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EN ISO 18104:2003 Integration of a reference terminology model for nursing – Review proposal

EN ISO 18104:2003 Integration of a reference terminology model for nursing – Review proposal. Anne Casey RN MSc FRCN Editor, Paediatric Nursing Adviser in Informatics Standards to the Royal College of Nursing Clinical Lead, NHS (England) Information Standards Board. ISO review policy.

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EN ISO 18104:2003 Integration of a reference terminology model for nursing – Review proposal

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  1. EN ISO 18104:2003 Integration of a reference terminology model for nursing – Review proposal Anne Casey RN MSc FRCN Editor, Paediatric Nursing Adviser in Informatics Standards to the Royal College of Nursing Clinical Lead, NHS (England) Information Standards Board

  2. ISO review policy • Five years (or sooner if required) • Possible Outcomes: • Re-approve without revision • Revise • Withdraw • Two issues for 18104 review: • Still required? what justification for 1 or 2 above • Discipline specific standard at international level

  3. Purpose and scope in 2003 to establish a nursing reference terminology model consistent with the goals and objectives of other specific health terminology models in order to provide a more unified reference health model. Potential uses: • representation of nursing diagnosis and nursing action concepts ..for computer processing, • facilitate the construction of nursing terminologies • facilitate the mapping among terminologies including interface terminologies and statistical classifications, • enable the systematic evaluation of terminologies • integration with other reference terminology models and with information models.

  4. Nursing diagnosis

  5. Nursing action

  6. Collaboration with professional stakeholders • CEN TC215 WG II and ISO TC215 WG3 (Vienna Agreement) • International medical Informatics Association – Nursing Informatics group (IMIA-NI) • International Council of Nurses (ICN) • International nursing terminology summit (Nashville TermSum) • Association for Common European Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes (ACENDIO)

  7. Relevant interim developments • ISO 22789 Conceptual framework for patient findings and problems in terminologies • EN 1828 Categorial structure for terminologies of surgical procedures (Revision underway) • EN 13940-1 System of concepts to support continuity of care — Part 1: Basic concepts • ISO 17115 Vocabulary of Terminology and possible revision of 12264 Categorial structures for systems of concepts • ISO TC 215 Common glossary • TC 8 revised standards and TR 24156 – UML modelling

  8. Proposal • Discussed at IMIA-NI committee meeting • ICN and ACENDIO committed; also on agenda at Terminology Summit in June • Recommendation from IMIA –NI: prepare a revision • Justification: since 2003 • has informed major terminological systems (nursing elements of SNOMED CT, International Classification for Nursing practice ICNP etc) • Process benefit of broad engagement of nursing in international standards activity – message of inclusion

  9. Proposal • 3 part review • utility of the standard based on reports of its use • comparison with ISO 22789 and EN 1828 • implications of other interim developments • Outcome • Revision of 18104 • Report on implications of changes (migration issues for those using 18104 today) • Input to consideration of ‘generic intervention standard’

  10. Outcome of proposal Motion to TC215 to undertake revision • WG3 lead with IMIA-NI co-ordination • Timelines – to be decided • Participation • Nursing professional groups as well as TC215 nominated experts. IMIA-NI request to Summit for input

  11. Form 4 submission ..with evidence of use - literature (e.g. ICNP catalogue development guidance) Comparison of categorial structures First draft revision (incorporating feedback from ISO ballot & users) WG3 meets in Turkey in October Anne Casey Amy Coenan Summit? ?? author Next Steps

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