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IEP and the V3 Discovery Process Road Map to Improved Transition Outcomes for Students with ASD

IEP and the V3 Discovery Process Road Map to Improved Transition Outcomes for Students with ASD. IEP Development and Implementation for Students with ASD. INTRODUCTIONS Working Agreements. Welcome. NOVICE INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED. Your Learning Accountability. Purpose of Tools (POC)

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IEP and the V3 Discovery Process Road Map to Improved Transition Outcomes for Students with ASD

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  1. IEP and the V3 Discovery ProcessRoad Map to Improved Transition Outcomes for Students with ASD IEP Development and Implementation for Students with ASD

  2. INTRODUCTIONS Working Agreements Welcome

  3. NOVICE INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED Your Learning Accountability

  4. Purpose of Tools (POC) Implementation the follow up year Errors in the IEP Process History Lesson: IEP Module

  5. PLAAFP Goals and Objectives not related to ASD Laundry list of SAS Standard Time for Service Placement decisions predetermined Lack of LRE in the Process Errors in the IEP Process

  6. Transition IEP Errors • Lack of VISION • Inadequate / invalid assessment tools • Lack of student involvement • Goals / objectives not focused / related to post-school outcomes • Planning not started early enough • Not involving agencies early enough • OTHERS?

  7. Best place to solve a problem is BEFORE it happens…… …. or before it happens NEXT time. Dave Schoemer ORFRONTLOAD

  8. NOT Compliance Training in IEP Development “Results will no longer take a back seat to compliance.” Eleanor White, Michigan State Director of Special Education Purpose of this Module

  9. IS NOT Compliance training in IEP development Cover ALL aspects of IEP development Address issues related to ALL disabilities An IEP; Considered Pre-IEP Planning IS Focus on PROCESS not FORMS Consider LRE throughout the process Address the unique needs of students with ASD Improve IEP Implementation “IEP Implementation CONTINUES to be the most frequent state (MDE) complaint…” 2012 OSE Update http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/2013_OSE_Update_430438_7.pdf Purpose of this Module

  10. Today’s AGENDA • Understanding Special Education & Secondary Transition • Creating a Vision: The Discovery Process • Developing the Transition IEP

  11. COMMON LANGUAGE ACTIVITYBYF IEP Module Activity Packet • Define / Describe FAPE • Define / Describe LRE • What is the purpose of an IEP? • Describe Special Education


  13. WARNING • I heard that…. • I was told…. PRACTICE IS NOT NECESSARILY LAW, POLICY, or RULE Story of the Ham

  14. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)IDEA Homepage • FAPE • LRE

  15. FAPE Is an Equitable Education

  16. What is FAPE? IDEA Homepage Special Education & Related Services = Specially Designed Instruction Adapting the content, methodology or delivery of instruction • To address unique needs resulting from the disability • To ensures access to the general curriculum tomeet the educational standards that apply to all children in the state IEP is the offer of FAPE U.S. Supreme Court Interpretations: • Board of Education of Hendrick-Hudson Central School District v. Rowley, 458 U.S. 176 (1982): “Reasonably calculated to achieve EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS.” • EndrewF. v. Douglas County School District Re-1, 137 S. Ct. 988 (2017): “Reasonably calculated to make progress appropriate in light of circumstances…. to meet challenging objectives.”Appropriately Ambitious • Larger Implications of ADA • USDOE: 11-16-15 Dear Colleague Letter 12-7-17 Q&A on Endrew

  17. To provide FAPE, schools must provide students with an education that prepares the child for further education, employment, and independent living. 20 U.S.C. §1400(c)(5)(A)(i) What is FAPE?IDEA 2004

  18. ASD and Employment

  19. Employment Outcomes http://drexel.edu/autismoutcomes/publications-and-reports/publications/Employment-Outcomes-of-Young-Adults-on-the-Autism-Spectrum/#sthash.OQiypR7u.dpbs 2015 National Longitudinal Transition Study 2

  20. Predictors and Outcomes National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC)

  21. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)IDEA Homepage FAPE LRE

  22. LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT “To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities…. are educated in the general education classroom with children who are not disabled…” ….and that special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of children with disabilities from regular education environment occurs only if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education  in regular classes with the use of supplementary aides and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.” 34 C.F.R. §300.114


  24. Current Theme in Inclusive Education Outcome Research Students with Extensive Support Needs Intellectual Disabilities Autism Spectrum Disorder Multiple Disabilities

  25. Kurth & Mastergeorge, 2010 • 15 Ss w/ ASD (not AS) – 12 males • 7-9th grade; 12-15 years old • 7 spent >80% day in GenEd; math and reading instruction in GenEd • 8 self-contained spent >50% in SpEd; math and reading instruction in SpEd • Measures: • Cognitive GenEd mean 64.9; SpEd mean 60.0 • Adaptive GenEd mean 44.4; SpEd mean 42.3 • Academic—WJ 3 • Broad Reading: GenEd mean 67.6; SpEd mean 13.1 • Broad Writing: GenEd mean 83.6; SpEd mean 14.1 • Broad Math: GenEd mean 77.4; SpEd mean 8.5 Academic and Cognitive Profiles of Student with Autism: Implications for Classroom Practice and Placement. International Journal of Special Education, 25 (2), 8-14.

  26. “There is clear and convincing evidence that inclusive educational settings can confer substantial short and long-term benefits to students with and without disabilities.” Students with Disabilities Students without Disabilities Same level of teacher attention Neutral or Positive Effects Academic Achievement Social Competence Additional Benefits: Reduced fear of human differences Increase friendly relationship Less prejudice Less patronizing / pitying behavior • Increased academic achievement & graduation • Increased independence • Increased engagement • Increased attendance • Increased communication skills • Increased social competence & quality of relationships • Decreased behavior / disciplinary referrals Quirk, C., Ryndak, D.L., Taub, D. (2017) Research and Evidence-based Practices to Promote Membership and Learning in General Education for Students with Extensive Support Needs. Inclusion, 5 (2), 94-109.

  27. Students with Extensive Support Needs There is STRONG Evidence that Student with “Extensive Support Needs” • Acquire skills and content knowledge (including literacy) in general education with rigorous instruction and UDL-based adaptations (e.g. differentiated instruction; universal supports, literacy supports (Kluth)) • Are BEST served by educational teams that approach their education with the intent of finding solutions to access and learning barriers rather than alternative placements. Involvement and Progress in the General Education Curriculum for Students With Extensive Support Needs: K-12 Inclusive-Education Research and Implications for the Future. Ryndak, Lewis & White, (2013).

  28. What is Special Education What is SPECIAL EDUCATION?--NOT a place --IS a set of supports and services to ensure ACCESS & PROGRESSin GENERAL EDUCATION The first “where” to consider is… WHEREthe child receivesspecial education services is the PLACEMENT….

  29. Purpose of the IEP Purpose of the IEP Define Special Education necessary to assure FAPE in the LRE: Access to, participation and progress in…. General Education Curriculum

  30. Continuum of Services ODEP 80/80 Statement Continuum of Services MI Thresholds for Restriction SPP Indicator 5: Educational Environments Current Targets B-5 Educational Environments

  31. District / ISD data report for SPP #5: Education Environments: Michigan School Data

  32. Michigan’s Unique Opportunity: 26Where are students without disabilities receiving their education / preparation? Education Independent Living Employment

  33. DISCUSSION Why do we continue to perpetuate a segregated culture?

  34. Incremental Steps YOUR ACCOUNTABILITY Your Behavior Expresses Your Belief System

  35. Your Behavior Expresses your Belief System. DO YOU... • Talk about students with ASD in front of them? • Use disability-first language? • Use “high functioning” and “low functioning” to describe students? • Talk about students based on their eligibility category rather than their name? (The Autistics) • Blame the STUDENT? • Not motivated; Not ready; Unemployable; OTHERS? • Adopt a “protective” attitude? • DIGNITY OF RISK!! • Talk about the student’s lack of perceived competency rather than their contributions? • LEAST DANGEROUS ASSUMPTION

  36. Self EvaluationBYF IEP Module Activity Packet Beliefs and Behaviors that PREVENT Integrated Opportunities

  37. You now know different – which makes you accountable!! You did what you did when you knew what you knew…..

  38. Self EvaluationBYF IEP Module Activity PacketYour Accountability to the Change Process Beliefs and Behaviors that SUPPORT Integrated Opportunities

  39. Making Change Happen • If you write it down, you are more likely to do it…. AND…. • If you TELL someone else, you are even MORE likely to do it…. AND…. • If you post it, you are that much MORE likely to do it! !

  40. Focuses on PROCESS not FORMS Considers LRE throughout the process Addresses the unique needs of students with ASD in transition Improves IEP Implementation An IEP Process that…..

  41. Using Meeting Mechanics • Visual Support (white / chart board) • Facilitator • Note-Taker (IEP Form / Computer) • Process (Logical IEP Progression) • Brainstorming Principles • Democratic • All ideas are considered / recognized • Professional Role Elimination • OTHERS (FRONTLOAD) • Decision-Making Rules • No opinion unless informed by: • Law; Research; Data

  42. BYF IEP Process Tools

  43. Timeline for IEP http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6598_36168-236252--,00.html

  44. White Board IEP3 Benefits & 1 Challenge

  45. Fatal Comments during the IEP Thrun Law Firm, P.C. & Scholten Fant, 2007 “We can’t do that!” “We don’t…” “That would cost too much.” “No student receives more than ____ minutes of service per week.” “We don’t have staff to….” “I’m only in the building one day a week”

  46. Fatal Communication Error • Lack of succinct, clear responses: Comes across like dodging answers: • “Well, it depends…” • “Well, it might, could, should, etc….” • “It varies…” • “Well, I’ve only seen him 3x…”

  47. Sentence Starters….. “The data suggests….” “We have evidence that shows….” “Our observations have shown…” “The law indicates….” “The research supports….”

  48. IEP Guiding Principles: Avoid Human Nature Traps!! All opinions informed by the law, research, & data. We cannot change the past; We can change today to establish a different future. Communication requires interpretation: What is said may not be what was meant. Presume Competence (Least Dangerous Assumption) Dignity of Risk

  49. DATA: Not PLAAFP already written Assessment Information Observational Data Background Knowledge Considerations for Supp Aids and Services Goals and Objectives / Benchmarks IDEAS NOT: “My PLAFFP” / “My GOALS” What to BRING to the IEP

  50. PLAAFP Development

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