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Biochemistry. Chem-160. Lipids. Macromolecules. Lipids 1. Monomer: __________ 2. Polymer: ___________ 3. Structure:______________________ ________________________________ 4. Uses: ________________________ 5. Examples: ____________________. fatty acid. lipid or fat.

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  1. Biochemistry Chem-160 Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  2. Lipids Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  3. Macromolecules • Lipids • 1. Monomer: __________ • 2. Polymer: ___________ • 3. Structure:______________________ ________________________________ • 4. Uses: ________________________ • 5. Examples: ____________________ fatty acid lipid or fat 3 long chains of carbon hydrogen on a glycerol molecule energy, structure, warmth fat, oil, cholesterol Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  4. Examples of Lipids Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  5. PROTEINS Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  6. Introduction • Condensed polymers formed from amino acids • Complex biological polymers • Haemoglobin, responsible for transporting oxygen around your body has a formula C2952 H4664 O832 N812 S8 Fe4 Mol. Mass 65000 Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  7. Collagen is the major structural protein in our bodies • It is made up of three chains, each around 1000 amino acids long, coiled round each other in a triple helix • Having very ordered structures • They are involved in every biological process Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  8. Antibodies , enzymes and haemoglobin are all water soluble molecules • Keratin and collagen are insoluble • Proteins make up 18% of the mass of the average person • Fats make up 18% of the mass of the average person • Carbohydrates make up 0.5% of the mass of the average person • Others 4.5% Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  9. Functions • Myosin Actin muscle contraction muscle tissues • Chymotrypson digestive enzymes pepsin small intestine stomach • Insulin hormone blood Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  10. Imunoglobulins antibodies blood • Collagen structural proteins Keratin skin, tendon hair • Haemoglobin transport blood Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  11. Ferritin storage bone marrow liver, spleen • Proteins are unbranched polymer chains • Made by linking together large numbers(100-~1000s) of amino acid monomer units by peptide bonds, refer to as Polypeptide chains Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  12. III. Macromolecules • D. Protein • 1. Monomer: _______________ • 2. Polymer: _____________________ • 3. Structure:______________________ ________________________________ • 4. Uses: ________________________ • 5. Examples: ____________________ amino acid (20) protein or polypeptide central carbon atom with hydrogen, amine, carboxyl, & R groups structure, emergency energy skin, insulin, enzymes Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  13. Examples of Proteins Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  14. Nucleic Acids Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  15. Macromolecules • E. Nucleic Acids • 1. Monomer: _______________ • 2. Polymer: ___________ • 3. Structure:______________________ ________________________________ • 4. Uses: ___________________ • 5. Examples: _______________ nucleotide (5) nucleic acid 5-carbon sugar attached to nitrogen base and phosphate group stores genetic code DNA and RNA Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  16. Examples of Nucleic Acids Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  17. ATP Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  18. ATP adenosine triphosphate • A. ATP stands for _____________________ • B. Cells use ATP as a __________________ • C. Made of adenine with ___ phosphates • D. Lots of energy is stored in the bond between _____________________________ • E. When this bond is broken, tremendous energy is released. • F. The pieces are then reassembled, storing more energy for another use. rechargeable battery 3 the second and third phosphates Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  19. Examples of ATP Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  20. ENZYMES Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  21. Enzymes • A. Special proteins that speed chemical reactions • 1. Chemical reactions require a certain _______________ to get started. • 2. Enzymes decrease this energy, making reactions occur faster. activation energy Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  22. Enzymes • Lock-and-Key Model • Enzymes are not used up by the reaction, but each can only work on one reaction (________________). • This is called the lock-and-key model of enzymes. An enzyme is like a _____ which can open exactly one _____. If you want to “unlock” another reaction, you need a different enzyme. enzyme specificity key lock Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  23. Enzymes Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

  24. Enzymes • Factors which affect enzymes • 1. _____________--enzymes, like all proteins, change shape when exposed to heat or cold. Each has an optimal temperature range. • 2. ____--all enzymes have an optimal range of pH Example: stomach • 3. _____________--having more enzymes makes the reaction faster. Temperature pH Concentration Dr Seemal Jelani Chem-114

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