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Summary of the 2010 API Storage Tank Conference and Safe Tank Entry Workshop October 18-21, 2010 San Francisco, CA Argonaut Hotel (This document is for informational purposes only. Refer to OSHA 29CFR1910.146 for regulatory requirements.). API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop.
Summary of the 2010 API Storage Tank Conference and Safe Tank Entry WorkshopOctober 18-21, 2010San Francisco, CAArgonaut Hotel(This document is for informational purposes only. Refer to OSHA 29CFR1910.146 for regulatory requirements.)
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • OSHA 29CFR1910.146 covers all confined spaces and therefore is very general. • Therefore API developed the API 2015 & 2016 to specifically address Fuel Aboveground Storage Tanks to cover OSHA requires and beyond. • Basic Framework for Hazard Recognition • Recognition, Evaluation, Control • Permit Required Confined Space Assessment • Restricted Entry & Exit • Large Enough for Work • Not Intended for Continuous Occupancy • Non-Permit Required Confined Space • Missing any one of the three above requirements. • Note: This does not mean that the confined space is no longer dangerous. • API (not OSHA) also defines a non-confined space. • It is recommended to assume all spaces to be hazardous until proven otherwise. Always think of the shortcuts or oversights that will be the cause of your death today when making entry. • Confined Space Controls • Engineering • Administrative • Personal Protective Equipment • Do your best to reduce reliance on PPE. PPE can technically make all spaces safe for entry, but should not be your first preference for self preservation.
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Definitions • PEL: Personal Exposure Limit (8 hour time weighted average) • TLV: Threshold Limit Value (measured in ppm) • IDLH: Immediate Danger to Life and Health • LEL: Lower Explosive Limit • UEL: Upper Explosive Limit • Natural ventilation is inadequate. Confined spaces must be mechanically ventilated. • Engineering Control • Vent, Isolate, Substitute (for less hazardous material, i.e. substitute water for crude) • 2/3 of confined space hazards is atmospheric. • Administrative Rules • If personal gas monitor alarms, it has to be a go/no go alarm. You must make the determination if the space is safe or alarm false outside of the confined space. • Marine Chemist or Shipyard Competent Person should determine if space is safe for entry. This should be performed at every break in work. • PPE Rule: • Make the space safe for workers, not Make the workers safe for the space. • Fire Triangle • Fuel, Oxidizer, Heat Source (All three present = fire) • Flammable Range • The flammability range is between the LEL and UEL.
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Oxygen Deficiency • Highest Atmospheric Risk – No warning signs (no smell, color) • Typical Cause: Metal Oxidation (Corrosion), organic decomposition. • Adequate oxygen is required for LEL Testing. • Highly recommended to only enter spaces at 20.8% - 20.9% oxygen. • If 19.8% oxygen tested, then 1.0% is missing. 1.0% of any gas is 10,000ppm • OSHA’s own procedures does not allow OSHA personnel to enter spaces not at 20.8% oxygen. • In event of fire, close tank. At 16% oxygen, fires will burn itself out. Tank must cool before opening. Fuel & Heat are still present, the introduction of oxygen will re-ignite. • Mechanical ventilation has to be shutdown when testing of oxygen. 15 minutes for a 150 diameter tank per API 2015. • Flammability • Less than 10 % of the LEL will not ignite or explode because the mixture is too lean. However you should not enter the space. • 0% is preferred. 0% is required for unrestricted entry. • Example: 10% of the LEL of methane is 1,000ppm. 1,000ppm of methane is higher than the TLV acceptable. • UEL should not be treated as if there is no danger. The flammable vapors will dissipate and eventually reach the explosive range. • Oxygen level must be above 16% for fire to occur. • Check your gas meter, is it calibrated by methane or pentane? Methane is okay for plumbing industry. Pentane is preferred for petroleum industry. In test, the methane calibrated meter did not detect and LEL for butane in a closed container with butane. The pentane calibrated meter detected LEL for butane.
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Toxicity • Although OSHA is law, recommend using levels set by ACGIH. (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygenists.) • Recommend Photoionization Meter. Traditional LEL meters utilize the Wheatstone bridge. This is unable to effectively measure diesel LEL and toxicity in addition to many other low vapor pressure fuilds. • ACGIH has changed the safe limit of Hydrogen Sulfide from 10% to 1%. (TWA = 1ppm) OSHA has not changed it’s safe limits. ACGIH recommends utilizing their safety levels even though OSHA is law as reliance on the higher limit will expose your company to legal risks. Example: Employee gets sick and files civil lawsuit. ACGIH reviews and updates data more often. In the court of law, you may be correct. In the court of opinion, explain use of older and less reviewed standard.
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Confined Space Safe Practices • Issues: Low man on roster gets posted as the hole watch or fire watch. Hole watch should be the most trained or one of the best crew member. This person is the responder to emergency procedures. Also has to observe and watch all crews in/out for coordination of work. • PRCS (Permit Required Confined Space): No specific NFPA forms, however permit form does require all 14 points (See 29CFR1910.146). Per OSHA, permits are good for the duration of the job. Safe work practice would recommend that a permit is made out for each shift or break in work to make certain work conditions have not changed. • There is no definition for periodic testing and monitoring during entry and work. Continuous monitoring/testing is recommended. • Always provide adequate information on anticipated hazards. • No OSHA requirement for refresher training. • Rescue Team training/drills is only required once annually. This frequency is not enough an more frequent training is recommended. • Confined space permits must be held for 1 year per OSHA and must be reviewed. OSHA however, does not state how to review or what to do to refine your process after completion of review. • Entry personnel should always wear safety harness. The attendant should have rescue apparatus and be competent in its use. • Crews wearing PPE should have medical exams current to protect themselves from other medical conditions. (i.e. respiratory) • Heat Stress, Claustrophobia, Respiratory distress, are some of the physical problems that can be encountered.
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Confined Space Safe Practices • There are no meters for measuring explosive dust. Do not believe the OSHA specification for dust hazards being “obstructed sight @ 5 feet” • Entrants should be trained to be able to recognize abnormal operating conditions. Tanks may be safe at start of work. Conditions change. Continuous monitoring is highly recommended. • OSHA states that you can self rescue. This is not appropriate. Evacuation or escape is more appropriate terms. Your first response to any abnormal condition should be to leave the space. Always evaluate the situation outside. • The attendant can leave for no reason. This include mental departures (texting, daydreaming, etc.). • Know how you will be performing a rescue without entering the space. • OSHA allows the attendant to monitor more than one space. It is recommended not to do it. What do you do with multiple emergencies or a single emergency? How do you continue to monitor the second space or provide rescue assistance to both? You will not be able to. This is why you should not monitor multiple spaces. • The attendant should not allow owners or their inspectors to just show up and make entry. All entrants should be trained and listed on the entry permit. • An attendant should be posted at all entry/exit points or designate a check in/out procedure as a part of your confined space plan. This is avoid having an entrant leave from another point and go as ‘unaccounted’ by your attendant. • Line of sight is key. Communication is mandatory. What do you do if there is communication failure? It is acceptable to place a secondary attendant for relay between crew and outside attendant. • Know your Lock Out / Tag Out requirements.
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Confined Space Safe Practices • Do not assign conflicting duties. Example: Fire watch for interior/exterior welding can not be assigned to the attendant. Do not distract the attendant from their primary job. • The Tank Entry Supervisor is supposed to verify Emergency plans and rescue personnel availability. If the Fire Department is the designated Rescue team, check if they want to be notified for every entry. OSHA recommends it. • If the local Fire Department is your designated rescue team and is responding to an external emergency, your permit entry should be suspended as your rescue crew is not available. Monitoring of local emergency radio traffic would be required. • Basic First Aid/CPR training is required for all rescue team members. One person on the crew must be fully certified. • If you have an in-house rescue team, annual training (1 time per calendar year) is required by OSHA. An actual rescue qualifies as the required drill. It is highly recommended that your rescue team train for more than one scenario and executes drill more frequently than once a year. You can not become proficient to execute are rescue that must be performed in 5 minutes or less by participation in 1 drill per year. It is very likely that the drill you practice will not simulate any actual required response. Observation of actual entries and discussion of how each would be addressed is advisable. • Personal 4-gas monitors are advised. You may check atmosphere at entry point, it most certainly will be different on the other side of the tank where your work will occur. Also once work is commenced, the atmospheric conditions will change. • The personal monitors do not need to be calibrated everyday (although this would be preferred), but they should at a minimum be bump checked with a known gas prior to every use. Verify that the meter reading is the same as the test gas composition. • Test atmosphere in the following order: Oxygen, Flammability, Toxicity • Shut down ventilation 10-15 minutes prior to testing.
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Confined Space Safe Practices • Rule of Thumb for air exchanges is 5-6 per hour. Do your calculations to be certain that you meet requirements. • Natural ventilation is not acceptable. Spaces must be mechanically ventilated. • Fire Watch. Determine best fire protection aides. CO2 Extinguisher will displace O2. Dry Chem types may cause the same effect. Pressurized water is normally preferred. • “BREAKING THE PLANE” constitues taking confined space precautions. Materials within can off-gas. When you break the plane, it can affect you and cause you to possibly fall into the space. • Entry Permit Retention. Check! May be 30 years retention requirement if dealing with carcinogens. Otherwise OSHA only requires 1 year for annual review. • Refer to TLV booklet for work/rest ratio table. • Local exhaust for fumes generated by your work is very effective. It prevents the atmosphere within the space from becoming contaminated by the result of your work.
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Static Electricity • Separation of Surfaces. Collection of Charge. Discharge quickly through sharp points. • You can control separation of surfaces and collection of charges by bonding/grounding. This would eliminate/reduce discharges. • You can test for explosive atmospheres. This would eliminate explosions/ignitions in the event of a static discharge. • Static charges can discharge at voltages as high as 22kV. If you created a static discharge in a flammable atmosphere it would trigger an explosion. • Static Electricity can be controlled by Bonding or Grounding. • The exhaust fan can create static due to the outflow of vapors over the surface of the fan. Exhaust fans must be bonded to the tank. • Practices to Inhibit Static Ignitions: Never use filters in the end of flow lines; Never “splash” fill tanks; Reduce agitating operations inside tanks; Reduce flow rates at the beginning of loading; Bond/Ground objects; Never blow air or gases into or through liquids; Wait 30 minutes before inserting objects into or removing objects from tanks; Use metal devices inside tanks. • API 2015 – What you have to do • API 2016 – How to do what 2015 tells you what you have to do. • Always review floating roof cribbing and safety procedure. • Recommend inspection w/mirrors for internal floating roof while tank is in service.
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Testing Spaces • To test spaces, it is highly recommended to use a meter with a pump, with a PID or separate PID meter. • Know your sample time to pull gas through the sample tube. The rule of thumb is to allow 2 times the rated sample time. • If O2 levels are not reading 20.8%, entry is not recommended. The sensor will not tell you if the oxygen has been consumed or displaced. Again, OSHA allows 19.5% as safe for entry. However, if 19.8% oxygen tested, then 1.0% is missing. 1.0% of any gas is 10,000ppm. What vapor or gas is safe at 10,000ppm? • Don’t abuse your meter. If constantly running the LEL sensor to above the test gas level, the life of the sensor will degrade faster. • Infrared technology is more reliable technology than the catalytic LEL sensor. • Silicone and lead can coat elements and destroy the LEL sensor. • Heavy Vapors don’t pass through the internal flame arrestor and have a slower reaction time. Also the response is dependant on the calibration gas (Pentane vs. Methane) Pentane is better suited for the Petroleum industry. Methane is better for areas where sewer gas is present. • Pentane Calibrated meters calibrate at 1.5% by volume of Pentane = 100% LEL reading. OSHA allows entry at <10% LEL. At 10% there is still 1500ppm of gas. Consider that 1.0% LEL = 150ppm and that most toxic contaminants have acceptable exposure levels of less than 150ppm. Most flammable gases are toxic. Therefore it is highly recommended that the only acceptable flammable gas test result should be 0% LEL. • Detector tubes are good indicators, but are expensive, have a poor accuracy of +/- 25%. Drager has a chip measurement which is +/- 5%. However, Photoionization Detectors are the best with a +/- 0.2 ppm. • NIOSH publishes a pocket guide for LEL Lookup.
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Testing Spaces • For checking diesel, a photoionization detector should be required. Catalytic LEL sensors can not check toxicity. • Permits • Your Confined Space entry permit should have fields for test results, not just pass/fail. The permit form should also have fields for re-testing verification (i.e. after lunch, breaks, etc.) so you can verify and compare conditions. • Gas Meter Alarm Settings • Recommended Settings are: • Oxygen : 20.7% for low oxygen alarm. 30.0% for high oxygen alarm. • Something is consuming or displacing oxygen, Something is causing space to be flooded with oxygen. You should leave the space and determine cause for change in condition. • Carbon Monoxide : 12 ppm. • LEL : 5% • Do not wait until OSHA allowable10%. If LEL is increasing, you will most probably not make it out of the space until the LEL level has surpassed the 10% safety limit. • H2S : Use 0.5%. Recommend ACGIH limit of 1ppm. If using OSHA 10ppm limit, set alarm point to 2%. • If testing Alcohols (Ethanol, Methanol, Etc.) Use only detector tubes. The alcohol fumes will destroy the LEL and PID meters.
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Assessment • Which of the following can be achieved by ventilating a confined space? • Keep oxygen at a level consistent with the level in the air outside the tank (between 19.5% and 23.5%) • Keep engulfment hazards below the danger level • Keep flammable/combustible gases and vapors below 10% LEL • Keep noise levels below the OSHA required 85 dba • Keep airborne combustible dust concentrations at permit reuqired levels (below their LELs) • Keep toxic exposures at the permit required levels (below their PELs or TLVs) • When testing the atmosphere of a petroleum oil storage tank, which item is tested first? • Hydrocarbons • Temperature • Toxics • Flash Point • Oxygen • What is the regulatory maximum hydrocarbon LEL for confined space entry without restrictions provided that oxygen and toxic levels are within established safe limits? Is this a safe level from all hazards? Why or why not? • 0% LEL • 5% LEL • 10% LEL • 20% LEL • 50% LEL No. This is not safe from all hazards. 10% LEL is equivalent to 100,000 ppm concentration. • .
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Assessment • What is the ACGIH TLV for diesel fuel? • 100 ppm • 200 ppm • 15 ppm • 30 ppm • Which of the following are the three characteristics of all confined spaces? • Not intended or designed for continuous occupancy • Not effectively ventilated • Contains dangerous air contaminants • Has limited or restricted entry or exit • Large enough to allow for entry and work inside • The LEL of a vapor is the point at which the atmosphere contains a mixture with the minimum amount of vapor in air to sustain combustion. • True • False
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Assessment • Which of the following are characteristics specific to permit-required confined spaces? • There is the potential for a hazardous (toxic, flammable, etc.) atmosphere in the tank. • The material in the tank has the potential to engulf the entrant. • The tank’s internal configuration could trap or asphyxiate an entrant. • The tank has any other recognized, potentially harmful serious hazard. • The tank has only one opening which is too small to enter wearing a SCBA. • The normal amount of oxygen in air (by volume) is? • 16.6% • 20.8% • 19.5% • 25.2% • 18.5% • PEL’s are to OSHA as TLV’s are to: • NIOSH • ACGIH • API • NFPA • USCG
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Assessment • When testing for atmospheric toxics, concentrations of gases or vapors are usually expressed in: • % by volume in air • % LEL • PPM (Parts per million) • TWA (time weighted average) • The effectiveness of an oxygen sensor is limited by? • Toxic gases in the atmosphere • Shelf life of the sensor • Atmospheric pressure, humidity and temperature • Flammable vapors in the atmosphere • When using a combustible gas indicator, the tester must determine that the oxygen in the atmosphere being tested is at least ______ % by volume. • 10% • 20.8% • 16% • 19.5% • Once pervent by volume (1%) of a toxic containment in the air equals how many parts per million (ppm)? • 10 ppm • 100 ppm • 1,000 ppm • 10,000 ppm • 100,000 ppm
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Assessment • If the oxygen level is between 19.5% and 23.5% and the LEL is below 10% then the atmosphere in the tank is safe for entry. • True • False. • A confined space rescue team needs to be • Within a 5 minute response time of the work site. • At the tank area during all permit required confined space entry • On standby during non-confined space entry • Designated for all required confined space entry • The permit-required confined space program identifies which specific individuals: • Tank entry supervisor • Entrant • Qualified atmospheric tester • Attendant • Rescue coordinator • The photoionization detector (PID) is able to detect low concentrations of carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide. • True • False However, by OSHA rules it is safe.
API/NFPA 2010 Safe Tank Entry Workshop • Assessment • Calibration (which includes bump testing per manufacturer’s instructions) of oxygen and combustible gas indicators should be performed prior to each day’s use. • True • False • A concentration of 5% LEL displayed on a properly calibrated combustible gas indicator could indicate a concentration of (assuming the LEL is 1% by volume): • 1000 ppm of a toxic contaminant • 5 ppm of a toxic contaminant • 500 ppm of a toxic contaminant • 14% oxygen by volume • Tank entry permits are valid for no longer than ______ . • 24 hours • 8 hours • 48 hours • duration of each shift. • the entire length of the job. This rule is per OSHA. However, because conditions change, permits and atmospheric testing should be renewed every shift or break in work.
CONTACTS • Emma Coffman, Operations Manager – D J A Inspection Services (P.O. Box 544, Edison CA 93220)Tel: 661-363-5453; Toll Free: 800-235-2869; Fax: 661-363-5467; Cel: 661-213-7878 Email: emmac@djainspection.com; Web: www.djainspection.com API 653 Tank Inspections, Floating Roof Inspections, Magnetic Flux Leakage, Engineering, Feasibility Studies, Spill Prevention Plans, Construction Supervision. Notes: Knows Gary Powers, went to same High School. • Collin Watson, Manager, Tank Lining Division – Nilex (9222 – 40 Street S.E., Calgary, AB, Canada, T2C 2P3) Tel: 403-543-5454; Toll Free: 888-543-5454; Fax: 403-543-5455; Cel: 403-831-4094 Email: cwatson@nilex.com; Web: www.nilexconstruction.com Berm Lining, Tank Internal Lining. • Joe B. Fleck, Engineering Manager – PetroChem Inspection Services, Inc. (2535 Rand Morgan Rd.; Corpus Christi, TX 78410) Tel: 361-241-0605; Fax: 361-241-2747; Cel: 361-232-9607 Email: JoeB_Fleck@PetroChemIntl.com; Web: www.petrochemintl.com API 653 Inspections, Engineering is outsourced; Subsidiary of TUV SUD Americas Inc. Note: No in-house licensed engineers. All engineering judgments performed by 3rd party consultants. • Chris Hastings, General Manager – Philadelphia Mixing Solutions, Ltd. (P.O. Box 1738, Cypress, TX 77410-1738) Tel: 281-246-4480; Fax: 281-246-4481; Cel: 281-224-2720 Email: chastings@philamixers.com; Web: www.philamixers.com In-Line Static Mixers Note: Admitted that mixers have flow rate limitations • Sol Sassoon, National Sales/Marketing Manager – Consolidated Fabrication & Constructors, Inc. (3851 Ellsworth Street, Gary, Indiana 46408) Tel: 219-884-6150, Ext. 262; Fax: 219-884-6652; Cel: 219-808-0155 Email: sol@consfab.com; Web: www.consfab.com API Tank Fabrication & Repair
CONTACTS • Lance Berry, General Manager – Rosemount Tank Gauging North America, Inc. (10700 Hammerly Blvd., Suite 115, Houston, TX 77043)Tel: 713-722-9199 Ext 303; Toll Free: 800-722-2865; Fax: 713-722-9115; Cel: 713-818-5751 Email: Lance.Berry@Emerson.com; Web: www.rosemount-tg.com Radar Gauges Note: HECO utilizes these systems • Jim Viale, Business Development & Sales – Paso Robles Tank, Inc. (825 26th Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446) Tel: 805-227-1641; Fax: 805-238-9654; Cel: 805-610-6622 Email: jviale@pasoroblestank.com; Web: www.pasoroblestank.com Note: Shop Fabricated Tanks (Similar to tanks used for DGs) • Raymond R. Campbell, Project Manager – Innovative Technical Solutions, Inc. (6396 McLeod Drive, Suite 1, Las Vegas, NV 89120) Tel: 925-946-3223; Toll Free: 888-545-4874; Fax: 702-433-4874; Cel: 702-289-7022 Email: rcampbell@itsi.com; Web: www.itsi.com Note: Currently performing work at MCBH repairing two tanks. Know Don Grimes when stationed at Hickam AFB and lived in Ewa Beach. • Linda Kean, Region Sales Manager – HMT Inc. (2500 East Victoria Street, Compton, CA 90220) Tel: 714-516-9907; Fax: 714-516-9938; Cel: 714-343-1217 Email: lkean@hmttank.com; Web: www.hmttank.com API Tank Fabrication & Repair; API 653 Tank Inspections; Tank Calibration Services Note: Last work performed in Hawaii was for Tesoro • Morris C. Kline, Vice President Domestic Sales – HMT Inc. (24 Waterway Ave., Suite 400, The Woodlands, TX 77380) Direct: 281-681-7036; Tel: 281-681-7000; Fax: 281-419-7689; Cel: 832-473-8727 Email: mkline@hmttank.com; Web: www.hmttank.com
CONTACTS • Kevin Kupitz, Vice President – TCI Services, Inc. (9114 Virginia Road, Unit 100, Lake In The Hills, IL 60156)Tel: 847-658-5065; Fax: 847-658-5567; Cel: 918-640-7549 Email: kkupitz@tank-consultants.com; Web: www.tank-consultants.com API Tank Inspection Services • Larry Volkmann, Business Line Manager – Applus RTD USA (8201 Maryland Road, Bloomington, MN 55438) Tel: 952-486-8901; Fax: 952-486-8945; Cel: 713-351-9862 Email: larry.volkmann@applusrtd.com; Web: www.ApplusRTD.com Plant Integirty Management; Plant Inspection New Construction Note: Performs guided wave pipeline exterior inspections through insulation • Monty McDonough, Business Line Manager – Applus RTD USA (11801 S. Sam Houston Parkway W., Houston, TX 77031-2360) Tel: 832-295-5036; Fax: 832-295-5001; Cel: 281-748-3816 Email: monty.mcdonough@applusrtd.com; Web: www.ApplusRTD.com Transport Pipeline Integrity Management Note: Inspected Chevron Hawaii’s 20 inch and 30 inch marine Cargo lines. Worked with Wilson Rivera. • Alan Watson, President – A.R. Watson, Inc. (4016 E. Maryland Street, Bellingham, WA 98226) Tel: 360-734-9157; Toll Free: 866-734-9157; Fax: 360-752-1779; Cel: 251-751-7732 Email: arwatson@msn.com; Web: www.arwatson.com Air Lift Technology – Moving Tanks without disassembly. • Justin Hair, Petrochemical Business Development Manager – Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings (5200 South Yale, Suite 101, Tulsa, OK 74135) Tel: 918-488-1830; Fax: 918-488-6108; Cel: 918-809-2576 Email: justin.m.hair@sherwin.com; Web: www.sherwin.com Note: East Coast Manager; NACE Certified #3387
CONTACTS • Lisha Salathiel, National Sales Manager – Global Vapor Control, Inc. (12600 North Featherwood, Suite 330, Houston, TX 77034)Direct: 832-775-1528; Tel: 713-678-7400; Fax: 713-463-9216; Cel: 281-409-9482 Email: lisha.salathiel@gvcontrol.com; Web: www.gvcontrol.com Vapor Control for Volatile Liquid Storage Tanks and other applications to remove hazardous vapors. Note: Affiliated with TriStar PetroServ • Jeff McFarland, National Sales Manager – TriStar PetroServ (12600 North Featherwood, Suite 330, Houston, TX 77034) Tel: 713-463-9200; Fax: 713-463-9216; Cel: 281-910-0995 Email: jeff.mcfarland@tristarpetroserv.com; Web: www.tristarpetroserv.com • John Sigmon, Director of Marketing and Sales – TriStar Global Energy Solutions (12600 North Featherwood, Suite 330, Houston, TX 77034) Tel: 832-775-1565; Fax: 713-672-0777; Cel: 713-203-5953 Email: john.sigmon@tristarges.com; Web: www.tristarges.com • Dave Maurer, Regional Sales Manager – Mesa (4141 Airport Road, Cincinnati, OH 45226) Tel: 513-321-4511; Fax: 513-321-8178; Cel: 513-276-3702 Email: dave@mesarubber.com; Web: www.mesarubber.com Vapor Bladders, Floating Roof Seals, Pontoon Repair Insert Floats, Vapor Guards, Fire Foam Delivery Systems • Rick Clifton, V.P. Sales/Marketing – Atec Steel Fabrication & Construction, LLC (1000 W. 5th Street, Baxter Springs, KS 66713) Tel: 877-457-5352 x111; Fax: 620-856-5197; Cel: 620-249-1248 Email: rclifton@atecsteel.com; Web: www.atecsteel.com • Jack Lavin, CPPM, President and CEO – National Petroleum Management Association (4222 Fortuna Plaza, #641, Dumfries, VA 22025) Tel: 703-583-1206; Fax: 703-583-1207; Cel: 703-628-9958 Email: jack@npma-fuelnet.org; Web: www.npma-fuelnet.org Note: Knows Joe Lovan, Don Grimes. Has worked in Hawaii.