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DENİZCİLİK İNGİLİZCESİ. ------------- is the first signal of lube- oil trouble. A) Lube oil gravity tank low level alarm goes off B) Low lube oil sump level C) Low outlet temperature from lube oil coolers D) No flow throught bull’s eye from gravity tank observed E) A and B.
------------- is the first signal of lube- oil trouble. • A) Lube oil gravity tank low level alarm goes off • B) Low lube oil sump level • C) Low outlet temperature from lube oil coolers • D) No flow throught bull’s eye from gravity tank observed • E) A and B
The usual cause of crankcase explosions in diesel engines is not ----------------------- • Heating lubricating oil • Overheating lubricating oil • Poor condition of the cylinder • Crank shaft bearing failures maintenance • Any above
-------------- is not one of the advantages of the open cooling system. • Being the simplest system • No requirement of heat exchange • Obligation of keeping engine cool • The requirement of only one water circulating pump • The requirement of 2 water circulating pumps
4.The TEV (thermostatic expansion valve) is located between: A. The receiver and the king valve B. The king valve and solenoid C. Both A and B D. The solenoid valve and evaporator E. The charging valve and solenoid
5. Another name for the liquid valve is: A. Master valve B. King valve C. Freon valve D. Shut off valve E. None of above
6. What is the high pressure side of the refrigeration system? A. Compressor to condenser B. Evaporator to compressor C. Expansion valve to evaporator D. Compressor to expansion valve E. Evaporator
7. The low pressure side of a refrigeration system is from the: • A) Expansion valve to compressor • B) Compressor to expansion valve • C) Expansion valve to the evaporator • D) Condenser to the expansion valve • E) None of the above
8. The bulb for the TEV (thermostatic expansion valve) is located: A. In the middle of the evaporator coils B. Near the evaporator coil outlet C. Near the evaporator coil inlet D. On the bottom row of the evaporator E. None of the above
9. The solenoid valve can be typed as a: A. Thermal valve B. Magnetic stop valve C. Bellows valve D. Bimetallic valve E. Both C and D
10. What is the advantage of using a hydraulic starting system for an emergency diesel? A. The system is inexpensive B. High pressure lines are not required C. It is compact D. Faster cranking speeds are obtained E. None of the above
11. What would cause white smoke after you just started the diesel? A. Too week battery power B. Water in the fuel C. Water in the gas D. Water in the oil E. Salt water in cooling water
12. Pre combustion chambers in a diesel engine: A. Require that each cylinder use two spray nozzles • Require the use of flat crowned pistons to obtain turbulence • Permit the use of a wide range of fuel in that engine • Contain all of the air charge at the end of the compression stroke • Require that each cylinder use more than four spray nozzles
13. The coils in the evaporator are attached to the header by: A. Pipe nipples B. Union type fittings C. Welding D. Bolted flanges E. Both C and D
14. Cylinder liner are generally used on diesel engines because: • Liners may be easily replaced after the cylinder walls show wear • Liners provide a more efficient cooling system • Rubbing speeds are reduced through the use of liners • Liners provide a better lubricating surface E. None of the above
15. The dehydrator on a refrigeration plant is used to: A. Add moisture to the system B. Remove moisture from the system C. Remove air from the system D. Remove oil from the system E. Both C and D
16. Regardless of the geographical location of on oil spill, you should notify the ------------------ A. Local police department B. Local fire department C. Corps of Engineers D. Coast Guard E. The pilot
17. ---------------is the principal hazard to staff when a diesel nozzle tester is in use is A. Electrical shock B. Toxic fumes C. Explosion D. Blood poisoning E. Loosing consciousness
18. A “pneumercator” measures: A. Oil pressure B. Air level C. Liquid level D. Air pressure E. Air temperature
19. What type of gauge reads pressure and vacuum? A. Duplex B. Simplex C. Both B and C D. Compound E. Bourdon tube
20. Most gauges in the fire room are: A. Manometers B. Thermocouples C. Dual purpose D. Thermometers E. Bourdon tube – type
21. The removal of contaminating impurities from lubricating oil will ...................... A. Increase engine wear B. Decrease engine wear C. Increase possible breakdowns D. Decrease possible breakdowns E. B and D
22. Cut out system on the aux boiler operates ................................ • A) Low level alarm • B) Low low level alarm • C) High level alarm • D) High pressure alarm • E) Low pressure alarm
23. ---------------is the cause of burned exhaust valves A. Overloaded cylinder B. Poor combustion C. Distortion and faulty reseating maintenance D. Any above E. A and B
24. When a cargo hose joint or coupling starts to leak badly the attempt you should do is to... • Reduce pressure and rag leak securely B. Shut down transfer and make repairs C. Soak spill with sawdust and reduce pumping pressure • Wash deck immediately and close tank tops E. Carry on transfer pumping
25. Water in the lube oil system may be detected by: I. sounding lube oil tanks with water sensitive paste; II. observing the purifier discharge. A. I B. II C. I and II D. Neither I nor II E. None of above
26. Electrohydraulic steering units are protected from pounding forces (rudder shock) by: A. Buffer springs B. Follow up mechanism C. Relief valves D. Relieving gear E. Steering pumps
27. Blue smoke coming from the diesel exhaust would indicate: • Excessive fuel consumption/unburned fuel B. Burning of lube oil due to possible blow- by C. Lean fuel/air mixture, too much air D. Insufficient amount of fuel consumption E. None of the above
28. The valve which is always partially open when the evaporator is in operation is the: A. Vapor valve B. Continuous blowdown valve C. Bottom blowdown valve D. Surface blowdown valve E. Fresh water valve
29. Studs and nuts intended for use in main steam line flanges and fittings are marked with an “H” or a “T” to show they are: • A) Heat resistant • B) Hard finished • C) Half threaded • D) Corrosion resistant • E) Fire proof
30. The rotating part of a micrometer is the: A. Anvil B. Barrel C. Frame D. Thimble E. Cover
31. An advantage of aluminum pistons compared to cast iron pistons is: A. Greater high temperature strength B. Greater weight per cubic meter C. Increased resistance to wear D. Low temperature strength E. Better heat conductivity
32. Trunk type diesel engine pistons are most effectively cooled when heat is: A. Radiated through the engine block • Mixed with lubrication oil • Conducted through the piston crown D. Transferred to escaping exhaust gases E. Transferred to water cooled cylinder walls
33. Cavitation, the forming and bursting of vapor filled cavities or bubbles will result in ........... A. A loss of thrust B. Erosion of the blade surface C. Vibrations in the afterbody of the ship D. Noise E. All above
34. When the oil in the seperator is decreasing, which place cannot be leaking? A. Lower bearing casing B. Drum shaft C. Wormgear shaft bearing hosing D. Middle ball bearing casing • The o-ring at shock water entrance to seperator into shockwater
35. -------------should be regarded as a special attention after installing a new hydraulic pump. A) The relief filters should be readjusted B) The filters and strainers should be checked frequently C) System pressures should be readjusted D) The fluid should be drained and renewed E) All above
36. All details of fuel bunkering, ballast handling, tank cleaning or slop disposal must be entered in the ............................................... A. Rough log B. Engine room log C. Oil record book D. Smooth log E. A and B
37. It shall be the responsibility of the ------------------- to prepare the boilers for inspection. A. Chief Engineer B. 2nd Engineer C. Boatswain D. 2nd officer E. Any above organization
38. Performance of a turbocharged engine can be improved by: • Decreasing valve over lap B. Preheating C. Aftercooling intake air D. Preheating light fuels E. Heating intake air
39. When maneuvering, you discover heavy smoke coming from the turbocharger casing. You should: A. Check the air filter for dirt B. Check for an exhaust leak • Check the cooling water temperature • Notify the bridge and ask to shut the engine down E. Check fuel oil consumption
40. A device which will function to bring an engine to a full stop in order to protect it from damage due to excessively high speed is known as a/an: A. Torque limiter B. Overspeed trip C. Overspeed governor D. Load limit governor E. Any of above
41. The requirement for portable fire equipment is ................ • Annual check • Keeping in easily accessible places • Hose connections and keeping hoses in good condition • All above • Before the end of consuming period
42. A fire sprinkling system must be fitted ........ • On all vessels over 5000 GT. • In conjuction with the Co2 system, • With a pressure tank of fresh water to the supply system pending the starting of the pump, • None of the above • A and C
43. The process of supplying the intake of a diesel engine with air at a pressure greater than atmospheric is called • Engine displacement • Scavenging • Air injection • Supercharging • Intercooling
44. In the simple mechanical governor, the: • Flywheel centrufigal force is balanced by spring pressure • Centrifugal force rotates the ball head • Flyweight centrifugal force is balanced by hydrolic pressure • Speeder spring actuates the fuel control rod. • Hydrolic force rotates the ball head
45. The bulb for the TEV (Thermostatic Expansion Valve) is located.......... • In the middle of evaporator coils • Near the evaporator coils outlet • Near the evaporator coils inlet • On the bottom row of the evaporator • None of the above
46. The coils in the evaporator are attached to the header by • Pipe nipples • Union type fittings • Welding • Bolted flanges • Both C and D
47. The dehydrator on a refrigeration plant is used to ... • Add moisture to the system • Remove moisture from the system • Remove air from the system • Remove oil from the system • Both C and D
48. The oil level in the compressor should be checked: • While the compressor is in the operation • Just before starting the compressor • After a long period of operation • For both B and C • None of the above
49. As freon leaves the expansion valve: • Pressure decrease-Volume increase • Volume decrease-Pressure increase • Volume increase-Pressure increase • Pressure increase-Volume decrease • None of the above