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Creating a Successful University Program. Anura Goonewardene Nanotechnology Coordinator Associate Professor of Physics Lock Haven University of PA. Overview. 2001-2003 Developing an Applied Physics Nanotechnology Track 2003 Summer Module Development Workshop
Creating a Successful University Program Anura Goonewardene Nanotechnology Coordinator Associate Professor of Physics Lock Haven University of PA
Overview • 2001-2003 Developing an Applied Physics Nanotechnology Track • 2003 Summer Module Development Workshop • 2003-4 Microfluidic Module Development at PSU laboratory facility • 2004-5 Capital Funding Infusion to PASSHE by the NMT partnership to acquire key equipment to continue to implement laboratory modules, Microfluidic Module and Nanoparticle synthesis Module • 2005-6 Implementation of the AAS Degree Program, DCED funding to PASSHE to implement Self Assembly of micro beads, Stamping Lithography, DNA Self-Assembly and the Brownian Motion modules and Development of the 4+2 MOU with ESM/PSU • 2006-7 Alumni endowed scholarship for Applied Physics Nanotechnology Program and DCED funding to PASSHE to implement an OLED Module • Summary
2001-2003 Developing an Applied Physics Nanotechnology Track • Lock Haven University joins the PACAN and NMT Partnership • Aggressively push the 18 credit NMT semester course through curriculum process and develop the Applied Physics (Nanotechnology) Track within the BS Physics Degree • Started writing proposals to NSF that forced us to think about what we had to do for the full implementation of the track • Recognized the need for further laboratory based courses in Nanotechnology and the need for student research that allowed application of the techniques to real world problems
2003 Summer Module Development Workshop at PSU • Under the leadership of Steve Fonash and funded by NSF a group of faculty spent a couple of weeks at PSU developing ideas for possible advanced labs • PASSHE was directly involved since they also had realized the need for upper division laboratory activities beyond the NMT semester that can be implemented at the home institution • We came back from this workshop with a list of possible laboratories that can be implemented at relatively low cost
2003-4 Microfluidic Module Development at PSU laboratory facility • Lock Haven University (Anura) volunteered to lead this effort for PASSHE as it was only 35 minutes from the facility and we had a student (James Simpson) who was interested in working on the problem • With the assistance of PSU (Amy and Matt) James and Anura were able to develop the microfluidic module that was originally designed at the summer workshop
2004-5 Capital Funding Infusion to PASSHE • Lock Haven, California and Millersville receives AFM microscopes • Lock Haven University provides leadership to implement Microfluidic Module (Anura – Lock Haven Physics) and a new Nanoparticle Synthesis Module (Jackie Whitling - Lock Haven Chemistry) at seven universities in PASSHE that involves a large acquisition of equipment • Develops and implements a Thin Film Technology course aimed at the Applied Physics (Nanotechnology) BS degree • Develops a new AAS program in Nanotechnology to open the door to other science students • This allow us to easily incorporate 23-27 extra credits on top of any BS degree program through two tracks (Biological Sciences & Physical Sciences)
2004-5 Capital Funding Infusion to PASSHE Cont. • Lock Haven University develops new laboratory space for the Nanotechnology Program
Developments in 2005-6 Implementation of the AAS degree • University is now able to infuse start up funding for the program and three hours of release time for the Director of the Program (Anura) • Increasing student levels in general and the new program in particular warrants hiring of two new tenure track faculty for nanotechnology • Breaking with tradition Lock Haven University decides to hire faculty with more research experience than teaching • Recruitment levels are set out that allows funding to be sustained in the long term through student equipment money • Anura starts working with the Director of Teacher Education at Lock Haven to make outreach efforts to local school districts to build a recruiting pipeline, a subject of another unfunded NSF STEP proposal • Continue to increase laboratory space to five new labs
Developments in 2005-6 Cont. • DCED funding to PASSHE toDevelop and Implement Self Assembly of Micro Beads (Allen Armstrong-Shippensburg Physics), Stamping Lithography (Jeremiah Mbindyo-Millersville Chemistry), DNA Self-Assembly (Jackie Whitling-Lock Haven Chemistry) and the Brownian Motion (Dongdong Jia-Lock Haven Physics) modules across seven universities in PASSHE. Lead institution is Lock Haven • The equipment acquired is used in other labs in the nanotechnology programs in addition to their principle role. This allow us to develop another new advanced laboratory course and to promote more avenues for student research at Lock Haven • Both new faculty brings outside funding and supervise more student in research, reflected by the developing publication list.
Developments in 2005-6 Cont. • Nanotech Interdisciplinary Faculty Group is formed and a monthly forum, Nanotech Seminar Series, for discussion of both student and faculty research comes into existence. With biology and chemistry students participating in research this was necessary and timely.
Developments in 2005-6 Cont. Development of the 4+2 MOU with ESM/PSU allows, • better students in Physics/Applied Physics to enter the ESM department for the MS degree funded by assistantships • Lock Haven students opportunity to do paid summer research at PSU • development of two new upper division courses in Optoelectronics and Materials Science at Lock Haven that will transfer to the MS degree • ESM Equipment access to Lock Haven faculty and students • annual Speakers from ESM to visit Lock Haven • sabbatical placements to Lock Haven faculty
Developments in 2006-7 • Two students enter the MS program with full assistantships under the 4+2 MOU • Two new upper division courses in Optoelectronics and Material Science are taught for the first time at Lock Haven • Alumni endowed scholarship for Applied Physics Nanotechnology Program • Administration funds the purchase of a SEM, allowing more research opportunities for our students in multiple disciplines • DCED funding to PASSHE to implement an OLED Module (Dongdong Jia-Lock Haven Physics) • Nano Club is formed by students and a industry tour is planned for spring 07 • Submitted a NSF STEM Scholarship proposal to build a Nanoscience Honors program at Lock Haven and to start building partnerships with industry with the support of PSU • Lock Haven will also be resubmitting a NSF STEP proposal this year that is the subject of a recruitment pipeline with neighboring school districts
Developments in 2006-7 Cont. The first Nanoscience Open House for high school students is held in Fall for 61 science students from three school districts and another is planned for Spring. Event included a demonstration show by nanotech students, tour of the campus, tour of the nanotech labs, lunch and a Physics Demonstration Show by the physics students.
Summary • Currently thirty two students in the nanotechnology programs, one third in physics and two thirds from other science disciplines, a key result of implementing the AAS program • Graduates by the end of this semester will be 13 with six from the Applied Physics (Nanotechnology) BS degree and seven from the AAS in Nanotechnology who graduated with a BS in Biology or Chemistry at the same time. At present we do not have any AAS Nanotechnology only graduates. • By implementing the AAS degree we were able to provide a better structure for the support of nanotechnology programs compatible with other departments while still remaining housed in Physics. • Our programming efforts has led us in the direction of an interdisciplinary model for the implementation of nanotechnology into science programs. This has forced us to offer the Thin Films course, a core course, from a qualitative approach by implementing some of the modules developed by DCED funding and developing a few modules of our own.
Summary Cont. • By hiring faculty with research experience we have been able to jump start student research activities that we believe are critical to applying lessons learned to real world problems. • Nano Club activities, Open House events and Nanoscience Seminar Series are helping to provide identity and peer mentoring that have resulted in a 87% retention rate. • By pooling all available resources under one umbrella a small university like Lock Haven was able to buy and maintain several expensive pieces of equipment that are accessible to all science students and programs. • From the education point of view we are now producing students who have a broader technical knowledge than in the traditional programs that we believe will make them think outside the box, a very valuable asset to any future employer.
Summary Cont. • We have learnt a lot by writing proposals even though a majority of them were unfunded. These activities has brought us constructive criticism from peers that we have used to adjust our programs accordingly. • The next step that we are taking is to make our equipment more accessible for other science disciplines, particularly the SEM. This way we will get more support from colleagues in recruitment for the nanotech programs since it is not taking students away from any program but can be viewed as a training program for their students. • We hope to continue our Nanoscience Open Houses that will provide a basis for a recruitment pipeline. • PSU’s nurturing of the NMT program and its partners was the key to success at Lock Haven
Recent Publications and Presentations • U.S. Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/753, 807 filed December 23, 2005 for Multi-Dimensional Nanostructure Arrays and Methods for Fabrication and use thereof by Dongdong Jia and Anura Goonewardene • Two-dimensional nanotriangle and nanoring arrays on silicon wafer, D. Jia and A. Goonewardene, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 (2006) 053105 • The time, size, viscosity, and temperature dependence of the Brownian motion of polystyrene microspheres,Dongdong Jia, Jonathon Hamilton, Lenu M. Zaman, and Anura Goonewardene, Am. J. Phys. 75 (2), 111-115 (2006). • Thin-film nanocapacitor and its characterization, David N. Hunter, Shawn L. Pickering and Dongdong Jia, Euro. J. Phys. accepted (2006). • Thin-film device fabrication and characterization, A. Goonewardene, J. E. Weyant, C. V. Shaffer, D. Jia, and M. Tzolov, Am. J. Phys. with editors (2006). • Long persistent LED indicator, D. N. Hunter and D. Jia, Euro. J. Phys. accepted (2006)
Recent Publications and Presentations Cont. • Behavior of TiO2 thin film in a nanocapacitor, Dongdong Jia, A. Goonewardene, C. Shaffer, S. Pickering and X. J. Wang, 1st Conference on Luminescent properties of nanomaterials, Hainan, China. accepted (2006). • Glancing Angle Deposition of Cu on Si, Dustin Kern, Lenu Zaman, Sean Gephart, Anura Goonewardene, Dongdong Jia, APS Ohio section, Fall Meeting, OH (2006) • Nano Motor Construction, Craig Shaffer, Shawn Pickering, Dongdong Jia , Anura U. Goonewardene, APS Ohio section, Fall Meeting, OH (2006) • Polyethylene films doped with nanophosphors for green house, Justin Wilhelm, David Hunter, Tyler Laudenslager and Dongdong Jia, APS Ohio section, Fall Meeting, OH (2006) • Getting DNS by using Silver Spears, Samantha Selgrath, Tyler Laudenslager, Dongdong Jia, APS Ohio section, Fall Meeting, OH (2006) • Preparation of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Fieldon Daubert, Marian Tzolov, Christopher Sanchez, Jared Adolf-Bryfogle and Ray Sturdevant, OH (2006)
Recent Publications and Presentations Cont. • Two Dimensional Micro Honeycomb and Nanoring Array, D. Jia, J. Weyant, C. V. Shaffer and A. Goonewardene, AVS 53rd meeting, San Francisco CA (2006). • YAG:Ce3+ Nanophosphor Synthesized with Salted Sol-Gel Method, D. Jia, C. V. Shaffer, J. E. Weyant, A. Goonewardene, X. Guo, Y. Wang, X. Guo, K. K. Li, Y. K. Zou and W. Jia, Nano Sci. and Tech. Inov. Spring Meeting, Boston, MA 2006. • Sulfide Phosphors for LED white light sources, D. Jia, A. Goonewardene, J. Weyant, W. Jia, K. Li, K. Zou, X. Guo and Y. Wang, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco CA (2006). • Preparation of Green, Yellow and Red Long Persistent Nanophosphors, D. Jia, J. Wilhelm, J. Freed, D. E. Best and A. Goonewardene, ECS Transaction 2, Denver, CO (2006). • “Nanotechnology in the State System of Higher Education” Anura Goonewardene, at the Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association Annual Conference (PSTA) in Hershey, PA. We also setup a booth at this conference to advertise our Nanotechnology and Science programs where some of our Nanotechnology students participated; December 2005 and again in December 2006.