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H657 今日戰爭兇猛 CONFLICT TODAY IS FIERCE (1/6). 今日戰爭兇猛,仇敵聲 勢更強; Conflict today is fierce, The strength of Satan more; 戰場呼喊,殺伐之聲,比前更為響亮。 The cry of battle calling now is louder than before. 陰府反抗之聲,遠比以往厲害; The rebel voice of hell e'en stronger now becomes; 聽 哪,卻有夜半呼聲: “ 看哪,我必快來。”

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  1. H657今日戰爭兇猛CONFLICT TODAY IS FIERCE(1/6) 今日戰爭兇猛,仇敵聲勢更強; Conflict today is fierce, The strength of Satan more; 戰場呼喊,殺伐之聲,比前更為響亮。 The cry of battle calling now is louder than before. 陰府反抗之聲,遠比以往厲害; The rebel voice of hell e'en stronger now becomes; 聽哪,卻有夜半呼聲:“看哪,我必快來。” But list, the midnight cry resounds, Behold, I quickly come!

  2. H657 (節2/6, 頁1/1) 今日試煉更苦,敵我交戰益烈, Trials more bitter grow, The fighting enlarge; 陰府權勢一齊鼓舞,集隊洶洶來劫。 Hill's forces rally all their pow'rs and gather for the charge. 我在此處守等,更覺難以得勝; Yet while we wait and watch and feel the war severe, 卻聽傳來喜樂之聲:“耶穌我主已近!” We hear the joyful song ring out, Jesus, the Lord, is near!

  3. H657 (節3/6, 頁1/1) 更難證實主話,在此末後之世; ‘Tis harder at the end the word to testify, 因為撒但傾力攻打,竭盡一切權勢。 For Satan fights with all his pow'r our witness to defy. 我需更大靈力,纔能擊敗仇敵; Much greater strength we need the foe to overcome; 當主再來不再歎息,那時何等樂呢! How happy when the Lord we see and all our sighing's done!

  4. H657 (節4/6, 頁1/1) 誰願一直前進,藉著主的大能? Who then will forward go strong in His mighty pow'r? 誰要堅定一直相信直到戰爭全嬴? Who then will firmly trust the Lord until the vict'ry hour; 誰要靠主壯心,直到得勝奏凱? Till with the conqu'rors blest, The triumph song's begun? 他要聽主歡樂之聲:“看哪,我必快來。” That man will then rejoice to hear, Behold, I quickly come!

  5. H657 (節5/6, 頁1/1) 誰選神的最好,踏上十架窄路, Who then will choose God's best, And take the narrow track, 歷盡百般憂患苦惱,絲毫也不回顧? Though passing thru the wildest storms, yet never turning back? 誰敢奮勇直前,忍受痛苦懼驚? Who now will dare press on, Enduring pain and fear? 因在此時,歡樂可見:“耶穌我主已近!” All such will then rejoice to see Jesus, the Lord, is near!

  6. H657 (節6/6, 頁1/1) 現今黑暗深厚,我們仍當向前; Though deep the darkness be we still world onward go, 直到我們被提時候,榮耀正在顯現! Till we the day of rapture greet and glory "round shall glow. 在彼我們見主,仇敵已經失敗; "Tis there we'll see the Lord, And Satan overcome; 那時得勝者同歡呼:“耶穌我主已來!” The overcomers will rejoice, Jesus, the Lord, has come!

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