proposed projects: • Development of an Integrated water and land-use strategies for policy-making, tools for sustainable development in the context of climate variability and change • Enhance knowledge, skills and qualifications for key Egyptian stakeholders • Increase the resilience of rural communities through appropriate adaptive land/water management practices and livelihood strategies
Next Steps Developing CC National Strategy including NAPA and National Low Carbon Economy plan Establish strong information dissemination system and network for CC and impacts on different sectors. Pay more attention to research studies and pilot projects that cover CC socio economics aspects and ready for cooperation and knowledge transfer with other countries. Extending Adaptation activities to include: adaptation planning evaluation of adaptation economic community based adaptation increase public awareness campaigns use of mathematical models that predict risks of impacts for vulnered sectors. Climate Change Unit
ccu@eeaa.gov.eg www.eeaa.gov.eg Climate Change Unit Thank you