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Introduction to Biomaterials: Applications & Principles

Gain insights into biomaterials, their types, applications, and biocompatibility principles. Explore materials like metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites used in medical devices. Learn about biomaterial history, current market status, and future directions. Understand the concept of biocompatibility and factors impacting biomaterial performance in the body.

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Introduction to Biomaterials: Applications & Principles

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  1. BIOMATERIALSENT 219 Course overview Prepared by: Nur Farahiyah Binti Mohammad Update: 8th September 2015 Email : farahiyah@unimap.edu.my

  2. Course structure • Course code: ENT 219 • Number of unit: 3 • Lecturer: Miss Nur Farahiyah Mohammad • Teaching Engineer: Mrs Faridah Hassan • Lesson plan

  3. Course Outcome (CO) • CO1: Ability to describe the concept of biocompatibility and analyze basic properties of materials in medical applications. • CO2: Ability to propose the suitable materials for specific biomedical applications and explain their effects with respect to biocompatibility. • CO3: Ability to discuss biomaterials-tissue interactions, illustrate the main components of biomedical implants and justify the important characteristics of the implanted materials.

  4. Course assessment • Peperiksaan/ Examination: 70% • Mid Term Examination = 10% • Final Examination = 60% • Kerja kursus/course work: 30% • Laboratory – 3 labs • Assignments -2 assignments • Quizzes

  5. BIOMATERIALSENT 311/4 Lecture 1: Introduction to Biomaterials Prepared by: Nur Farahiyah Binti Mohammad Update: 8th September 2015 Email : farahiyah@unimap.edu.my

  6. Objective • Define biomaterials • Describe type of biomaterial and applications • Define and describe biocompatibility principle • Explain factors contribute to the performance of biomaterials in the body.

  7. Metals Ceramics Polymers Composites Skin/cartilage Drug Delivery Devices Ocular implants Bone replacements Orthopedic screws/fixation Heart valves MATERIALS Dental Implants Dental Implants Biosensors Implantable Microelectrodes

  8. Definitions of biomaterials • A material intended to interface with biological systems to evaluate, treat, augment, or replace any tissue, organ or function of the body(The Williams Dictionary of Biomaterials, 1999). • Any substance (other than drugs) or combination of substance , synthetic or natural origin, which can be used for any period of time, as a whole or as a part of a system which treats, augments, or replace any tissue, organ or function of the body (The Williams Dictionary of Biomaterials, 1999).

  9.  September 2009, a more advanced definition was introduced: “A biomaterial is a substance that has been engineered to take a form which, alone or as part of a complex system, is used to direct, by control of interactions with components of living systems, the course of any therapeutic or diagnostic procedure, in human or veterinary medicine”(Williams, D. F. 2009. On the nature of biomaterials. Biomaterials, 30(30), p. 5897-5909). Definitions of biomaterials

  10. Biomaterials history

  11. Biomaterials history

  12. Current status of the field • The global market for biomaterials is estimated at $44.0 billion in 2012 and is poised to grow at a CAGR of 15% from 2012 to 2017 to reach $88.4 billion by 2017. (http://www.marketsandmarkets.com/PressReleases/global-biomaterials.asp)

  13. Current status of the field • Cardiovascular area: • approximately 100,00 replacement heart valves and 300,000 vascular graft implanted per year in US. • Artificial joints replacements: • Over 500,000 artificial joint replacements, such as knee or hip, are implanted yearly in United States.

  14. Future Directions • Starting 1960s-1970s • The first generation of biomaterials was designed to be inert, or not reactive with the body • Decreasing the potential for negative immune response to the implant. • In 1990’s until now • Materials designed to be bioactive, interacting in positive manner with the body to promote localized healing.

  15. Future Directions • Development of “smart” material which can help guide the biological response in the implant area. • Design of injectable materials that can applied locally and with minimal pain to the patient. • New set of nano-structured biomaterials for nano-scale objects as reinforcing agents.

  16. Performance of biomaterials • The success of biomaterials in the body depends on factors such as: • Material properties • Design of the implants • Biocompatibility of the materials • Technique used by the surgeon • Health and condition of the patient • Patient activities

  17. The Concept of Biocompatibility • Definition of biocompatibility: “Biocompatibility is the ability of a material to perform with an appropriate host response in a specific application” (William, 1987).

  18. The Concept of Biocompatibility • Biocompatibility characteristic: • Biocompatibility involves the acceptance of an artificial implant by the surrounding tissues and by the body as a whole. • Biocompatible materials • Do not irritate the surrounding structures • Do not provoke an abnormal inflammatory response • Do not incite allergic or immunologic reactions • Do not cause cancer

  19. The Concept of Biocompatibility • Biocompatible materials have adequate mechanical properties. • Biocompatible materials have appropriate optical properties (eye). • Biocompatible materials have appropriate density.

  20. Biomaterial Application in Human Body

  21. Biomaterial Application in Human Body

  22. Application of Biomaterials • Biomaterials that will be used may be considered from the point of view of the problem area that is to be solved:

  23. Application of Biomaterials • Biomaterials that will be used may be considered from the point of view of the organ that will need to be replaced or improve:

  24. Type of Biomaterials

  25. Type of Biomaterials

  26. Type of Biomaterials

  27. Classification of biomaterials • Based on the reaction of the tissue to the biomaterials, biomaterials are classified into: • A bioinert material is one that has minimal interaction with the surrounding tissues once it has been implanted within the human body. Example: Stainless steel, alumina, UHMWPE. • A bioactive material is one that interacts and forms a strong interface with the surrounding tissues once it has been placed within the human body. Example: hydroxyapatite, glass-ceramic. • The term bioresorbable refers to a material that dissolves and is gradually replaced by natural tissue once it has been implanted within the human body. Example: Tricalcium phosphate, polylactic-plyglycolic acid copolymers.

  28. The End

  29. Supplementary slide

  30. Examples of Biomaterials application • Artificial hip joint • Needed because natural joint wear out. • Replacement hip joint are implanted in more than 90 000 humans each year in US. • Fabricated from titanium, ceramics, composite, UHMWPE. • After 10-15 years, the implant may loose, require another operation.

  31. Examples of Biomaterials application • Prosthetic Heart valve • Fabricated from carbon, metal, elastomers, fabrics, natural valves and tissue chemically pre-treated.

  32. Show good performance as soon as the valve is implanted but have some problems: • Degeneration of tissue • Mechanical failure • Postoperative infection • Induction of blood cloth

  33. Examples of Biomaterials application • Intraocular lenses (IOL) • Used to replace a natural lense when it become cloudy due to cataract formation. • Fabricated of poly (methyl methacrylate), silicone elastomer, soft acrylic polymers or hydrogels. • Complication: IOL stimulate outgrowth cells from the posterior lens capsule → cloud the vision.

  34. Sutures

  35. Vascular graft

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